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    No$GBA 2.4F released

    By Robert,

    GBA and DS emulator


    17 September 2007 - version 2.4f

    - cheat: fixed conditional counter for cbds parameter lines (thanks Hiei Youkai)

    - cheat: raised strnlen to 5kbytes for about 256 codes/line (thanks Hiei Youkai)

    - nds/gba/help: added info on unknown add-ons (gba ir/wifi and nds memory exp)

    - nds/help: added info on ds rumble option paks (thanks bottledlight ds wiki)

    - gba/help: added some very basic info about the gameboy player (thanks flubba)

    - gui: allows to resize debugmsg/cheat/fileslst windows (with anchored buttons)

    - gba/help: added yoshi x/y-axis info (thanks flubba) (still incomplete though)

    - gba/help: added warioware z-axis gyro info (thanks momo vampire for the cart)

    - gba/help: added rumble and fram info (thanks momo vampire for warioware cart)

    - gba/help: added notes on special meaning of 1st (and 4th) letter of gamecode

    - nds/3d: emulates alpha blending master enable/test mode bit (disp3dcnt.bit3)

    - gba/memfill: fixed memfill code (data step/repeat count) (thanks Hiei Youkai)

    - nds/cheat: removed various ARDS checks (accepting addr with unknown offsets)

    - gba/nds: corrected hblank durations (thanks sebastien), no-vblank in lastline

    - gba/nds/help: notes on hblank=0 duration (1006/1606/1613 on gba/nds9/nds7)

    - gba/nds/help: notes on no-vblank-flag in last line, and hblank in ALL lines

    - nds/cheat: removed alignment check for [[X]+Z] (works with uninitialized [X])

    - nds/cheat: changed ARDS enable-code detection (9 lines with specific 4th/9th)

    - multi-cpu-timing: machine_switch_request processed AFTER all event_handlers

    - nds/3d: emulates texture master enable bit in disp3dcnt (thanks peter schraut)

    - nds/3d: emulates material-alpha (rather than only color-alpha) (thanks peter)

    - nds: emulates hinge/unfold irq (additionally to hinge status) (thanks antonio)

    >> Get it HERE.

    Makaron_T8_WIP released

    By Robert,

    Dreamcast emulator


    Until recently this blog has been in Polish and therefore incomprehensible.

    However the author has started posting in English, and we can now report

    the existence of a new Dreamcast emulator. It is strictly work in progress

    currently, and can run some games in a fashion.


    Read his story HERE.


    Download Makaron HERE.


    Please post what games work for you.

    PSPColem v1.0.9 released

    By Robert,

    ColecoVision Emulator for PSP


    Hi All,


    Here is a new version of PSPColem the Colecovision Emulator for PSP.


    For those who haven't seen previous versions, ColEm is one of the best emulator of the ColecoVision videogame system written by Marat Fayzullin. It's running on FreeBSD, HP-UX, SunOS, Solaris, Linux, and other Unix systems. PSPColem is a port to PSP of Colem (Unix version 1.0).


    What's new in version 1.0.9 :


    - Compatible with custom firmwares 3.x and PSP-slim

    - Add a simple intro splash screen

    - Support iso8859-1 fonts in print text functions (might be useful to translate psp2600 menus in german, french ...)

    - Bug fix in file requester

    >> Get it HERE.

    PSP7800 v1.0.8 released

    By Robert,

    Atari 7800 emulator for PSP


    Hi All,


    Here is a new version of PSP7800 the Atari 7800 console emulator !


    For those who haven't seen previous versions, ProSystem is the best emulator of Atari 7800 game console, running on Windows system. It has been written by Greg Stanton, see Greg's site for details.


    What's new in version 1.0.8 :


    - Compatible with custom firmwares 3.x and PSP-slim

    - Add a simple intro splash screen

    - Support iso8859-1 fonts in print text functions (might be useful to translate psp2600 menus in german, french ...)

    - Bug fix in file requester

    >> Get it HERE.

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