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    Mame Classic 5.0.0 released

    By Robert,

    Front End


    New In This Version

    (For M.A.M.E. version 0.119-0.122)


    Fixed an issue where all of the text in the .txt files could become bold if you switched from one to another without returning to the game list first.

    >> Get it HERE.

    No$GBA 2.6 released

    By Robert,

    GBA / DS emulator


    18 December 2007 - version 2.6


    No$gba v2.6 3d software rendering (circa 2x faster than opengl)


    Faster rendering is mainly relevant to games that do not support frameskip (eg. games that use video capture to output 3d graphics to both screens) from my testings, games with two-dimensional polygon graphics are ca. 2x faster than with opengl (that including the cpu emulation, so the 'raw' rendering is apparently a lot faster). games with three-dimensional graphics are somewhat 1.6x faster than with opengl. above values are meant relative to microsoft's generic opengl driver, timings might eventually differ with drivers from other manufacturers. aside from faster emulation, the new software renderer additionally supports edge-marking, toon-table, and more accurate polygon sizes and positions. current version does still include an option for re-activing the old opengl renderer (for testing and comparision purposes) (there's also a new option to disable rendering, just to see how fast it could get without the 3d stuff).


    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: uses fast linear color/texture interpolation when w1=w2

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports perspective-correct texture (eg. eragon/demo)

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports perspective-correct rgb color interpolation

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: picks correct vertex/color/attributes on 1dot polygons

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: prevents polys at existing/possible x1=256 (off-screen)

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: allows bigger than possible rear-depth (clubhouse dart)

    - nds/3d/debug: vram viewer correctly shows swap buffers as 1st command in tree

    - nds/3d/help: added note on situations where lower/right edges are excluded

    - nds/3d/help: anti-aliasing doesn't work with (opaque) lines and wire-frames

    - nds/3d/help: anti-aliasing isn't used on edge-marked polys/lines/wire-frames

    - nds/3d/help: swap_buffers parameters are applied on the FOLLOWING gxcommands

    - nds/3d/help: swap_buffers does NOT copy re-ports (disp3dcnt/toon_table/etc)

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports w-buffering (games with reversed z working)

    - nds/3d/help: confirmed guessed texture slot locations for rear-plane bitmaps

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: allows dots on lower/right clip-boundary (off-viewport)

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: prevents polys at y1=192 or y1=negative (off-screen)

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: handles faulty viewports (exceeding 192 scanlines)

    - nds/3d: re-renders old frame on master changes (disp3dcnt or port 330h..3BFh)

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: discards correct vertex of invalid twisted |X| quads

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates edge-marking (edge_color, opaque, polygon_id)

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates correct size of line-segments and wire-frames

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates correct size of edge-marked polygons

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates correct size of translucent and opaque polys

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: enulates inwards/outwards/left/right/front/back edges

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates steep, flat, vertical, horizontal edges

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates correct rounding of screen coordinates

    - nds/3d: supports direct capture from 3d engine (instead from engine a only)

    - nds/2d/bugfixes: inits engine b on reset, fixed engine b base in vram viewer

    - nds/3d: opengl: internally breaks all polygon strips to separate polygons

    - nds/3d: buffers translucent polys, and renders them later (after opaque polys)

    - nds/3d/help: corrected polygon_attr.bit11 (affects pixels, not whole polygons)

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: stores alpha in framebuf (unlike evil generic opengl)

    - nds/3d/help: added description on clamped textures (clips to minmax 0,siz-1)

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports texture clamp, repeat, and flip-repeat modes

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: clips texcoord (only if needed; point1 or point2>max)

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports toon table (and skips green/blue calculations)

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: does texture blending (modulation,decal,toon,highlight)

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: explodes texture bitmap and renders texture by texcoord

    - nds/3d: emulates polygon_attr having no effect until next begin_vtxs command

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: renderer uses linear (quick'n'dirty) color/texcoord

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: interpolates color and texcoord (if any) on rendering

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: interpolates color and texcoord (if any) on clipping

    - nds/3d: allocates/stores color/texcoord/screencoord in each buffered vtx-entry

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: re-ensures range after clipping (for rounding errors)

    - nds/3d: vram viewer: fixed 4x4 texel texture mode1 crash (missing pusha/popa)

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: optional depth_update for translucent polys (less only)

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: optional depth_less or depth_equal rendering condition

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: interpolates depth (z) horizontally and vertically

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: initializes rear-plane rgba,depth,etc (blank or bitmap)

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: front/back/linesegment check (on first three vertices)

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: hides far-plane-intersecting (if enabled in poly_attr)

    - nds/3d: soft-renderer: clips polygons to all six sides of the view-volume

    - web/paypal: added an evil "donate 2.50 and download newest version" button

    - dos: due to the soft-renderer, dos version is now fully supporting 3d video

    - a22i: added LO (usingned lower) as alias for CC (carry clear) (thanks niels)

    >> Purchase it HERE.

    Mame 0.122

    By Robert,







    MAMETesters Bugs Fixed


    fightfev37b2gre [johnboy]

    shootgal0121u4red [couriersud]

    mk4_0121u4ora [Aaron Giles]

    tmnt2_0121u4ora [Aaron Giles]

    lcdlightgun0121u3gra [Aaron Giles]




    Source Changes


    Continued to add const qualifiers on remaining items in the project. [Atari Ace]


    Added explicit clears on Neo Geo initialization. [Haze]


    Neo Geo updates: [johnboy]

    * Added Neo-Geo game pcb info

    * Corrected a number of incorrect ROMs

    * Added MVS VERSION tag to fightfva, renamed 'P'-rom

    * Added MVS AND AES VERSION tag to joyjoy

    * Added AES VERSION tag to kof99

    * Added MVS VERSION tag to kof99a


    Cleaned up input ports for cave.c and rpunch.c. [sonikos]


    Another big dkong.c driver update: [couriersud]

    - wrote M58817 sound driver and hooked it up. Uses tms5110 speech synthesis. LPC format is identical, however coefficients seem to be different. Until coefficients are known, samples are used.

    - changed dkong/radarscp based games to use hardware-conformant I8035 memory maps

    - Added drakton clone drktnjr on dkongjr hardware

    - moved address remapping proms to REGION_USER1 (hunchbkd & co)

    - Service now adds credit

    - Hooked up coin_counters

    - remove GAME_NOT_WORKING GAME_WRONG_COLORS from hunchbkd

    - dkongjr: mapped more interface lines between sound and cpu boards

    - tagged all inputs, all reads use tag names

    - moved more static vars into dkong_state


    More major SCSP fixes: [kingshriek]

    - Rewrote much of the interpolation code

    - Improved key-rate scaling calculation

    - Fixed playback of non-looping samples with a zero loop-end address

    - Fixed backwards looping mode so that it initially reads forward until encountering the loop-start address

    - Preliminary but reasonable-sounding FM support

    - Fixed overflow in frequency calculation

    - Improved FM, but it's disabled for now because it doesn't sound right yet

    - Improved DSP wet/dry mix (should be correct now)

    - Fixed a minor LPSLNK problem


    Fixed Hopper Empty and Coin-Out Timeout issues in the peplus.c driver. [Jim Stolis]


    Removed obsolete crosshair code. [Oliver Stoneberg]


    Fixed several minor memory leaks. [Oliver Stoneberg]




    New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status


    Orbs (10/7/94 prototype?) [Tomasz Slanina]



    New clones added


    Soccer Brawl (set 2) [johnboy]

    Drakton (DKJr conversion) [couriersud]

    PSP Firmware 3.80 Released

    By BlackKnight,

    The PlayStation Portable has received an official System Software update in the form of 3.80. It features the following (useful) changes;


    * Internet Radio has been added as a feature under [Network]

    * The importing of channels in OPML format is now supported under [RSS Channels]

    * Photos can now be displayed under [RSS Channel]

    * New effects have been added to the visual player under [Music]




    Source: PSP Updates

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