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About DuckY

  • Birthday 11/29/1987

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  1. Uh, Kawaks doesn't read the file name as that only as when you change the _ to a - in that one file. They didn't add all the fixes I think that's why.
  2. sVc Rom Fix You must do this to get the rom properly working, Apperently the person didn't pack it right, well rename one key file. Download the ROM Download it here... Kawaks v1.46 sVc Guide/Downloads Here Download it from the Download Site #2 (Direct Download) Unpacking the ROM 1st: Make a folder on your desktop (If you don't know how to do it is) Right Click your desktop Then New > New Folder (The name is not important!) 2nd: Extract the.zip (svcplus.zip) Click and Drag or Extract all the files contained in the.zip (svcplus.zip) into the New Folder or whatever you named it. If you don't have WinXp use... (I suggest one of the two.) WinRAR WinZIP Fixing the ROM 1st: Find a File named svc_m1.rom in your New Folder Right Click the file svc_m1.rom Click Rename Rename the file to svc-m1.rom Packing the ROM If your useing WinXp Click Edit > Select All or Ctrl+A Right Click (The Selected Files) Then... Send To > Compressed (zipped) Folder Once it finishes, go ahead and Right Click (The.zip you made) Click Rename Rename the file to svcplus.zip (If your useing WinRAR/WinZIP it should be just about the same way to compress it) Your DONE! Just place the new.zip into you rom's folder and everything should all work fine. If you need help message me on AIM at F3ARlessDUCKY... Questions that can't be answered by the guides will not be responded too.
  3. Ok well I found the problem, and I will post on how to fix this... and get the rom to work properly. Sorry, about this I didn't notice this till now and it will not be that hard..... Let me write one up and I'll repost it. The emulator is fine, its just the rom.
  4. Guide is done! If there's need for changes, send me a PM hope it help's you! Kawaks v1.46 sVc Guide/Downloads Here
  5. It's the rom, it's nothing else b/c your right it's 39megs and it's supposed to be 40.1... I don't know any other links on the top of my head for the right rom, if you do can you just change it for me or AIM me on F3ARlessDUCKY on AIM... b/c that link I got was new, and the ones I gave my friends were the 40.1 meg one not this one... so this zip might be corrupted or some data missing...
  6. It worked for everyone else so I don't know what's the problem with yours...
  7. Kawaks v1.46 sVc Rom Guide! First thing you must do is download the Emulator, You can get it here! (Prepared Hacked) Kawaks v1.46 Download! Now you need the rom if you don't already have it... sVc Chaos: The Whole ROM! Download Site #1 1emulation.com's Site! Should be 100% working with guide! When security warning comes up Click Yes! Read site if you don't understand why. sVc Chaos: The Whole ROM! Download Site #2 (Direct Download) Works 100% This is a direct link to the ROM download Read This Before Going On!!! EDIT: Rom Links has been fixed, There all the same file, just diffrent hosts Now we begin! 1st: Open the.zip called kawaks_146_with_loader.zip that you downloaded 2nd: There should be a folder in there, simply drag it on to your desktop or extract it to there. 3rd: That's all for the emulator for now (Was that so hard?) 4th: Now open the folder you dragged to your desktop, it should be named kawaks_146_with_loader. 5th: Now open the folder called roms and minimize the folder now. 6th: Locate your svcplus.zip, either copy or simply drag it into the roms folder or paste it. 7th: Now either click back in the kawaks_146_with_loader folder or exit out and reopen it. 8th: Click the exe called 146loader.exe and it should open the emulater, so far so good 9th: Now do this in the exact order... Click: File Then Click: Load Game or press ALT+L A dialog will pop askig you to choose which rom you want to load. Before we click the rom, on the right side there options, now do this... Click: Only Avaliable Now Check: Show CPS1 games Show CPS2 games Show NeoGeo games Once you do that... Click: Rescan all The rom will then show Click the rom once then hit [OK] 10th: The rom will begin Once it starts up though you need to configure your controls... Click: Game Click: Redefine keys... > Redefine keys Player 1 If you want it simple, setup up the buttons like that... on the Number Pad meaning... 6 and 3 are just there 4 = Light Punch 1 = Heavy Punch 2 = Light Kick 3 = Heavy Kick Ok set them up to your needs Once done Click (OK) Now you got to save your Button Config. Click: Game Then Click: Save settings to.ini now That's it your all done!!! Enjoy the game and if you want to play on-line just Click: Game Start Netplay Find a server and just find someone with SVCPLUS [bootleg] Click the game, the ok.. and wait for him to start it Hope this guide helps and have fun
  8. ...
  9. Everyone, here's the link to Kawaks v1.46 w/ Loader Kawaks v1.46 w/ Loader Download and another FAST! sVc rom link... sVc Chaos Rom Download For the noobs,... Put the folder where you desire Get the rom (Just the whole zip) svcplus.zip (Don't Extract) Place in the roms directory in the Kawaks Folder Click 146loader.exe Click File Click Load Rom Click Only Avalible Click Rescan Click SVCPLUS Then ok There you go... ATTENTION: Need a move list... Someone post
  10. I can't even unzip the file, I tried everything... Can someone please help on this? I click it and get invalid archive and downloaded it 5 times. Also, I even used winrar and still no luck. Can anyone help or just upload the Emu and Rom to me? Need help, I need to practice for Texas Showdown!!! MaxBebop I know you got it to work help
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