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Everything posted by nezumi

  1. I stop paying attention to 1emu and get addicted to World of Warcraft, and just LOOK at what I miss. Anyone care to pm me with info as to how one might get hooked up? IRC has been most fruitless, and torrentspy was most uninformative. Thanks in advance.
  2. The game is intense. I'm still waiting for those Linux binaries (hurry it up with that demo, id). In the meantime, I hooked a spare Win2K hard drive up to my PC. 2xAthlon MP 1800+ with 768 MB RAM and a GeForce 5700 Ultra 128. Runs very well after some tweaks. The Imps are a lot more formidable in this game. It's generally a bad idea to use a pistol vs. them. Plasma Rifle > Revenants. Chainsaw == suicidal 0wnage. Works great against pinky. I really love the way pinkies look in this game. great overhaul. The lighting in this game continues to pwn me. I spent a whole ten minutes shooting a flashlight that someone left lying on a floor, just to watch shadows dance. OK, time for the tweaks! Look at the properties for your doom 3 shortcut. add +disconnect to the end of the line. it should look something like "C:\..doom3.exe" +disconnect What this does is skips the intro video. More good tricks! look in Doom3\base\ and open the Default.cfg (that's nto the actual name of the file, but I can't remember it off the top of my head. google around on all this stuff and verify it.) Changing the setting "seta image_cachemegs" to a much higher value (I've got mine set to 256) can result in an increased framerate, and make it easier for you to play on the High detail setting. There's two lines to add to the bind section that can map showfps on/off to F10/F11 (or whatever you choose). I liked enabling the player shadow. look through the file, you''ll see the option set to 0. set it to 1 and enjoy some added realism. just google for Doom3 tweaks if you haven't already.
  3. I still just can't see this thing lasting for too long against the DS. If it plays digital audio files, it'll probably only play them in sony's weird new format. If it supports some form of storage, it'll probably only support sony's memory stick (maybe a PS2 memcard, but that's pushin' it). Gotta buy all your fave movies and ported PS1/2 games again. Plays movies in full color, and relies on something with a motor to read information from the storage medium? Kiss battery life goodbye... Then again, I was one of the kinds of people who thought the iPod mini would flop becuase of it's limited storage space. Surprise! Morons bought the gay little pastel PoS's because they thought they looked better, which proved to me once and for all something I should have known... People are stupid and will spend MORE money on something that looks pretty rather than spend some money on something with greater technological/practical merit. Example1: iPod vs. Rio Karma. Example2: Intel vs. AMD. Example3: MS Software vs. the_world.
  4. respect the command line, beeyotch! you just unzip MAME into a folder, and copy all your roms to the %mame%\roms\ folder. then just cd into the folder where MAME resides, and type "mame romname". Or yeah, you could save yourself the trouble of learning some useful information which could assist you somewhat in learning the underlying foundation of your Windows OS-based computer and download a version of MAME with a graphical interface... but where's the fun in that?
  5. Weaponlord (SNES, Published by Namco) KOF2K3 As much as I love the GG series, I don't think I've played it enough to list it. I'm sure I would though if I had played it more.
  6. You're probably going to find out sooner or later why Linux users recommend NVIDIA over ATI: ATI's drivers and support suck. There's some open source drivers for the Radeon cards... dunno how good they are. What you need to do is log in as root, type lspci -vv, and take notes on the hardware listed. Then head over to linuxcompatible.org and see what you can find there. As far as setting up X11... you probably selected KDE as your default window manager/desktop environment during install, so all you need to do now is configure X to use your keyboard, mouse, video card and monitor correctly. Just type xf86config (9.1) or xorgconfig (10.0) and follow the directions. You'll need information such as monitor frequency timings (these should be easy to find... just google for your monitor model). Also, it's important that after you get this set up, you make a new user account for yourself. You should only use root priveleges for installing new programs and adjusting ownership/permission of files every now and again. I believe the program you want to use for this is "adduser". Once you get X configured and your user added, log out and log back in as a non-root user, and then type "startx". You should be in KDE provided X is configured properly.
  7. Very true that, but given that case - why remake a TV show from the 70s to appeal to 5-year old kids? It doesn't make much sense from a marketing standpoint to me Because most kids won't know it's from the 70's, and even though they hear remarks and comments from their parent's they'll still want to go see it. The only reason this movie was made was to make money. Nothing more, nothing less. The Thunderbirds property was there, so that saved someone the trouble of thinking of a time/place/stuff. All that's needed now is a cheap plot riddled with holes and some dumb teenagers desperate to start an acting career, and some dumb execs to green-light it.
  8. Note that I'm not a TB fan at all. That said, I'll stick to pointing out the obvious. --The first sign that this movie will suck: Involvement of a Marketing Department. It's Thunderbirds with human beings for actors. Well, provided you can call what will be seen "acting." --Does it look anything like "Spy Kids?" Yes. Yes it does. Therefore it will suck horribly, as it's made only to impress snot-nosed, noise-making brats with it's horribly weak teaser/trailer. These brats will then insist that their parents take them to see it. And we all know who runs the house these days... kids. Kids with Yu-Gi-Oh cards and every iteration of Pokemon under the sun. Kids who deserve to be tied to a tree and beaten severely. --Does it look anything like "Scooby Doo?" Yes. See the above paragraph, I'm gonna save some typing. More money for Hollywood makes shareholders happy. Flock quality with a steel pole from a chain-link fence welded onto a jackhammer. (and very hard, too!) Meh, I'm sure I could be a little more observant/cynical about this, but there's really no need to. Enjoy the show.
  9. Patience Gryph, patience. LK, you can normally find a Linux equivalent to whatever you usually do with Windows, and projects like WineX are there for the times when you can't. I ran into a problem lately though... some morons calling themselves Volt convinced me that travelling 80 miles a day to replace hard drives in some DELLs was a good idea, and they'd pay me to do it. Well, their timecard is some stupid Excel spreadsheet with auto-calculating fields. It's not very big, but it comes in at a whopping 101KBytes (no joke). There's something up with this thing that keeps it from opening in OpenOffice.org, which is odd, because I've seen OO.o perform most mathematical things that Excel does. Anyways, rather than send me a decent timecard in a non-proprietary format, they insisted I simply e-mail my hours to them. Oh, and the 80 miles a day travel, in a vehicle that gets 12 MPG at a time when gas is costing me $1.80? That's at my cost... they only cover travel expenses from site A to site B. Bastards. Simply put, I'm not taking any more contract offers from them until they can prove to me that they can get their shyte together. UT2K4 had a linux installer on the CD/DVD, and there's going to be a Linux installer released online for Doom3 shortly after the retail release. What exactly id means by "shortly" I don't know, but they delivered on Quake 3, so I'll believe'em for Doom3. Any other questions may have to wait a while. I figure I'll post a rough outline right here, right now. i. Preface 1. Preparing to Install 2. Installing 3. The Setup 4. Know These Commands!! (thy terminal be thy friend) 5. Add Your Non-root account(s) 6. X Windows (Time to Point and Click) 7. Getting to know your Filesystem 8. The WWW (AKA pr0n-get) 9. I Want my P2P 10. The Dirt on DVDs 11. Some cool tricks. 12. Linux to Go (SSH is teh r0x0r) 13. Filling the Void (Acquiring new apps and programs, and installing them) 14. Stay frosty! (Keeping your software up-to-date and secure) 15. Filling more Voids (Flak Monkey!) This is pretty rough, but expect a flow similar to this.
  10. Well, it depends on what arcades you go to. The arcade in the Oglethorpe Mall in Savannah, Georgia has an imported GGXX#R machine. Not in English, of course. I believe that's of questionable legality... Nothing I haven't seen before though. All over Florida you can see arcades with imports of dorky DDR clones, some of them in Korean.
  11. Haven't had time to write it. Been busy and I'm currently surrounded by boxes and computer parts as I prepare to move approx. 75 miles to the northeast, a busy little area called Savannah, Georgia. I've got a lot of ideas for the format and the flow floating around in my head, so expect it to be nice once I get started. I'll try to write 5 chapters before I begin posting it on my little site (notice the WWW button down there). After that, I'll aim for a chapter a week. Concernign the WWW button, I'm ironing out problems with the current design and there's no links at all on that page. That should change as soon as I get all settled in. Don't expect a pleasant visit if you use that steamy mound of crap that is Internet Exploder. I'm designing the site with standards in mind, using PNGs, and even that needs some ironing out right now (I haven't touched it in a month. I'm kinda shocked, myself... I supposedly love web design.)
  12. Well, not match verbatim. That would be like listening to Babelfish singing engrish (running and panicking would be in order and perfectly understandable). It's not unreasonable however to expect the songs to come out with near-identical meanings. The LA album is kinda like the GGX equivalent of the dubbing for Zoids (not a good show by any standard, I use it as an example because of some sort of software they use to slow or speed up the "lip flap", allowing them to write pretty much whatever they want). The most dissappointing example is Holy Orders. The "chorus" is completely off, and sounds kinda goofy. The counterpoint to this example is Keep Yourself Alive, which just plain rocks and completely fits Sol's badassness. As an update, I will say that I'm incredibly pissed that Awe of She didn't make the cut. I love that track.
  13. Yes, it's only you. And on some unmarked day, Some Japanese Guy said "Let there be bullets!" And damn there was some bullets."
  14. Indeed, MK2 is the best of the Lot, followed by DA. I've got DA for the GC, and it's alright. A 3D fighting game that you can't beat simply by picking an Eddy Gordo character and pressing loads of buttons in a rapid random manner, just like in Tekken. Instead, you have to memorize combinations, just like in Tekken. Er, crap. Anyways, worst thing about DA was that Shang Tsung couldn't shapeshift (I guess that's to be expected though, given the limitations of consoles.) Sounds like this new MK is gonna be nice.
  15. If the soundtrack is any indication, this game is gonna rock. I don't understand why some people don't like it... the only tracks that seem out of place are Drumhead Pulsation and Home Sweet Grave (which is annoyingly catchy). This soundtrack sounds closer to the original than the GGXX soundtrack did. BTW -- The Guilty Gear XX in LA Vocals album... it's pretty good. Unlike the 3 Japanese vocal albums, the music is pulled straight from the soundtrack (so the "vocal guitar/instrument" is still present underneath the singing). Only problem I have with it is that the lyrics don't match the original Japanese lyrics at all. Still, they're a pretty good take on it.
  16. I've had DSL for about a month now... It's the 28th of July, and according to my Smoothwall's stats for the RED interface (Public/Untrusted network AKA the Internet), I've downloaded 32 GB and uploaded 20.5 GB for this month. First day I got DSL, I downloaded 1 gig of MP3s and 6 gigs of Linux ISOs (haven't even tested them all yet. I'm pretty sure I won't like them as much as Slackware, but I still need to give them a shot). I live in one of those small towns in a small county with a below-average population. Took a while for me to get it. Wanna know what sucks? I'm about to move! I'll be kissin' some bandwidth goodbye for a while during the transition, but I might can get out of the contract and skip getting a phone line altogether, and get a business cable account.
  17. It wasn't censorship, it was an avoidance of potential legal hassle. You've heard of a big mean black dude named Mike Tyson, right? Now, imagine if some big mean black dude named M. Bison was in a game, and was also a boxer, much like this particular M. Tyson. Someone might want to sue... Rather than put up with that crap, Capcom of America shifted a few names around. I'd rather they just renamed that one character though... Balrog (traditionally a demon-like creature. quite fitting, given his fits of bloodlust.) was a much better name for the spanish ninja, and Vega just sounds better than "M. Bison" for an end boss.
  18. I read that little blurb over at the ever-worthless IGN, and this has "J++" written all over it. You know... Microshaft almost tricked most of the java community into writing java code that would only run properly on Microsoft's virtual machine. Now it appears they're trying to do the same thing with console games.
  19. So, I get back to my apartment from lunch today, stuffed, and I go to check the mail. Another worthless "pennysaver" type paper, so I walk on over to the garbage cans (collected every so often) and discard the newly acquired junk mail, and then it catches my eye. One of the other tenant's was the previous owner of this fine Apex 500W DVD player. It was just sitting on top of the can, without remote or cables (save for the power chord, for which I am thankful). At first appearance, only the door in front of the DVD drive was "broken." I looked about -- no-one's looking or caring, this DVD player is sitting on the trash can in good physical condition, and for all I know still works. I grabbed it and ran inside with it. I opened it up, to check the innards; pretty simple layout. The power supply is kinda ghetto, 90% identical to the kinds used in computers in the first half of 1995 and earlier. Everything looked OK... I hooked it up, powered it on, and it worked. Played a DVD. That worked. I've been watching things on it off and on today, and I'm pleased with it. Visuals are sharp, it can quite easily be made region-free and macrovision-free, has SPDIF audio and S-Video... no remote though. I even went and repaired the door. It had simply come off it's hinge and the spring was not set properly (still isn't set properly, but I did the best I could do). And this is how I scored a free DVD player, which is quite nice by my standards. If it hadn't been in working order, I would have put a computer in it. Either way, I win. So... what have you guys found in the trash?
  20. Dilbert is gospel. Scott Adams is more than a genius, he's a... something more than a genius. And another nod for Jhonen Vasquez. I love the way his art is angular in places and rounded in other places, and those little moments in JtHM where it looks like a comical version of some of Giger's art direction from Alien.
  21. The #Reload vs. Isuka debate is pivotal in my decision for whether or not to eventually get a PS2 or XBOX to go alongside my Gamecube. I've only got a handful of games for my cube, and I want to get some more (resident evil, Eternal Darkness, Zelda: Windwaker, and a couple more). All I have currently are CvS2, Metroid Prime, and MK: DA. I've gotta have more fighters... Dunno if I want the M$ Box or the Sony machine. With Isuke and a not-so-polished version of XX available on the PS2, I lean that direction, however, there's still the issue of SNK fighters... How's the SNK lineups look for the two?
  22. http://www.emutalk.net/showthread.php?t=20969 This makes me happy. For a while, I was fearful that the situation would be as it were with most games being developed as of late: DirectX only. "Screw the Mac owners, screw the Linux geeks, it's straight-up Windows." I'm sick of that attitude. There's a great new game out called Painkiller, and I can't play it because it's Windoze only, DX9. There's no excusing that. Look at Epic Megagames and id Software. They make their games as cross-platform as possible. So I'm happy to see this emulation project with plans to go open source early on. </offtopic>
  23. Nezumi rants on portraits! Kyo: Dude's supposed to look more masculine than that. Benimaru: Something's wrong when Beni looks more manly than Kyo. Daimon: It's Daimon. Yashiro: He wants so badly to be like Benimaru. Shermie: It's shermie. Chris: "Maybe now I'll get cast in some yaoi doujinshi..." Iori, Mature, Vice: It's Iori, Mature and Vice. Iori is the man. What else would he be, after having beat the shyte out of those two and then to have 'em come crawling back in 98, 02, and now 04. Mai: It's Mai. Yuri: How old was she in 95? In some respects, she looks younger. King: Thought she was a lesbian... looks like she's out for a man this year. K', Maxima: It's K' and Maxima. Whip:... yes mistress... Yamazaki: Uglier than before. Mary: More busty than before. Billy: It's Billy. Kula: sad girl in snow Shingo: Why's he looking serious all of a sudden? Saisyu: he's supposed to look more awesome than that. Choi, Chang: It's Choi and Chang. Jhun: I guess his new face will compliment his arms better. Doesn't look like a member of the Benimaru fan club now. Team Psycho Soldier: Nothing new, really. Terry: Dude's ugly all of a sudden. Andy: Hey, at least he's in there. Can't say much about his hair though.... Joe: It's Joe. Again. Nothing new for the Kyokugen crew or the Ikari team. As for the talk of "boob jobs," I don't see it. Mature and vice, according to their sprites, were pretty much well-stacked even when compared to Mai. They just weren't meant for fanservice like Mai. Mary, on the other hand... maybe the shirt just got tighter. And yes, this is very sad. The sprites should have been re-drawn along with the portraits. Instead, we're getting the Capcom treatment. The energy and talent going into this game could have better been spent on Kof2K4. I've got the feeling that this game is little more than a tech demo for SNK/P for the Atomiswave hardware.
  24. tell me something I didn't know...
  25. This also will be covered... Right off though, I'll mention my personal "Big Three": 1 - KDE http://kde.org KDE is a complete desktop environment. It looks great, works great, and the development is FAST. These guys make major changes like, every 4 or 5 months. The look is highly customizable. It includes just about everything you need to get started on a Linux desktop, and a web browser/file manager called Konqueror. Konqueror is one of the best things about KDE... It's got the tabs, the popup-blocking... it's also got tabs with multiple panes, and support for browsing a metric truckload of filesystems. If you run a windows box, you have to download FileZilla for an FTP program. With KDE, you've got all the FTP you need right in Konqueror. KDE is the reason I don't know too much about fluxbox or xfce or gnome. I like it too much to try/learn something else. 2 - XFCE http://xfce.org This gem here is small, fast, and light. It uses GTK, and everything looks very consistant. It's not as "complete-feeling" as KDE, but it's not intended to be. It's very customizable and all that good stuff. 3 - Fluxbox. http://fluxbox.sf.net When resources are limited, or you simply don't want to be burdened by stuff that looks needlessly pretty, you go with Fluxbox. It's small, lightweight, and very zippy. It's even less "complete-feeling" than XFCE though, and by that I mean that you've got to add shortcuts to menus for almost everything. The look is as customizable as it can be, for something so lightweight. Customizability is limited mainly to window borders and colors and font sizes.
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