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    NPlayers 0.117 released

    By Robert,

    A dat file for MAME32 that let's you see how many players each game supports simultaneously.


    >> Get it HERE.

    Idle win_alpha_9 released

    By Robert,

    Apple Lisa emulator


    The Lisa was the first business computer to have a GUI and a mouse, and was the predecessor to the Mac. It failed in the marketplace due to its outrageous price.


    Pre release alpha 0.9


    _ fixed Xenix hang (modified IRQ handling)

    _ added power off support


    Pre release alpha 0.8


    _ minor disk emulation fixes

    _ initial Xenix emulation (hangs)



    Pre release alpha 0.7


    _ moved to BSD license

    _ removed old castaway sequels in code (the debugger still uses castaway code).

    _ corrected mouse problem

    _ added F1/F2 can be used to activate or deactivate the speed limiter




    Pre release alpha 0.6


    _ LOS 2.0 and 3.0 initial support :naughty:

    _ profile (5Mb) support

    _ faster video update for small updates

    _ exact speed (5MHz) (with a very primitive system... (taken from my thomson MO5 emulator...))

    _ unclamping disk support



    Pre release alpha 0.5


    _ much better COP support

    _ minor mmu updates

    _ memory parity support

    _ scc support (from vmac)



    Pre release alpha 0.4


    _ changed user interface

    _ initial mouse support


    Pre release alpha 0.3


    _ changed cpu core to musashi (mame version);

    _ now boots macworks XL 3.0 & 2.0



    Pre release alpha 0.2


    _ added VIA support;

    _ added keyboard basical support;

    _ added disk image support;

    _ added basical disk support (ROM patched, can read the boot sector);

    _ added a binary distribution;

    _ added a simplified Serial Number reading support.



    Pre release alpha 0.1


    _ 68k core from Castaway Atari ST emulator;

    _ debugger;

    _ mmu support;

    _ video display.

    >> Get it HERE.

    MameLoad tng u19 released

    By Robert,

    Front End


    ML TNG Release Notes


    July 17th, 2007

    Beta u19 Released


    - Preliminary .BDF Font support. You can load in the .BDF font of your choice to use as a display font in ML. There are some restrictions as to size and it's not as yet perfected, but it allows for much needed flexability as regards to front end's look. I'll place a few fonts on my page for download. For more information, refer to MLREADME.TXT


    - With move to allowing external fonts, I widened the text display window a bit to let more information be displayed per line. I'm aware there are might be some graphic overlapping, it's an issue I'll attempt to fix in the future.


    - Suppressed some keystrokes that were causing problems while selecting a .BDF font and values for a command.

    Changelog / Download Front-end and the BDF fonts

    PSP CFW 3.51 M33 Improved NO-UMD Compatibility

    By Mooney,
    Team M33 have released an update to Firmware 3.51 M33. The update adds an additional NO-UMD mode that features enhanced compatibility.


    Also, the team notes that if you have not yet applied the previous WLAN update, this update will patch the WiFi issue as well.

    Source and Downloads: eXophase

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