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Everything posted by nezumi
Kind of defeats the whole point of free software (not only open-source) like Linux, don't you think? I don't understand why a mentally sane person would pay to emulate Windows on a free OS. Apart from that, WineX is probably a very good software; I've only tried Wine. Just in case: yeah I know Wine and WineX is not really emulation. Back to the topic: a linux installing tutorial is in itself a good idea, but there are plenty already. It could be of some interest if you include details specific to games and emulation (emulators available for Linux, MAME compile on Linux, Wine/WineX install and use, etc...). You misunderstand the concept of "free" software. Linus didn't start the free/open-source movement, he simply made it easier for it to gain ground by releasing Linux (which is just a kernel, not an entire OS. I'll touch on this in the tutorial/HOWTO.) under the GNU GPL. GNU (GNU's Not Unix. gotta love recursive acronyms.) was founded in the early 80's by Richard M. Stallman. He was sick and tired of crappy printer drivers, so he decided to start an open/free (libre, not gratis) software development model where people could write software, and distribute the source code. Then, others could view the code and contribute to the project. A contribution may or may not be worked into the main branch. If some in the project don't like where it's headed, the project can fork. Good Example: XFree86. XFree86 is the version of X11 (the core architecture underneath all the pretty *nix desktops) that has been shipped with GNU/Linux and *BSD up until recently. For the past two years or so, developement has stagnated, and it hasn't really moved anywhere. 2 Forks resulted from this: freedesktop.org and xouvert. Xouvert is now defunct. Lately, XFree86 had a license change that many felt was not compatible with the GPL, so a fork was started using the XFree86 4.3.99 source code. This fork is called X.org, and it's rapidly gaining ground. There's even rumour of freedesktop.org merging with x.org, which would be freaking awesome. This is what free software is about: Freedom, not $0.00. If a GPL-compatible project is going in a sour direction, expect a fork. When you see a fork, you see the open source machine working the way it should. The reason WineX with Point2Play costs $5 (it's either monthly or yearly, either way it's worth every penny) is that it contain's some non-GPL-compatible libraries and software, and it's pretty well supported. The teams working on this software do an excellent job as well. Also, be aware that there's another Wine-based project, CrossoverOffice, which costs some money (don't know how much off the top of my head, don't care to know. People who insist on running MSOffice under Linux when OpenOffice.org is available ought to turn off their computer and pursue an MBA if they don't already have one.) Also, Oracle is proprietary, pay-for-it software, and it runs on Linux. and it runs VERY well. Oracle makes a killer product, and if you need the king of SQL databases for your large business, shell out some $$$ for Oracle. When you hear me say "Free Software" I'm talking about freedom, not saving bucks. It just happens that the freedom part brings the saving of many bucks. Touching on your last paragraph, allow me to re-iterate: this is not going to be simply "Installing Linux for teh n00bz." It's going to cover Installation, Learning how some things work (as best as I can explain them), Quick and dirty kernel compiles, package management, keeping important packages up to date (OpenSSH and OpenSSL come to mind), and of course office/schoolwork/gaming/multimedia. It's going to be a big project, and it's going to take me a while to put it all together. Heck, if it gets good enough, I might try to get it published. It'd be a good way to get my foot in the door for some science fiction.
Using WineX with Point2Play is pretty easy... of course, Point2Play requires a small subscription fee, but it's worth every penny (not joking). The only other way to get WineX is to grab the source from CVS and then compile it. It works, but it's understandably daunting for new users. Of course, someone went and put WineX/Point2Play out on some P2P networks (slsk, bittorrent, DC++ for sure), so you could grab a package that way. problem with doing that is, you'll be stuck with the binary compile of WineX that you downloaded then, unless you grab extra versions from CVS (which is supposedly easy, now that some guy has some shell scripts to automatically grab it and compile it, multiple versions too, co-existing side by side without interfering with one another). And don't panic about D2... It's quite playable, just not incredibly enjoyable ATM. Several people are playing it fine, they're just using an earlier version of WineX than I am (and I'll probably grab it right about now). LordKanti: Just wait a little while, man. I've got some work to do for someone, and once it settle down I'll get started on... wait a sec, what should I title this thing? suggestions, please? Bonus points for funny.
Hrmmm.... what to do, what to do... I've already got a Mini-ITX motherboard with 256 megs of RAM here; I was so looking forward to making a nice, small, quiet HTPC... looks like I'll have to make a CarPC with it instead. Yeah... that would work... then I could just go wardriving without lugging a laptop around.
the gaming issue is definately one I'll be touching on... I've gotten all my windows games working under Linux here, the only problems being the lacking framerates in directdraw games like Diablo2 and Starcraft (I've read up, and believe my solution will come in the form of getting earlier versions of WineX from CVS and installing them alongside my current version). It re-occured to me today why I moved to Linux in the first place... although I'm doing everything I've done under windows (with the exception of vector graphics... I'm trying to stop pirating stuff, but Illustrator is the tops for vector graphics), everything is faster and generally more solid. Yeah, I'm a little annoyed by the middle-click-to-paste thing, and although I can do stuff with the GIMP that I could in Photoshop, I can't do it nearly as fast (klunky interface). Then there's the infinite benefits of having a command-line interface underneath all of these pretty desktop environments... it's no problem to SSH into your box from somewhere, fire up a text-based browse, see that there's a neat package available here, download it with wget, or fire up a *.torrent using bittorrent's ncurses-based interface. With windows, you'd have to go through the trouble of setting up a VNC server (which isn't much trouble at all), but good luck using VNC over a dialup connection. So I think I'll write this tutorial, and when it's finished it'll go up in the PC support forum (and maybe it'll get stickied, who knows). It's gonna take a while though... I may be in trouble if I can't get a-hold of some income soon.
if this would be better in the PC Support forum, then the mods can move this thread on over there. Anyways, I was just curious if you guys would like for me to take a crack at writing a linux installing tutorial? I've noticed only two posts by the same guy (Agozer, I think) in the PC support forum concerning Linux issues. Only two? I know some more of you have probably been giving Linux a thought or two... If a quick installation guide would be enough motivation, I'd be happy to give writing one a shot. Of course, I wouldn't stop with installation. I'd have after-installation sections with stuff like "What can I use for [situation]?" and "How would I go about [achievable.goal]?" So, please reply. I want the Yes's and the No's on this one in order to grasp where most of you stand on the matter.
There's a page on the 'net somewhere that will give you a NICE hosts file. I don't recommend using this file on a windows box though, slows the hell out of it. It's great under Linux though... Just get a linux distro like smoothwall on a dedicated firewall box and replace /etc/hosts with the hosts file from the site, and you'll be set. I believe the site with the hosts file is linked to often on the smoothwall forums.
since you've got Mandrake 7, I recommend getting a new set of isos to install, namely slackware. ftp://inferno.bioinformatics.vt.edu is a good server with custom isos of slackware's -current branch. I really recommend slack for learning stuff. You'll be able to find pre-packaged binaries for some of the above-mentioned software at slackcare.com and linuxpackages.net. As for playing MP3s... just start XMMS. that's really all there is to that, it's 98% identical to WinAMP 2.x. As for burning CDs, there's 2 programs of note, K3b and xcdroast. K3b is easy enough to use, it's almost identical to several windows-based programs. The only problem I had was that I ruined a few discs writing in DAO mode instead of RAW (and I can't think of why DAO wouldn't work... odd.) for partitioning, all you need is cfdisk. it's not a graphical program, but it'll get the job done. for videos, you can use xine (don't really need a manual for it, it's almost a PowerDVD ripoff, save for the fact that YOU CAN'T PLAY DVDs WITH IT. frickin' geniuses on the xine project, I tell you.) for playing DVDs and just about everything under the sun, there's mplayer ( think they're on 1.0pre4 now). using mplayer is a bit of a pain, but it can do some cool stuff, like running the output of your favorite video through the aalib filter. BitTorrent has it's roots in Linux, but you'll probably need a TON of libraries for it to work. For starters, unlike being an executable binary as it was in Windows, it's a python program (complete with.py extension). You'll definately need the wxWindows and wxWidgets (hell, just get every lib with wx in the front, save some trouble.) If you want to get on the SLSK network, there;s two options. Nicotine, and one other which is currently under developement. Nicotine is python-based, and requires something called pyGTK (basically, GTK bindings for python programs). You can find slack packages of pyGTK easily, and nicotine installs pretty painlessly. If you ever get a program that has a funny-looking way of installing, make sure to read the maybe-included README and INSTALL files. and don't forget to frequent your distro of choice's channel on irc.freenode.net (you can use xchat for this. if I see a Linux user IRCing with mIRC under WINE I'll freakin' kill him).
there's an easy way to do this for free, and it's actually pretty darn useful. head on over to the ftp://inferno.bioinformatics.vt.edu ftp server. on that server should be a directory like /pub/os/slackware, where you should be able to find -current.iso images. burn'em to CD and install it on an old computer (a pentiumIII with 64 MB RAM will be more than enough). stick that comp on your network, configure the apache webserver, and direct port 80 traffic from your firewall to that box. Then just put your files on the Linux/Apache box and set up service with dyndns.org. Bam, free webspace with all the features you want. Not only that, but this machine can also be an pop3/smtp/ftp server. It could be lots of things... use your imagination. heck, if you have a static IP address you could pay for a domain name to point to your IP address (they're only what, $20 a year now?) www.ioriisasexybeast.com (or whatever) could be you. I'd do something like this myself, but I'm in a financial bind ATM and I'm unable to afford the newly available DSL services in the area. I probably won't even make rent this month. oh, and if you need a good firwall, I recommend Smoothwall GPL. It's a small Linux distro aimed at being a solid firewall. smoothwall.org (I use it myself, works like a dream).
*sigh* did no-one remember the previous posts I've made on the matter of IRC clients? How it sickens me every time I see someone refer to IRC they call it "mIRC" ? mIRC is a program (and a lousy one at that), not a network or a protocol. People needing an IRC client should get xchat (which was linked to above). The use of mIRC seems to carry stupidity (several people observing this thread would be inclined to agree, I'm sure). Not only that, but mIRC users sometimes share files suing a method that allows only mIRC users to download from them, and they're completely ignorant of the fact that they're contributing to the "Microsoftification" of the internet by restricting the flow of information to Windoze-only PCs. This is no different than Microsoft butchering their own version of Kerberos authentication so as to be completely incompatible with operating systems which use standardized Kerberos, and Microsoft's attempt at tricking developers into using MS "J++" and flooding the java software market with Java software that would only work on Windows (and if you don't know why that's a bad thing, leave the internet. now.). And what the heck is up with this talk of "cracking" a program? Some guy wrote a lousy excuse for an IRC client, and would like to get some money for it. He's entitled to that. You can use it without paying, but you have to be annoyed by his little nag screen. Don't want to pay or see the nag screen? Get a program that is free and doesn't have the nag screen, like xchat. There's no point in cracking mIRC when something better is legally available for free. Typical disrespect for copyright running rampant amongst Windoze users (yes, I realize the irony of posting this to a emulation message board).
What Do You Own..? Ps2, Pc, Xbox, Gc?
nezumi replied to Jjangthekid's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
This PC, which runs Linux. MAME Installed, UT2K4 Installed (gotta love it when a company puts a shell script for installing on Linux on the CD. ), WineX installed (couple of games installed there, mostly Blizzard games). And in the way of consoles I've got a GameCube. That's all. Since KoF:MI is a PS2 exclusive, I may have to get a PS2. At least then I could get some guilty gear action, and some other KoF goodies that aren't supported under MAME (can't figure out how to edit neogeo.c ) -
I do recall some people comment on the riovolution forums about how they're ticked that there are difficulties getting a Karma in the UK. As for the USB 1.1 issue though, relax... this MP3 player has an ethernet port in the dock, and a "Lite" version of the music-managing software written in Java to make use of it. That's right, this MP3 player has no problem at all being used by someone who runs Linux. Someone like me. Compatability is not an issue at all. Another cool thing about the dock is the RCA audio outputs, so you can get some really nice sound by hooking it up to your home stereo (or if you're an engineering person, your car stereo. I'm ordering a second dock just for this, one of these days.) As for the sale thing... perhaps you could find one on eBay, or perhaps someone at riovolution could sell you a second-hand Karma?
I recall hearing something of an open-source firmware for Archos Jukebox players. Something to look into if you're an OSS kinda person. I'm going to once again discourage the purchase of an iPod, primarily because I am vehemently disgusted with people who recommend a product based on how "stylish" it's appearance is. That, and good luck getting more than 6 hours of playback out of the thing using files of reasonable quality. My Rio Karma plays MP3s, FLACs, OGGs, AIFFs, WAVs (why you'd put WAVs and AIFFs on an MP3 player is something I don't understand. still, the support that is there is good). It's small, fits in one hand, has an incredibly nice display. It sorts files not based on directory heirarchies, but instead by using a database of ID3 tag info. Is this good? Indeed it is! You can select Play Music and then Artist (for a list of artists, and then a list of the selected artists albums) or select Album or Genre or Year. Best of all is the Rio DJ. It'll generate playlists for you based on least-listened to, most-listened to, recently-added, etc. Did I mention the 5-band graphical Equalizer with several presets, and room for 3 customized settings? I've handled an iPod before, and it can't touch these features. Big wheel? no thanks, I'll use the clitoral control mechanism on my Karma. And now, a poem... I don't like your iPod, Steve Jobs. Nor do I like you and your trendy snobs. I would not take your iPods by the box. I'd rather smash them, with some rocks. I would not take your iPod along for a jog For I require a player that supports OGG. I would not take them with matching earbuds A short battery life makes them worthless duds. I would not listen to your iPod here or there I will not listen your iPod anywhere. I won't take your iPod-mini as gift for another Especially with those homoerotic pastel colors. I loathe your iPod, Steve Jobs; It, you, and your legion of snobs.
People who recommend the iPod probably only know of maybe two other MP3 players, Creative's Zen and the iRiver. Rio makes an awesome 20GB player, the Karma. It plays pretty much anything except for songs in AAC format (which means no iTunes compatibility. Apple is reluctant to open that spec to other companies.). check it out at rioaudio.com They've also got other, smaller players available. have a look.
someone let me know when they get Weaponlord working right. For those not knowing, Weaponlord was a 2D fighter published by Namco. it featured only 7 characters, had so-so animation (not too bad for the SNES though) and boring music. The weapons-based fighting system in this game is something I'd LOVE to see applied to a Samurai Shodown game though. The combo possibilities were limitless, and the game would speed up with more hits chained together. Oh yeah, this game also recieved a pretty lenient rating from the ESRB. It only got a "T" and you could pull off sick stuff like ripping someone's intestines out, then decapitating them as they fell back, turning what's left of the corpse into a spraying bloodfountain, and, if you time it right, strike the head in mid-air, causing it to burst and send the brain to the ground. MK2 couldn't touch this game. Heck, I'd just love to see a sequel. At least I actually have the cartridge.
one word: Linux http://www.slackware.com
Saving A Directory's Content To A Text Doc?
nezumi replied to BobRedthorp's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
ls > dir.txt then emacs dir.txt or vim dir.txt you don't even have to "su root" ! -
The Hacker Of 1Emulation Is Now Revealed.
nezumi replied to Alpha's topic in 1Emulation.com Information [/info]
good grief people, the IRC snippet was a joke. must've been too realistic... I got the loser's IP address from a link on this site somewhere, the one with all the log pictures. I had no idea people would think that was real... please don't propogate the idea that it WAS real, because if it keeps up, then people will associate me with the kind of losers who hang out in rooms like #l33tsk1llz. above quote == joke. if it's funny, laugh. if not, "Darn nez, that was done poorly and in poor taste! shame!" EDIT: for some reason I just saw the last 3 replies on page 3 of this thread. I'll clarify: I am _not_ "b0b." him and "5p0n63" are completely fictional. I did no pwning in that completely fictitious irc chat. any semblence to reality is pure coincidence. -
I've got a gut feeling SNK shouldn't associate the KoF name with this future travesty. Looking too cliche already. Breakdancer, spy/assassin female with outrageous b00bs, some prettyboy with shades... Looks almost like a typical X-Box fighter. Oh well. if SNK starts porting to the 'Cube I may not have to get a PS2 anytime soon.
The Hacker Of 1Emulation Is Now Revealed.
nezumi replied to Alpha's topic in 1Emulation.com Information [/info]
Some time ago, in an IRC channel... I stop hanging around here for about a month, and looky what I miss. Hopefully this moron can land himself in a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison. Good detective work, GC! -
Was looking in to comparisons between ATI and NVIDIA cards... anandtech seemed to have a good spread. http://www.anandtech.com/video/showdoc.html?i=1955 Will someone tell me why they're using Flash to display graphs? I actually had to load up Internet Explorer, curse it, in order to see the stats on noise and heat and framerates. Considering NVIDIA's decent Linux support, and their higher framerate in Halo, I'm leaning torwards the BFG cards. They seemed to have a good heat to noise to performance ration. Or, I could wait until April/May and see if anything interesting happens in this market.
Open GL is a dying breed. It will be replaced with DirectX9 games soon, such as Halo. You misunderstand *why* OpenGL exists in the first place. It's an open API. DirectX is 100% proprietary, and is only supported under Windows. Supposedly an upcoming version of Virtual PC will allow Mac gamers to play DirectX-only games, and there's already Wine and WineX for playing non-ported games under Linux. Still, that's not good enough for some people. OpenGL won't be dying anytime soon, not as long as companies like id and Epic continue to support it. I'm royally pissed about Half Life though. With the original, most of the game servers running were Linux servers. Was there a Linux client? Nope. Could it have run under Linux? Yes, even the Windows version supported OpenGL. Linux gamers who were hopeful for a Linux client got screwed, and Valve has already shown that they have absolutely no intentions to release anything more than a Linux server for Half Life 2. As for Halo... it *would* have been an awesome OpenGL game, if Microsoft hadn't bought Bungie, and left their Macintosh loyalists out in the cold. Also, no co-op in the PC version; what's up with that? If Bungie had remained thier own company, there may have even eventually been a Linux client. But noooo... MS just HAD to have that killer app for the XBOX.
Looks like? Have you seen what Benimaru says to Ash when Benimaru beats him? My votes... First, I'll mention changes I like. 1- Yuri. her new sprite makes her look more girlish, and less like a short woman (she's what, 15? 16? and has been since 1996? continuity error here.) 2- Kyo. His new sprite is nice. Like a mix ofhis old outfits, minus that 1997-era wallet chain. 3- Terry. The new look is good, and was carried over into 2003 quite well (personal opinion). 4- DuoLon. awesome outfit. 5- Malin. Cute? Lethal? Not a paedobait little boy? Good. There may be hope for Japan yet. And now, changes I hate. 1- Benimaru. OK, it wasn't a secret to begin with, and that red miniskirt from KoF2000 was down-right uncalled-for, but this... this is almost too much. Those tight black leather pants, the tight and high-cut leopard-spot shirt... This "man" is ON FIRE. Oh, and although Falcoon's work is pretty awesome, he could have tried a little harder to make Benimaru's character-select profile look less like a 45-year old woman with wild hair. 2- King/Ryo/Iori. This is probably the last MVS iteration of KoF, could they have at least left us with some updated sprites? 3- DuoLon. That awesome outfit is too distracting; it's flowing all over the place. But the worst of all... Malin. SHUT UP!! Every time she performs a special move, there's this annoying squaking high-pitched voice. Ugh. And what the heck does she say at the beginning of the fight? I can barely make it out. Undoubtedly the most annoying thing about the game.
Top 5 favorite characters of all time!
nezumi replied to Fatal Rose's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
1 - Iori 2 - K' 3 - Ken Masters 4 - Eiji Kisaragi (Bring him back!) 5 - Rolento (so much fun...) 6 - Lin 7 - Dan Hibiki! (Dan Hibiki! Dan Hibiki! Who is this, "Robert?") followed by DuoLon, Shen Woo, and Akuma/Gouki (not in any particular order). -
I'm in the market for a new video card myself. This GeForce2 MX is no longer bearable. I know that the NVidia 5900 FX Ultra has performance similar to the Radeon 9800 pro when running Windows-based games, but I'm going to try very hard this year to completely ditch Windows (or come pretty darned close). The Linux and OpenGL support that card manufacturers offer is very important, and from what I hear, NVidia is beating out ATI for loyalty among Linux enthusiasts. Many are beginning to speculate that ATI's deal with MS on the XBOX2 will cause ATI to kill their Linux driver support, thanks to sneaky dealings with Microsoft. I also hear that sometime in April or May ATI will unveil a new chipset. I'll wait for a price cut around that time. I got me a Linux-compatible sound card... now I just need a video card that works well with Linux (for games like Cube, Unreal, Doom, Savage, Quake and what-not. Yes, those games work natively in Linux. No, half-life won't work natively in Linux, because Valve is Microsoft's biatch). If anyone can gimme the low-down on 3D graphics cards, lemme know.
I believe an apology is in order. *ahem*... Sorry. I posted hastily and brashly. As for why I said what I said (note that I'm simply stating why I said it, I'm not reasoning it away nor am I justifying it; I was wrong, plain and simple); I said what I did because I didn't take notice of who Aleixs is, nor did I notice where he was from. His original posts looked typical of the no-good American youth who could care less about proper spelling or sentence structure or punctuation; that, coupled with the topic and content, lead me to believe he was just a punk who wanted to learn how to be grievous. And it appears that I was quite wrong. emsley: My bad. Taratata: My use of the word "wannabe" did not refer to a person becoming a student, or desiring to learn. I meant "one who wishes to impress/be impressive without the use of much effort or skill or knowledge." Your use of "wannabe" seems to imply a student-like or disciple-like position (which I find strange; I've never seen "wannabe" used in a positive light before). Alexis: No hard feelings? As for poking around in your registry, give it a shot. Can't hurt anything if you're careful. Also, check out sourceforge.net and download some source code for some windows-based apps. Like... the source code for 7zip. It's available at sourceforge, give it a look. There's a program available for Windows called SoftIce (at least, I think that's what it's called). It shows whatever assembly-level code is running, and is used in the cracking of apps like mIRC and the such. You might can find some resources concerning this program online, or on a P2P network. --Nezumi; often sarcastic, sometimes humble.