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    MameLoad TNG u15 released

    By Robert,

    Front End


    ML TNG Release Notes


    June 10th, 2007

    Beta u15 Released


    - Some reorganization of many routines, resulting in bit less source code, memory usage and slighty smaller executable size!


    - Had to redo my FULLSCREEN/Window implementation to keep in line with compiler updates. The old method auto-detection I was using no longer works. You now must press SCROLL LOCK to change screen modes between FULLSCREEN and Windowed. ALT-ENTER is locked out.


    - Added ability to remember your last window location when ML is exited. Note, this is only valid for the main selection window, not the console window.


    - Per request, I added snapshot viewing and adjustment while using the Complete Data Check (F3) option.

    Changelog / Download

    EmuLaunch 1.4.2 released

    By Robert,

    Front End (mac only)


    Version 1.4.2 Released, bug fixes

    This update should fix the problem with EMUlaunch not being able to switch to the next console in some instances

    Minor interface updates

    A video tutorial will be added to this site soon to help those having trouble setting up EMUlaunch.




    nullDC NetPlay 1.0.0 BETA 1 Released!

    By Alpha,

    This is the first plugin released for the nullDC DreamCast emulator which allows you to play games online with friends!


    Okay so this is the release for nullDC Netplay.


    Remember there are MANY problems and it will more than likely not work. I suggest you read through the readme thoroughly to make sure everything is configured correctly.


    Download here: http://www.emudev.com/funstuff/nullDC_NetPlay_100b1.zip

    »» DreamCast Forum


    Thanks to Emulation64 for the news!

    CPS-3 Encryption Broken and Partially Emulated!

    By iq_132,




    System 3


    Andreas is pretty good at decryption…. now, are we good enough to emulate it? Sounds like a challenge.


    It’s looking somewhat complex at the moment, but we’ll see.


    As things stand the only game decrypted is JoJo (but that may change soon) and the game gets stuck at this point, and I’m not quite sure what it’s waiting for.


    As I said, it’s going to be a challenge, but hopefully an enjoyable one.


    ...due to the encryption it looks like it might require some .. interesting.. modifications to the sh2 core


    ...Basically the SH-2 DMA should bypass the encryption completely by the looks of things, and it sends the Flash commands via DMA so at the moment the wrong commands get sent. (that explains why some of the flash commands were strangely not encrypted in the bios when everything else is)


    I’ve been talking this through with ElSemi and Dox too.


    Some more shots:







    Thanks to Emu-France for the news. :)

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