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    Atari800 PSP released

    By Robert,

    Atari 800, 800XL, 130XE and 5200 emulator for PSP


    New Features


    Version (Tuesday, October 09 2007 01:24):


    This release adds the ability to switch or eject disks without resetting the system.

    >> Get it HERE.

    BitComet 0.94 released

    By Robert,

    BT client


    v0.94 2007.10.09


    * GUI Improved: new function in context menu of BT task file list: search ED2K link for selected file

    * GUI Improved: enable Windows open file security warning for downloaded executable files

    * GUI Improved: new option in preferences dialog: Login BitComet Passport Automatically

    * GUI Improved: hide notify window of start downloading torrent file immediately after download finished

    * GUI Improved: support query file size and server resume-supported ability for BC link in HTTP task properties dialog

    * GUI Improved: lanuch BitComet resource browser to capture video file when click "download video" in IE context menu

    * GUI Improved: add Accelerate Keys page to Help menu

    * GUI Improved: remove horizontal scroll-bar of fav list and task info pane list

    * GUI Bugfix: tasks in queue will not start automatically at next time of BitComet launch

    * GUI Bugfix: task list and file list do not refresh after rename task

    * GUI Bugfix: get invalid BC link when copy BC link from FTP task

    * GUI Bugfix: the display effect of resizing floating window is not correct under Windows Vista

    * GUI Bugfix: zero-size BT task will display in downloading list all the time

    * Core Improved: eMule plugin supports searching ED2K link for selected file of BT task, to help BitComet download from ED network

    * Core Improved: new toolbar button in BitComet resource browser to capture flv video files in webpage and download them

    * Core Improved: HTTP task decrease download rate automatically when disk writing speed much lower than downloading rate

    * Core Bugfix: HTTP task will download file repeatedly in some special situation of hash check failure

    * Core Bugfix: the file name and sub-directory name in torrent file is invaild when make torrent of an entire disk from root directory

    * Core Bugfix: in-queue task number may get wrong if select to download remainder files of a BT task after part files of which download finished

    * Core Bugfix: eMule plugin window appears incorrectlly sometimes

    * Core Bugfix: preview download mode does not work correctly sometimes

    * Core Bugfix: play button does not display in task list after download video file from HTTP server without resume-supported ability

    >> Get it HERE.

    SNEmulDS 0.6 alpha released

    By Robert,

    SNES emulator for the DS


    The preview-alpha version of SNEmulDS 0.6 is now available for all the brave testers around the world!


    The GUI artworks are not ready, so you have a “naked” and not very pretty GUI, but at least, you have the multi languages support!


    You can check if your language is correct.

    You can choose one of the language in the firmware or some language by editing the snemul.cfg :

    # Language of GUI

    # -1 -> Use firmware settings

    Firmware languages:

    # 0 -> Japanese (Katakana only)

    # 1 -> English

    # 2 -> French

    # 3 -> German

    # 4 -> Italian

    # 5 -> Spanish

    Non firmware languages:

    # 106 -> Portuguese

    # 107 -> Catalan

    # 108 -> Polish

    # 109 -> Dutch

    # 110 -> Danish


    Various External RAM packages can be used to improve large rom emulation, see snemul.cfg for more informations.


    Scaling support has three modes :

    - Full screen : nearly like snezzids

    - Half scaling : “smart” scaling, only reduce half the backgrounds, and doesn’t squish sprites. It looks quite fine in games.

    - No scaling : no scaling at all, classic SNEmulDS mode, still default


    Here is the complete list of changes compared to 0.5 beta:


    - New GUI using framebuffer for sub screen

    - Better human interface, improved file selector (alphabetical sorted), buttons, check boxes, multi choose zones, etc.

    - New GUI supports joypad (joypad is not supported when emulator is running however).

    - Multi language support (more than 10 supported, including katakan japanese !)

    - Memory pak support (Opera RAM, Slot 2 card reader, etc. using libram) with paging or with large ROM mapping

    - Scaling with pseudo bi-linear filtering and sprites squishing : full screen scaling (like snezzids), half scaling (half scaled and without sprites squishing), and no scaling (classic snemulds mode)

    - Autiomatic SRAM saving when needed

    - Some other bugfixes and improvements in GUI

    >> Get it HERE.

    PSPMSX v1.2.2 released

    By Robert,

    MSX Emulator for PSP


    Hi All,


    Here is a new version of PSPMSX the MSX series Emulator for PSP.


    For those who haven't seen previous versions, fMSX is a famous emulator of the MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+ 8bit home computers. It runs MSX/MSX2/MSX2+ software on many different platforms including Windows and Unix. See http://fms.komkon.org/fMSX/ for further informations. It has been first written by Marat Fayzullin, and later Vincent van Dam ported it on SDL.


    What's new in version 1.2.2 :


    - Add option to increase the sound volume


    What's new in version 1.2.1 :


    - New render fast mode (original msx size but faster)

    - Option to prevent the blue led to be displayed when L or R are pressed

    - Remove .png file when removing state file

    - Bug fix: random pixels colors on screen borders

    - IR keyboard works now also with in the keyboard settings/mapping menu

    >> Get it HERE.

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