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    PCSX2 0.9.5 SVN Rev. 302 released

    By Robert,

    PS2 emulator


    Noteable changes in this beta:


    * Fix for other DMC1 version (see forum dwellers, i told you 302 would fix it )


    Including fixes from 277-301:


    * Fix for neopets/tenchu problems introduced recently

    * GT4 crashes might be reduced now when using ZeroGS (GSDX will still crash)

    * Some aging rec bugs have been fixed, not sure what games it effects

    * Few counter changes effecting DMC1 and Mojo Ribbon, possibly others.

    * Fixed a small bug in Tokyo road race

    >> Get it HERE.

    ArkaMAME 0.123.1 and Madda's MAME 0.123 released

    By Robert,

    EmuLoader 5.3.1 released

    By Robert,

    Front End


    version 5.3.1 change log - February 11, 2008




    * Screenshots alpha blend was disabled

    * Crash when scanning ZiNc and Daphne games lists

    * Games with multiple controls were not being properly filtered when using "Control Type" filters (main menu "Games Filters")




    * Files renamed/moved:

    -> from "\ini_files\favorites\default.ico" to "\resources\main_icons\favorite_user.ico"

    -> from "\resources\tray_icons\el_icon1.ico" to "\resources\main_icons\trayicon.ico"




    * "Bad Dump" / "No Dump" info in scan results screen for each ROM/CHD

    * Display screenshots is a lot faster

    * The "no snaphshot" image is shown only when the first screenshot is missing. When using previous/next buttons, if screenshot is not found, the last one loaded is not removed

    * Hint for previous/next screenshot buttons

    * Even more source code cleanup and optimizations




    * URL label link on top of game documents window/panel


    Files deleted:


    -> Folder: "\resources\main_icons\" "leftpanel_root.ico"

    Folder and all its files "\resources\tray_icons\" deleted

    New MAME snaps filename format. Only the old "fullgamename0000.ext" is supported from now on (use the new "Convert Snapshots" feature to avoid renaming all files manually)

    Icon files from favorites feature. No more custom favorites icons




    * Multi-screenshots layouts!!!!!!!!! View up to 3 screenshots at the same time

    -> Features:

    - set what image types to use for each layout using the "Customize" menu item in the new "layouts" tool bar button

    - switch layouts easily using the new "layout" tool bar button

    - resize each image using the splitters

    - settings are saved in the new "[front-end]\ini_files\screenshot_layouts.ini" file

    - each image panel use the background color configured in preferences screen

    - each image panel have a hint with its type description so you know what is being shown (just pass the mouse thru the image)

    - features disabled multi-screenshots is enabled: "filename / resolution label"; "change image types"

    - use the new "Reset Screenshots Sizes" menu item (images popup menu) to center the splitters into the screenshots preview area (current layout only!)

    - use the same image type in more than one place

    * New Delphi component, "RichEditURL". URL detection is within the game document text now :( No HTML tags support though.

    * New setting: "Set All Games as Available (Scan Games)" (preferences screen) See the help button next to this setting for more info...

    * New feature: "convert snapshots from MAME to EL format" (main menu "Images")

    - Use this to convert all your "gamename\0000.png" snapshots to "fullgamename0000.png"

    * Added the "Screen Resolution" column back (1st screen only). You need to re-create your games lists again. I will not add refresh rate though

    * Warning: you must delete all your games lists and columns profiles before using this new build if you are upgrading from v5.3 or EL will crash!

    * New button in screenshots tool bar to resize its area so only description column is visible

    * Driver "m52.c" into the "Irem Old School" filter for "Moon Patrol" game

    >> Get it HERE.

    MamePlayer 1.8.6 released

    By Robert,

    Front End



    * Removed "Add Root" from Paths/Directories dialog.

    * Fixed: "." can no longer be deleted or changed from inipath.

    * Added a check for "." within inipath (".;" will be prefixed if not found).

    * Fixed joystick select becoming disabled after showing the about dialog.

    * Added: the picture area now shows snapshot_directory\setname\0000.png by default, unless you are showing pictures like flyers, then pictures will take precedence over snaps.

    * Added: scroll buttons to the picture area to allow scrolling through snaps for given set.

    * Added: Delete and Rename snapshot menu items to the picture area's context menu.

    >> Get it HERE.

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