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    Nintendo Wii officially HACKED without modchip!

    By Alpha,

    It's official folks. The proof of the recently announced "Twilight Princess" game hack is now available. All you need is an SD Card. After that, transfer the exploit on the SD card, and boot the save the game using The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. After walking Link (the game character) a few steps after you loaded the save game, the screen will go black, and the proof of concept will appear before your eyes! Helloooooo World!


    The only problem with this hack is that it can possibly be patched by Nintendo through firmware upgrades. However, no one is entirely sure if Nintendo could patch it because the exploit could be exclusive to the game disc.


    "Team Twiizers", who are the author of this "Twilight Princess" hack, end their YouTube video with a message that there will soon be ELF Loaders (to load homebrew apps) and much more available.


    "Team Twiizers" have just released a hacked save file for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess that allows unsigned code to run. It requires nothing more than an SD card and a copy of Twilight Princess -- no hardware modding needed. Check out the video above, which features not only a demonstration of the hack at work, but also some neat chiptunes from Thomas Detert.


    This is just a proof of concept at the moment, but at the end of the video, the group promises an ELF loader, which would allow the Wii to run Linux. This isn't the first time someone has hacked the Wii, but it is the first time the tools have been made available. We look forward to the inevitable rush of neat Wii homebrew applications, if this hack is actually developed to a useful stage.


    More info: http://wiibrew.org/index.php?title=Twilight_Hack

    Source: http://www.nintendowiifanboy.com/2008/02/1...eases-homebrew/

    SSF Ver0.09 alpha R4 released

    By Robert,

    Saturn emulator


    >> Get it HERE.



    Here is the changelog, thanks to iq_132


    Not much has changed...

    SSF Ver0.09 alpha R4

    SCU end of the DMA interrupt handling fixed.

    VDP1 reset process fixed.

    VDP2 back screen processing fixed.


    Savestate data changed version.


    After ERADAIAROGU but not to end.

    However, the execution is continuing.


    SCU end of the DMA and interrupt generation timing is off as production,

    Delay ON / OFF established option.

    Most software is slowing down is not necessary,

    BAKU Animal BAKU, including some software is required.

    Plus4emu released

    By Robert,

    Commdore Plus/4 emulator


    Changes in version



    * fixed some minor TED emulation bugs

    >> Get it HERE.

    AmiArcadia / WinArcadia 5.52 released

    By Robert,

    Multi-system emulator


    AmiArcadia emulates the Emerson Arcadia 2001 (Bandai, Emerson, Grandstand,

    Intervision, Leisure-Vision, Leonardo, MPT-03, Ormatu, Palladium, Poppy,

    Robdajet, Tele-Fever, Tempest, Tryom, Tunix, etc.) and Interton VC 4000

    (Acetronic, Fountain, Interton, Prinztronic, Rowtron, Voltmace,

    Waddington, etc.) console families, and the Elektor TV Games Computer.





    Changes since 5.51:

    . Real-time controls display (AmiArcadia).

    . New ARexx commands: GETMACHINE, VIEW (AmiArcadia only).

    . Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.

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