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Everything posted by Alpha

  1. Don't forget also, you need a DreamCast. Icarus will most likely take another 2 years or so if you know what I mean.
  2. Ehh.. Halloween sucks! "Eat it up Poo Bear!!"
  3. Credits: Yahoo.com ------------ All I got to say, that had to have been the dumbest person I have ever read about.
  4. This reminds me of the game: Justice League for SNES However it was only DC Comics, but damn it was a good game. You could be SuperMan, BatMan, Flash, Doomsday, and a ton of other people! It's a great game to recommend for a friend in my opinion. The only crappy thing about it is in the game music. The versus screen music is preety cool though.
  5. Well we fixed our server bugs. If you didn't notice, our server was constantly slowing down and giving people error messages a lot coming in the forum. We found out what the problem is and have fixed it. So were back full speed like it was before. Enjoy!
  6. Same here! I sucked at Ikaruga, if your into it, I'd recommend getting instead Zero Gunner II. It's the exact same style, but a lot better. I was only able to get to the 2nd level in Ikaruga. I sucked, but hey it's a nice game for the graphics and it's only 20MB!!
  7. Well there is a story hidden by my avatar. First off, I found my avatar by accident. At first I didn't know what an avatar was, so I just browsed around. Then I noticed how there were avatars uploaded in the A@H directory (my first forum). So I started typing filenames in the address bar, so i typed "ryu.gif" and the avatar popped up. Since then I have been using that avatar ever since.
  8. Mugen Games? Do you mean characters? Yes you will need a paint program, I'm not sure though. Wait for The_TeamPlayer to see this.
  9. Alrighty, well lets not flame people now. All I have to say is, think before you ask.
  10. Well so far I just know of one bug after looking at the Patch Settings which we were lazy to fix since it's not that big of a deal. Apparently the patch adds the following files on in the DATA folder that MAY not be needed. I need to double check and makesure. The files are: data\Menu1.dah data\Menu1.dal data\Menu1.ttf data\Menu2.ttf data\Menu3.ttf This might be some files we had for Life Bars or something since the Mugen Patch is basically a stripped version of my mugen. I don't know who made the files, I tried reading them from notepad, but you couldn't read anything. We will most likely remove these files from the patch if they are not needed in the next release which will most likely be next week or so. (We were really busy working on the website all day as cheesy as it looks!)
  11. Report all problems, bugs, and your questions here regarding the Mugen XP Patch.
  12. Alright the PATCH is now publicly released! We also made a website @ http://mugenxp.cjb.net Enjoy and please read all docs and messages before downloading! The Patch is meant only for people who download Mugen(a clean version) then apply the patch. Because the patch overwrites the files completely, so don't apply it to your Mugen that has 500 characters or something. You will have to add it all again. However the Patch does backup files, Just DON'T Deselect it! We don't want complaints from people saying I have to add all my characters again because of your patch. It will OVERWRITE the following files.. data\fight.def data\mugen.CFG data\select.def data\system.def Alrighty and also if you find any bugs for the patch, goto the site and email us. PS: This thread will remain closed for future new releases.
  13. Hmm.. another graphics card incompatible I guess, thats 2. It seems to all be revolving under INTEL Graphics Cards. I'll be researching your problem and will be looking for a solution soon.
  14. Barnito's has made a great website for the Giri Giri Hack.. Don't forget to head over to their main website @ http://barnitos.net
  15. It seems you tryed the steps from MGBR to get it working correct? The reason why I know your NOT using the Hacked Edition is because I set the Hacked Edition to automatically load by 640x480, so you would never get that message. Try our Mugen Hacked Edition @ http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...?showtopic=2553
  16. I dunno how you get that idea by my post. I meant that I DON'T like new ones.
  17. All Done, I removed the website. Thanks for the info and I may give you a few PM's here and there in the future.
  18. Alright case closed. To me it's not funny and quite frankly I don't support it. If you want to do something like this, leave this board out of it. To me it's not right to do that because it's annoying and it can also get you in trouble. Here on 1Emulation we shouldn't be thinking about stuff like that, we should be thinking about this site and this site only. Plain and simple.
  19. Ehhh.. I really don't agree. A lot of the new ones are extremely boring and constantly repeat the same beats over and over. I feel like I'm listening to the toilet flushing itself every 5 seconds.
  20. Yikes.. I never knew that. Would you like me to remove the site? Mugen Fans will soon be populated here after the release of the XP Patch.
  21. LINK REMOVED EDIT: One word of advice, don't support sites that don't credit the other person's work or doesn't ask permission of something that done by someone else. They have a lot of nice stuff. Lots of great characters, even some from DBZ. Try it out and post your comments here.
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