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  1. Yeah it's not in there. The patch kit i downloaded was released on the 6th month and i think it's the most recent version. On the blog site it says the hack was added on the 8th month. It is so weird that they'd support a hack that can't be found
  2. I guess i'm requesting a hack not a rom. where is MAME Plus' IPS archive BTW?
  3. Hi i downloaded the latest version of Mame plus multi jet and there is a rom hack called Street fighter 2 (boss hack Yumeji) and under the description it says it's working. I can't find it to download though anywhere on the net. The file is called sf2bhj but i've looked all over and can't find that zip file. Does anyone have a link. I assume it's actually out there somewhere since it's in that build and says it's working.
  4. Remember when street fighter 2 world warrior came out? The hype around a so called sheng long. Man that game is still fun. Any way i was wondering if any one out there knows any means possible of playing as vega balrog sagat and m. bison in the rom ripped from the arcade. And i know you can play as them later on in turbo and championship edition but they just aren't as cool. They were never meant to be played as, but if some hacker out there has found a way i'm dying to know.
  5. The game is a little old and can't compare with other modern fighters and tons of past fighters like garou and street fighter3. I'll admit if the game was released two or three years ago it would have been more appreciated. And by the way there is no quirk to their fighter system, no teams, no tagging, no dodging, no strikers, only one fighting style, and no weapons. In todays video game market you need some unique feature and svc just doesn't have anything original. A good classic fighter but players that aren't obsessed with fighting games should look else where.
  6. Probably geese howard since he was the original SNK baddie and in his first incarnation he was ultra cheap. Remember when he would throw you out of any move you did. "C' mon!!" -Geese Howard
  7. Does any one know where to get hacked p1 roms for neogeo games so you can play as the bosses. Wanted: Matrimelee Art of fighting 2 Breakers Breakers Revenge Double Dragon Fatal Fury Fatal Fury 2 Fatal Fury Special Fatal Fury 3 Kibuki Klash Galaxy Fight .... Or any other Neo Geo fighting game Even if the site only has a couple it would help. Thanx
  8. I heard earlier ppl bashing neorage. Neorage isn't that bad guys. Even several years after it was discontinued it still supports the most recent releases (with the exception of svc). Unlike emulators like kawaks it doesn't need to be constantly updated to get the roms on the list. It just recognizes the roms automatically and adds them for you even if they weren't specified in the original list.
  9. I have a cheat request that i so far have not found an answer to so i am begging that all you expert programers try and give me a hand. On street fighter 2 the world warrior rom i want to play as the four bosses sagat vega balrog and mbison. I have tried fiddling with the character select cheats myself but so far have been unsuccessful. plz if anyone knows of a cheat to select them let me know. ps: i know they are selectable in champion edition but they just aren't as badass in this version.
  10. hhmm you do not read it does start and run but it freezes up just before a fight I know is that a problem with neoragex or the rom itself?
  11. Does any1 know how to get it to work with neoragex? It should be easy since neoragex detects roms that weren't even specified in the list. plz help.
  12. does any1 know where i can download svc so far its seems hopeless.
  13. Working link plz.
  14. name one working link.
  15. all the links posted earlier are dead. Isn't there some version available?
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