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    NeoRaine 1.0.0 released

    By Robert,

    Neogeo CD emulator


    This is a first release.


    The downloads, requirements and other details can be seen HERE.

    Raine 0.50.6 released

    By Robert,

    Arcade emulator


    raine (0.50.6) unstable; urgency=low


    * Fixed puzznic crashing when trying to change the dipswitches (extremely old bug reported by Stephh)

    * starscream is upgraded to 0.26d, while still keeping the changes for raine...

    * it was impossible to revert to windowed mode by using the fullscreen command of the gui in windows

    * When a game had a few regions available + some cheats, the cheats were loaded again at the end of the currently loaded ones every time the region was changed !!! With this behaviour it was very easy to crash !

    >> Get it HERE.

    ClrMamePro 3.108b released

    By Robert,

    Rom Manager


    clrmamepro 3.108b


    * misc: removing parent/clone relationships for sets which got nodump roms in one and valid dumps (for the same roms) in a clone/parent set. Prevents from overwriting each other when merging.

    * fixed: showing wrong (clone) color for removed parent/clone relationship sets in setinformation tree

    * fixed: memory leak when leaving with "The program is already running!" message

    * fixed: rare crash in system->auto detect sysdef paths

    >> Get it HERE.

    QMC2 0.1.b11 released

    By Robert,

    QMC2 is a Qt 4 based UNIX MAME frontend supporting both XMAME and SDLMAME.


    This is release 0.1.b11 of QMC2, which we proudly present to the public!


    QMC2 0.1.b11 is a major milestone on our way to a final 0.1 release. There are just a few features left which need to be implemented until 0.1 final can be released.


    The current release includes a lot of bug fixes, some major improvements and many new and important features. The most important ones are:


    * Import & export of global and game-specific MAME configurations

    * PNG game icons

    * Support for BIOS ROMs

    * Gamelist cache (tremendous speed-up at reload)

    * Support for alternative image sets

    * Shortcut & GUI control key remapper


    CHANGES - v0.1.b11, 24-DEC-2007

    * fix = general bug fixes

    * imp = improved functionality

    * new = newly added functionality

    * doc = documentation changes

    * inf = informational only


    v0.1.b11, 24-DEC-2007:


    * fix: long timeout on exit for Qt 4.3+ fixed

    * fix: fixed processing of BIOS ROMs due to changes to the XML output since MAME 0.117u2 (older MAME releases are still supported)

    * fix: save & clear current game's MAME configuration on gamelist reload (if open)

    * fix: reset horizontal scrollbars on log-updates (minor bug)

    * fix: don't freeze GUI if MAME executable is specified incorrectly

    * fix: correctly update ROM statistics for an individual ROM check (thanks to Christopher Stone for reporting this bug)

    * fix: correctly honor custom color palettes for GUI styles (which can be setup with qtconfig)

    * fix: minor translation fixes

    * fix: corrected (hidden) selection of filtered games

    * fix: worked around a Qt bug when POS1/Home is pressed and the first item in the gamelist is hidden due to ROM state filtering; QMC2 now selects the first VISIBLE entry instead

    * fix: fixed several item selection bugs when changing between lists (gamelist, search results, favorites and play history) - note that this fix is only effective, if Qt 4.3+ is used

    * fix: when switching back to the (full-detail) gamelist view, the next item selection issued by a mouse-click wasn't correctly recognized

    * fix: corrected unwanted double paint-event when selecting games through the parent/clone hierarchy view

    * fix: make MAME executable setting unchangeable during gamelist reload

    * fix: avoid temporary game reselection when adding a game to the play history (at game start)

    * fix: corrected focus issues when switching between lists

    * fix: when the ROM state filter was setup to hide ALL states, QMC2 crashed under certain circumstances

    * fix: corrected save/restore of game selection in the case that ALL ROM states are filtered

    * fix: corrected build issues due to type-ambiguity on certain 32-bit platforms (like Win32)

    * imp: SDLMAME options-template updated to 0.122 (several new settings, some removed or replaced)

    * imp: added Qt version, selected MAME target and language code to greeting string (see frontend log)

    * imp: removed some useless/annoying tool tips

    * imp: build: alphabetical output for make help and make config

    * imp: ghost image scaled down by 50% (faster)

    * imp: several layout improvements for configuration dialog

    * imp: delay search by 250ms so it doesn't hamper the user when he/she is quickly typing a pattern

    * imp: speed up for ROM state filter by iterating over the internal gamelist item map instead of the QTreeWidget itself

    * imp: exchanged QAction::activated() with QAction::triggered()

    * imp: code cleanup / macro consolidation (see macros.h)

    * imp: faster game selection by search, favorites and history lists

    * imp: delay game preview/flyer/config updates by a configurable amount of milliseconds to better sync to item selection in all lists

    * imp: change to gamelist tab if F5 or F6 is pressed

    * new: import/export from/to mame.ini/gamename.ini (SDLMAME) and xmamerc/gamenamerc (XMAME)

    * new: added ROMAlyzer script from Carsten Engel (see scripts/romalyzer.pl) - WORK IN PROGRESS

    * new: BIOS ROMs are now also supported (but obviously cannot be run); the ROM status icon will contain a white "B" to indicate that this is a BIOS (when using the classic image set)

    * new: determination of MAME and configuration template version (see frontend log)

    * new: added gamelist cache to speed up reload process; the cache will be automagically recreated if the MAME version changes or QMC2 thinks the cache is invalid / out-of-date

    * new: added optional sample-path setup to welcome dialog

    * new: added new setting RetryLoadingImages: if unset, QMC2 will cache the ghost image where no images were found (default: true, current behaviour)

    * new: added new setting StandardColorPalette: if unset, QMC2 will use the custom palette which may have been setup with qtconfig (default: true, current behaviour)

    * new: image set support - select at compile time with new IMGSET variable (default "classic", alternative image sets "crazy" and "crazy-black" by Armin Schmidhuber)

    * new: added new setting AutoTriggerROMCheck: if set, QMC2 will automatically trigger a ROM check if neccessary (default: false, current behaviour)

    * new: reload gamelist automatically if MAME executable changes

    * new: added new setting UpdateDelay; controls the delay in milliseconds between a game's selection and the update of its preview, flyer or MAME configuration

    * new: if Qt 4.3+ is used, QMC2 will now save & restore the header states of all tree-widgets, except the game specific MAME configuration widget which is too temporary to be valuable for save/restore

    * new: added remap function for shortcuts & GUI control keys

    * doc: todo: define missing features for 0.1 final, add planned features for 0.2 series

    >> Get it HERE.

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