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Everything posted by Alpha

  1. Well people have been saying Playmore has been reading emulation boards for some time. They just delayed the MVS cart to November 18th! (Credits To: http://ArcadeAtHome.com For The Info)
  2. This is really really nice stuff. Keep up the good work.
  3. It means: Can I have Mugen? or in complete transalation: Necessary a Mugen
  4. Well even though this topic is locked. I have updated the site to go to the VDMSound site. The main reason quite frankly was because the stupid software wasn't working for people that I originally was sponsoring on the site. So anyways, go with VDMSound and the link has been updated to go to it. http://fixmugensound.cjb.net
  5. You should talk to Emsley or PM him about this. He uses NeoRageX to rip the sprites, but he can maybe help you out. Check his website @ http://neocream.com
  6. Credits: http://IGN.com --------------------------- Man this is bad news, I hope they don't change the release date or something.
  7. Well Shiba, think of it this way, Cinder didn't make it say "I am an idot! HAHAHAHA".. got to look at the bright side.
  8. Geezus.. I didn't notice this before. The max sizes were 64x64. Big thanks for notifying me. The new max size is: 120x150. That should be good enough. And the reason why some people's avatars are big is either because they are an Admin, Moderator or they picked a previously big avatar from the avatar gallery. EDIT: As for the incorrect file type problem, the only reason you should get that message is if the file is too big. The max size is 20KB.
  9. I'm just getting confused. Goddamn DOS emulators and programs that have to do with it always have problems. The point of the matter is, I have used this software before and I think it works better than VDMSound. In fact there is a link to VDMSound on the webpage that says if this software doesn't work for you, use that instead. However, Cinder, did you go into the Control Panel and set the settings for the DOS Sound Emulator? You have to do that also.
  10. Don't worry about it people, they will crack it. Hey look at Windows XP and their infamous "Online Registration".
  11. v1.02 Released.. and it's only been 45min from v1.0.1.. Well we were finally able to remove the Marvel Super Heroes Life Bars. File size is basically the same. So no real upgrade.
  12. Also for the people who downloaded v1.0 and not v1.01. If you want to respect the authors of the stages & characters, please download v1.0.1. Otherwise there was no real update, just some added DOCS. And JoyToKey to configure your GamePads.
  13. Alrighty all done. We removed all the downloaded characters and stages. So only the default ones are there. The only thing we couldn't remove was the Marvel Super Heroes Level Bars. We forgot which files Level Bars edit, so we didn't remove it. We guess it also signifies it's a Hacked Edition. Lastly we did add some stuff, a Troubleshooting guide and a Credits file. In the troubleshooting guide, we go over some frequently asked questions and problems. We also wanted to credit the creator of the Level Bars, but we downloaded it a LONG TIME AGO. So to be honest, we don't remember where we got it from. But whoever made it, big credits to you and we wrote about it in the credits file. I also added JoyToKey, so you people can configure your GamePads. Most of all the filesize went down by 5MB from the stages. So it's easier for you 56kers now. ~
  14. Actually, I'm glad you told me that. If thats the case, I'll take them out and stick in KungFuMan. Taking off download links.. EDIT: I am not taking any offence, but it's the first time I thought about it and I am a person who doesn't want to cause any future problems. So if I have to do it, we will.
  15. LOL!!.. I don't know, you usually don't see Halo Beta on a emulation board. So I guess thats an exclusive.
  16. Finally, the site is back up, along with 9cy.com's servers.
  17. We have gotten some reports about Memory access problems with the configurator. It seems that the Byte Zero configurator has some bugs in it. So I can't really offer any support with the thing since to be honest thats just an addon. You can completely run your Mugen without it on XP. Just delete the MWC.exe file and the MWC.cfg files. If your are uncomfortable using this release, please delete it. We don't want anyone to think we did something to the software to harm your computer. This Xp Patch just overwrites the.cfg files in the Mugen. No coding was ripped apart or anything.
  18. Well if you hate living with her, looks like you ain't marrying each other.
  19. BTW if it works for you, please post. We want to makesure it's fully compatible, since I only tested it on 3 computers.
  20. Eeek.. stupid 9cy.com's server went down for a second. The website will be back up soon. Keep trying.
  21. Well we finally made it to comply with Elecbyte's regulated, Mugen Xp Patch! It is no longer called the hacked edition! It should work on all WinXP systems. Enjoy. » http://mugenxp.cjb.net « -- WARNING -- Mugen was originally made for DOS. If you recieve any error messages or problems and you feel uncomfortable using it, please DELETE ALL files associated with this patch! Mugen was not made for Windows, so don't expect everything to be perfect. However Mugen should work on your XP with this version. If you have have a Intel Graphics Card this patch may not still work for you. Intel Graphics Cards just have bad problems with Mugen. -------------------------- Total File Size: 924KB
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