Unfortunately, the area in which my computer sits gets a lot of dust. And I'm talking a crapload! For example, all the intake air holes in the front of my computer are completely covered and blocked by dust. Sometimes, I'd take a small vacuum and suck out all the dust from the intake holes so it can breathe air again. But since my small vacuum doesn't really work anymore, I gave up on it. A friend of mine suggested I take an air can and just blow the dust back through the intake holes so it goes back into the case. He says it'll come out the back side. I don't know about it, what do you think? I'll probably have to take the computer outside and blow an aircan at the inside for an hour. I'm kind of scared to see how much dust is in the computer itself. I've never opened the case for almost 8 months now. How do you guys deal with dust? Or do you not get any dust at all?