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Everything posted by Alpha

  1. So you happened to stumble on a site and post about it with 1 post? Not only that, the website even breaks our board rules. Please read them. EDIT: Oh wait wait, it's also off-topic. Congratulations on breaking 2 board rules in one post.
  2. Yeah, I found it right on the homepage of the website you LAZY BOY!
  3. One of the very few and it may be the only Japanese SNES emulator out there. It seems to have some impressive features, but you should be able to work yourself around the menu's if you've used emulators before. »» More Information (Japanese) »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]
  4. VBALink is a normal Visualboy Advance 1.6a for Windows, but it supports up to four* GBAs linked together! It is completely legal and free because the original emulator is open source. »» Credits: http://emu.makii.pl/posthead.php3?shownews=11645 »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]
  5. It's simple.. MusicMatch doesn't use it's own volume control and uses the WAV volume and CD volume instead on Windows. So it's simple, don't use the Music Match volume control. Just stick with the regular Windows Volume Control.
  6. NGEmu was down for awhile and is still having some problems. It's best to just wait and see how long it'll take for it to be back.
  7. Sure, we can maybe work something out so you can be the primary maintainer of the handheld emulators as well. I also have now fixed the link on the main page.
  8. Sure, I'll give you access tomorrow and you can be the primary maintainer of the MAME section.
  9. Here you go: http://emu.makii.pl/pokazplik.php3?downloa...NcGUI.1.9.4.zip
  10. Now with a ton more features mentioned here, we have added about 60 files and will continue to update it and add more! A big thanks to our maintainers of our new download database: Disoblige and GryphonKlaw. It also has an RSS feed located on the bottom right side and a great search feature that will be implemented soon in our main page. We hope you enjoy it and please add comments and ratings as you download them. Have fun. »» http://downloads.1emulation.com »» http://www.1emulation.com/odown/
  11. Congratulations buddy, here's the time where you can enjoy life to the fullest.
  12. Source: http://beta.news.yahoo.com/s/ap/handcuffed_girl (Watch the Video) ============== So anyways, I remember punching a mascot or a bug bunny lifesize costume guy or whatever it's called in the face when I was a child. Not a principle though.
  13. Were working on a new and improved downloads section! We will try to keep it updated with every new release if possible. It'll take a lot of work to start building up, but we've already started. If everything goes correctly, it should be online by Monday. NEW FEATURES + Add Comments + Rate the file + Our Rating + Search Function + Top 5 Files + All Files + Category Listings -- Console Emulators -- Handheld Emulators -- Arcade Emulators -- Rom Utilities PS: If anyone can create us a logo that says "1Emulation.Com Downloads" at 250x68 in GIF, JPG, or PNG format, it would be great. Reply with your submissions in this news topic.
  14. iDeaS is a current work in progress to be a Nintendo DS emulator. »» Download Now! »» http://ideasemu.altervista.org
  15. What a true statement. Call me sherlock, but hey it's true, it's true, it's damn true.
  16. I guess the CEO of Namco is a big fan of Peanuts. Oh well, the stupidity of people increase every day.
  17. Sometimes it makes me sad to see how people's integrity has stooped to an all-time low. Are you stupid? You might as well click the link "to win 1,000,000". Unfortunattely I can easily see you as a perfect victim for scam artists. As cinder said, get a job. Run some laps, get a girlfriend. Oh yeah, and get your ass off the computer.
  18. For the people who called him a nazi without doing any research... I am not saying this is a good or bad pope, but do your research instead of following by one person's reply. Source: http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/04/19...file/index.html
  19. Just to clear some things up regarding DSEmu which many people have stated is quite possibly dead. It is not dead, just delayed until further notice. A big thanks as well from the 1Emulation Community for Two9A's hardwork in the past couple of months and we wish him the best and hope to see DSEmu back soon. »» End of DSemu? Thread »» http://www.dsemu.org »» DSEmu Official Forum
  20. Try using a spyware scanner to see if there is any spyware on the computer and remove it. http://www.download.com/Spyware-Doctor/300...4-10377263.html
  21. There are no safety tips really.. You go to the post office and tell them you need either a National or International money order for the desired amount of money. If it's $15.. they'll probabaly charge you a $5 fee? I don't know how the interest works, but the more money it is, the higher it goes. (I only used International Money Orders, so the fee is more) And don't stick cash in envelopes, it's not safe at all. Learn it from me and stick with the money orders if you can't send the guy a check as well.
  22. So I was singing "Do you smell what the Rock is cookin'?" in my head all day today and thought of this thread to bring to you folks out there. I found my old WWF "The Music" CD's of all the old intrance music. Here it goes... Sadly, I'm becoming a wrestling fan again. Ah, the wonderful good ol' days.
  23. Well, it's about time she's pregnant. Sometimes you wonder how long it'll take in Hollywood? So in the level of "Hot or Not", what do you rate her 1 out of 10 and why? [Pictures]
  24. Please do not make double topics concerning the same subject. We have merged your new topic into your original. Thank you.
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