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    AmiArcadia/WinArcadia 4.73 released

    By Robert,

    Multi-system emulator





    Changes since 4.72:

    . Interton and Elektor: compatibility improvements (fixes Interton BLACKJAC, Interton CIRCUS).

    . Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.

    >> Get it at one of the above links.

    CPCE 1.85 released

    By Robert,

    Amstrad CPC emulator




    * A serious bug concerning the Symbiface 2 IDE reported by Jarek Adamski (who discovered a typo in this file too) has been fixed

    * the option TAPE_COMPATIBLE can disable tape speedup if CPCE does it wrong ("Balloonacy")

    * the Win32 file dialog handles ZIP archives a little better.

    >> Get it HERE.

    Daedalus r13 released

    By Mooney,

    N64 emulator for PSP

    The most significant new feature is savestate support. You can now save your progress at any point, via the Pause Menu (accessed through hitting the Select button). Savestates are written out to the memory stick, and consume around a megabyte per slot. You can load up a savestate at any time from the Pause Menu, or via the front end (hit the right shoulder button to swap from the rom list to the savestate list.)


    Other than savestates, the most significant change in R13 is a number of optimisations to the dynarec core which should give a 10-20% speedup depending on the title being played. I've tested these optimisations as much as I can, but if you find that roms which worked with R12 are now broken, try disabling 'dynamic recompilation' and/or 'dynarec stack optimisation' from the rom's preferences screen.


    I haven't looked at compatibility at all in R13, so it's unlikely that any roms will have started working in R13.


    I'm interested to hear your feedback on both of these features. Let me know if you have any problems with savestates, or if you've found roms are no longer working in R13. I'll try and keep on top of the comments pages over the next couple of weeks.


    It's taken a LOT longer to get R13 out than I had hoped. I can't quite believe the last release was in June! I'm hoping now I've got this release out of the door I'll be able to get back to making small, more frequent releases.



    Source and Downloads: strmnnrmn.blogspot.com

    nullDC 1.5 BETA Codename "Get The F**k Out"

    By Agozer,
    drkIIRaziel "saw the light" and decided that if we don't make a release now we may never do, so here it is:

    Be aware that this is more like an ALPHA than a BETA (thus the version number) so some things might be broken.


    Release thread here


    No real changelog, but according to the Readme, a lot of things have been fixed and subsequently broken again. Needs a bunch of other software installed before you can use the emulator, including WinPCap, which is some kind of a network monitoring library/driver.




    Credits go to NGEmu for the news.

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