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Everything posted by Alpha

  1. Thank you gandalfrockman. Some good ideas is to search all of the eDonkey Servers and NewsGroups. I still have yet too, but you may find something. Just stay away from Kazaa, ususally if you see it, it's a virus.
  2. Niiice, you made it a BitTorrent! I'll add all links and stuff soon to the site, also Gouki's new easy to use version!
  3. Before everyone thinks were having a Spam Fiesta and were all singing "Felice Navidad!"... use THE ENTER BUTTON!! It will make it so the thread doesn't go out of tack. Moderators & Admins, if you see users who forget to do it, please edit their post. Also type what it Decodes too, so the newbies don't think were spamming the forum up. 0100001001101001011011100110000101 1100100111100100100000010100110111010 101111000001100000111001001011010 Highlight To Decode: Binary Sux0rZ Use this COMMAND to make people highlight to see it decoded (I know, it just makes it harder to see)... Highlight To Decode: [SIZE=0][color=white]DECODED TEXT[/color][/SIZE]
  4. Try this thread.... http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...?showtopic=2458 That should enable you to get it working.
  5. The link works fine.. i guess you got a bandwith message maybe. Try this link as well instead.. Click Here
  6. I'd have to go with Sagat as well, he matches the description perfectly.
  7. *** UPDATE *** What's New? + Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Patch What's Coming? New KawaX Site By: Gouki .. will include a brand new easy fix!
  8. Eekk Now you guys are talking about your favorites sitcome eVER. Well then mine is definately without a shout of a doubt... Fresh Prince of Bel Air
  9. Credits: P2P.NET & CDFREAKS.COM ================================================== This is very big news and I know a ton of people use Kazaa Lite instead of the regular Kazaa due to the excessive spyware junk. It looks like were gonna have to start using the real kazaa soon with a bunch of adware blockers cleaning up it's filth every time your done using it like AdAware. This is seriously gonna suck! ==================================================
  10. We all are encountering this problem... SVC doesn't work with NeoRage X. Some M1 & P1 fix roms allow to play SVC only in Practice mode (in Console mode) with NeoRage X.
  11. Also this next one took me a long time... I hope you like it folks! Big thanks to some friends of mine with the sayings and stuff on the shirt. Buy It! Front: Cheat To Win Back: Win At ALL Costs Price: $17.99 AVAILABILITY: In Stock, will ship in 2-3 business days Everytime you buy a item you donate to 1Emulation.Com's Servers!
  12. After looking at it closer, it looks like your correct. Also in the first couple of minutes the clock like moves forward then goes back. Lots of freezing in big scenes where it's easy to get killed. So it looks like he was using a ton of savestates and edit's and pastes.
  13. There's some new items added today. How long are they gonna stay? I dunno, since they haven't been verified yet, but you can buy it before it's gone! We got a *HOT* Shirt on Sale! It'll keep you greatly warm in winter! http://www.cafeshops.com/1emulation.885208...7?zoom=yes#zoom Only: $23.99.. And Great For Fighting Game Fans! The sale will be for 2 days only and then it will be back to it's normal price which is $1-$2 more depending on if the logo is verified or not. So get it fast, before it's too late! Buy it today, find some more new items @ http://shop.1emulation.com
  14. Geezus.. I just saw it too. And it's 100% real since if they were to record it and then speed of the vid, the clock's digits would be booming. But they didn't do that and the clock was going perfectly, this is truly amazing. I'm also still amazed at the Tetris one from before as well. These guys probabally played Super Mario 3 everyday to do something like that. I can't see anyone doing it after beating the game even 10 times!
  15. I saw it too. This has to be my newest movie favorite. It was very intense and a extremely good film. Probabaly the best acting I have seen for a long time. I am probabally gonna buy the DVD when it comes out since it's too good of a movie to not have. It's also probabally gonna win a Academy Award and I hope it does. It whooped Matrix down the toilet because to me it was that good. If it was a scale out of 10, I'd rate it a 10! If anyone hasn't seen this movie and are big video game fans for Samurai Shodown or anything like that, you should see this movie. What pleased me the most was the end.
  16. Great job. If you can remove the background box and stuff, it'll be awesome. Also what programs did you use to do it?
  17. I had to delete your clone topic. Please do not do that again. Someone should help you soon on this.
  18. Were having a big logo contest here at 1Emulation. Were looking for people who can make us some logo's for the next T-Shirts and stuff we will be selling. If you win, yoy are guarenteed it will be added as a item to buy and you will also get a $4-$5 discount! The more people we get to join, the better! »» Information and Rules To Join The Logo Contest
  19. What version of Internet Explorer do you have or something? The download works fine currently. And also don't post your email, if there is a response, someone will reply. Posting a email is useless. Don't forget to try download accelerators and softs too, that helps a lot.
  20. Here is the thread where you get to introduce yourself if your new to the forum. Please keep it to 1 post when you introduce yourself. Anyways I guess I better introduce myself. I am the owner of this organization (business)/ site. 1Emulation has been around a little more than a year. We have always been known to keep things at LEGAL grounds. We have gone through a ton of obstacle courses. From users who want to kill us and tear us to pieces on other forums, to being known to have the nicest staff in any emulation site. If you ever thought of the bad stuff you have gone through having a site, I don't think it can match ours. We have had hardware failures, ruthless spam attacks from users who would falsely accuse us of stuff, and hackings. We even had to undergo downtimes to get back on track at times. After sVc Chaos was released, we finally became known! So it has been really a matter of people giving us a chance to show ourselves for once. We use to be quite a dead forum with only about 10-15 new posts a day. Now it has greatly increased, as well as the users. As for me, since I basically just introduced the site, I'd call myself a damn hard worker when it comes to this site. I really do care about this site and the people who help us run it because if it wasn't for any of you guys, we would have been done about a year ago. I'm a person who will keep running this site until I mentally can't anymore, that's how much I care about it. If you ever see webmaster's on other forums, they trash talk the users and right away represent them as "n00bs". I think that is the most stupidest thing a webmaster can do. We have to give people chances in order to grow the emulation scene bigger. Unfortunately many sites are just too money filthy and think too much about themselves to give a damn about the "People" anymore. That's what our modo is all about.. "The People's Emulation Board!"
  21. Alrighty, I got to admit when it comes to advanced graphics design, I really suck. So we are having a contest, whoever wins, get's their logo to become the next shirt or merchandise for 1Emulation. The rules are simple, the LOGO has to be BIG with HIGH RESOLUTION. To give you an example...1272 x 719 is the resolution I used for all the T-Shirts currently. You can also use this link to help you out in sizes of the logo. Also you can not have ANYTHING COPYRIGHTED in the LOGO!! We had our 1Emulation hats and some shirts removed because it had pics of the XBOX, PS2, GameCube, etc. However, if you make a picture of the dreamcast or xbox, ps2, gamecube, it should be ok. I can't guarentee though, just makesure you save the image so it's always easily editable. The logo also must have something like: - 1Emulation.Com "The People's Emulation Board" in small print towards the bottom right, left or top right, left. It could also just say " - 1Emulation.Com". If the logo is just a logo of 1Emulation.Com, then you don't need that of course. In the shirt, makesure it has as much emulation material as possible on it. It just can't be copyrighted logo's and stuff. So if your a good animator, this is where the skills matter the most. Here are some modo's I came up with, please use one of them are verify a idea of yours here. The logo must also be suitable for everyone, so no porn, curse words, etc. Also if you win, you will get a discount on the shirt or item of your choice. (you'll save around $3-$5!) 1) Cheat To Win 2) Game On 3) Winner's Circle 4) Win Me Over 5) Beat Me If You Can 6) You Can't Win 7) I'm Game 8] Win At All Costs 9) Everything To Lose 10) Emulate This 11) Try Emulating Me Lastly I'm looking for someone to make a nice MAME Logo and stuff. I think MANY people would be interested, so your also allowed to do that. Good Luck! Please do not use the tags to show your logo's, just link to them. Since it will really distort the viewing of the thread. Here is also the link to the current items in our Merchandise List/Shop to buy to also give you a better clue in what were talking about @ This Link! PS: The main background should always be in white since I can only get White T-Shirts, etc.
  22. Sorry for the lack of updates, however many seperate roms and iso's have been added, so check it out. There will be a full update post soon with a ton more roms and full sets added.
  23. That's odd. Did you do a rescan of the roms, and makesure the directories were set? Is it even coming up on the list? I've tested it and it works.
  24. Come on now, please read my post. This question has been answered a dozen times in that link. You can also do a search as well on the top-right. PS: This thread is now closed. Please refer to the link above for updating quality information, support, and links for everything with the game.
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