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Everything posted by nezumi

  1. Gay / Girly guys appear to be popular over in the east for some reason. Vega from SF; Sogetsu/Suija from Samurai Shodown; Chris, Yashiro, Benimaru (he had an alternate appearance in Kof2K where his hair was down and he was wearing some short red skirt... flaming? this dude was BURNIN'), and now this Ash dude in KoF. Don't get me started on Guilty Gear. And then there's those 2 villains from Sailor Moon, half the male cast of CardCaptor Sakura, half the male cast of Fushigi Yuugi, Tenchi himself (he's living with 6 women and not getting any, you wanna tell me he's straight? didn't think so.) Worst of all is what happens to doujins because of all this. Don't bother downloading a Guilty Gear doijin that was produced after the arcade release of GGXX, because Bridget will be in there.
  2. Thought I'd mirror it here, there's a thread on page 2 of this forum with the following link. http://www.shoryuken.com/forums/thread45146.php Lots of samsho5 strategy and discussion is intermixed there with whatever tomfoolery you may be put off by. And watch out for the furry. Freaking everywhere these days...
  3. pun intended. Think you can do something about that autocensorship thing that's running in this forum? Every time someone spells out Y. Tokugawa's "first name" it getd changed to read "Yo-crap-ora." While I'm at it, I'll mention that, every time I rant about the state of mIRC's profane proliferation and mention a program which is abbreviated BX, it is changed to read Bi-a-tchX. I normally mention it with a URL, which gets messed up due to the censoring and thereby a non-working link creeps its way into my post. Think something can be done about this? Regardless, nice forum you keep here.
  4. I had a meaningful reply prepared, but it was chock-full of sarcasm. Since that won't help much, I'll join the meaningless-post-devoid-of-useful-content crowd and say "Perhaps people won't get their hopes up this time. Perhaps we can patiently wait out the release of the ROM(s) and have useful news posted. Perhaps we can have a realease where we don't have people clamoring for a working HTTP link to kof2k3.zip on the first night of the release, and continually pad their post-count with requests for such a link (which simply cannot be a link to a RAR file, heaven forbid it!). Perhaps English will not be horribly maimed this time around." /me reads post... Smooth one, Nezumi. Your skills in not-being-sarcastic are unparallelled in their inadequacy. Ah well. Any news on individual files like the P roms or C rom? And don't get me wrong, I seriously like this forum. We actually get links to files here. It's just been lousy times ever since samsho5 was released. Here's to a meaningful 2004!
  5. <sarcasm> the moon missions were fake, too! this mars stuff is BS! I saw that photo with the beer bottlecap on it! Blame Isreal! Jews control everything! Illuminati lizard-people are running the government! </sarcasm> Get a grip. We're not sending love letters to space on those rockets (yes, we sent a rocket up, there was televised coverage). I'm quite excited to see this happening. So far we're getting black and whites of a rocky landscape; color photos should be available tomorrow. Some people have already commented on some lighter patches of ground (frost, perhaps? a good sign... there's oxygen in water after all) Go NASA! sure, this probe cost us $400,000,000 compared to Beagle 2's $60,000,000 but look how far it got them. "Beagle may be stuck in a crater." One it created on impact, perhaps? Go NASA, show'em how it's done! <spock> fascinating! </spock>
  6. 3D fighters can be done right. of course, "right" here is being defined by someone who expects a bit from a fighter rather than a mashing-fest like Tekken (ugh). they need to make a cel-shaded, 3d fighting game that feels and plays like a 2d fighter. incredibly high polygon counts (best thing about KoF detail is all the folds in the clothing, like on iori's sleeves and pants legs). gotta have some seriously high polygon count models. None of this "break through" arena crap... a simple stage with some people in the background will suffice. Details are gravy. None of that tekken-ish play mechanic though. If the SF/KoF play mechanics aren't the norm, it ain't worth playing. The good thing about a 2D fighter done in 3D is that the look would be crisp and clear, and could run at very high resolutions with minimal detail loss. Characters could have multiple "outfits" (Kyo's 94 look and 2000 look, and it's about time Iori tried on a different shirt. I mean... he's been wearing the same outfit for over 8 years now.) The kicker though, would be allowing someone to select from multiple move sets. Like, Kyo could look like Kyo 2000, but could use Kyo 94's moves. This would be good because people could pick a character and a moveset that they feel most comfortable with. Home versions, you get to make custom movesets after playing for so long. Oh, and Mai Shiranui. in 3D. Vanessa, too. Holy crap, I'm rambling.
  7. try soulseek. that's how I got samsho5 on release day. just join the ROMS channel and browse some file lists. you should be able to find quite one or two people with it.
  8. Dunno if this will stay up... last time I started a topic in Current Affairs, it went missing the next day. Guess it was too non-emu. Anyways... I've been playing the game off and on since Christmas eve mornin' and have a few thoughts on it. good -Characters are now "the best of both worlds." Basara and Genjuro (my primary chars) simply rock now. -New use for the D button. I like this new subsystem. I just haven't gotten used to it yet. Rolling, ducking, hopping behind the opponent... good addition. Downside to this is the A+B for heavy slashing. I find it difficult to get them both at the same time, causing characters to move in a way I didn't intend to (Ukyo doing two slashes instead of 3, Basara's shadow jumping ahead instead of walking forward). -Meditation. I like it. Issen was way to easy to pull off in samsho4, especially considering the huge damage it could do. Now it's a little more balanced, harder for you to reach the state of being able to perform issen. Added bonus is the slo-mo effect from the qcb+CD. -New art. I like the profile-shots of the characters from the select screens. Top-notch. I also like Rimururu's new look. She's so cute, I miss the fatalities. (must... kill...) -Subtle Effects. I've noticed nice little artistic touches in certain "slash-effects." The seem to have traditional-style paintings laid under them (Basara's qcf+CD, one of Yocrapora's moves, Genjuro's f,d,df,S, etc.) A very nice touch. -New voices. Good to see that Rimururu and Nakoruru have new voices for this game. And the new announcer... very nice. He sounds much better than the samsho4 announcer. bad -Some of the characters feel unbalanced. Although Rera is a cool new addition to the "cute little girls" group of the game, it seems like her movelist is too short. Same goes for Rasetsumaru. Some characters just feel like they could use a wider variety of moves. And some are overpowered... Yocrapora has this one move where he slashes two swords at the ground, causing a power wave of sorts that can deal 5 hits. Heaven help you if he pulls it off first thing in the round, for all five hits, and you fail to jump back/block it. -Pure Cheese. Sankuro needs a serious overhaul. His recovery times are almost nonexistant, and he blocks virtually everything. His "slide and grab" underling holds you for too long, and he can apparently hold you even when you are a good half-foot in front of his hands. Oh, and the damage you've done? It's gone. Sankuro used that time to enjoy a pizza and regain half his life bar. And now he's going to smack you. Got him in a corner? Have a hard-slash get blocked? BOOM! there goes a fourth of your life bar, as "Mr. Dosukoi!" jumps in on your head, and Sankuro quickly follows it up with a stomp. -No Story. It appears us lousy gaijin are undeserving of a translated story mode. Only those who speake Japanese are truly worthy of understanding why the heck everyone's fighting. (Seriously. Yuki/SNK/Playmore, whoever is responsible for this, it was a seriously boneheaded move. Yes, 2D fighters have been losing popularity in the western world due to the hype surrounding lousy 3D fighters and other crap games that get all the attention due to good marketing, but you could at least give us some Engrish to laugh at. -Nakoruru's new voice. Something about it just seems... I dunno, it just sounds awkward. ugly -Colors. Have you selected Basara with the D button? Looks like he's endorsing Sprite. One of Ukyo's pallettes (I think D) makes him look like Rayden from the MK movie, only with a shirisaya. I really think the color choices could have been better. Heck, some could've been recycled from samsho4 and they would've been better. -Big Red. WTF? Gen-an was ugly enough and had an awesome weapon, but instead we get a simply hideous lumbering red demon with a sharp bone jutting out of his arm. Overall, I like the game. A lot. Anyone else want to share their thoughts on the game thus far? (note this is for those who have the ROM or have played in an arcade. Please don't ask for the ROM in this thread, there's already a thread for that.)
  9. WinMX was always my preferred client... lightweight and fast, could get any file, etc. Then all the cool kids and trendy types jumped ship and hopped on Kazaa's FastTrack network (similart to the way ICQ died to MSN Messenger). Eventually they got sick of the popups and spyware, and went with the Lite client... and now that's coming to an end. Since the new napster is only napster by name, I suspect that many of its users will become dissilusioned ("Pay for it? Napster was supposed to be free, man!") and either hope on a great new network I've found, or start learning how to bring a new wave of idiocy and latency to IRC. R.I.P. DALnet. These new music downloads may be "free," but will many people care? I forsee many of these pepsi bottle giving away downloads of the latest pop tune. Screw the up-and-coming bands that need some publicity, lets pimp Britny's ass some more. I need to tie my paragraphs together better. Feels like I'm rambling.
  10. Got myself a Rio Karma (and after seeing a friend's ipod... glad I got the karma), Aliens Quadrilogy, LotR: TTT gift box (with smeagol statue), clothes to fit the new me (gogo weight loss!), some tools, and samsho5.zip. So peoples, enlighten us... how good was the year-end closeout for you?
  11. a JOB, hopefully...
  12. I;ve got the gamecube version, and if you've got a kid brother do NOT let him pick the controller setup that completely abuses the c-stick. if he should happen to pick it, do NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER, let him pick Blanka. I don't care how fast you can Hadou-KEN, he'll KO you in 10 seconds just by holding the c-stick in your direction. Worst. controller. layout. ever.
  13. Feliz Navidad! I awoke this morning to a finished download, and a very nice (and different, that's for sure!) SAMSHO5.zip. It's gonna take me a while to get the hang of the new button layout. I added the DAT info for Nebula, with the P1 CRC set to 8A86C728, however the P1 CRC is really 611A6687 in my case. Seems to work though. Any ideas or comments on this? I really like how they handled Basara, but Genjuro seems a little watered down.
  14. I'm cursed... 3 attempts to download, all interrupted and failed. Lousy dialup. /me fires up samsho4.zip If I close my eyes and imagine, maybe... /me bursts into tears uncontrollably I'll just wait for a kind soul to point to a working torrent when one is available, or a good link. Perhaps there should be an update/watch in the FTP/Sites forum?
  15. nnNNNOOOOoooooo..... My link died early in the download... no file Solidius: you may be our only hope for Pre-25th SSV.zip goodness! Will you answer this calling?
  16. Solidius, PLEASE let the ops and admins get that file so they can set up a.torrent! hot damn, I should check the IRC searches. well, someone PM me if they gots teh mirror. EDIT, 5 mins later w00t! found a working link! I'll post it in 3 hours or so when I finish downloading the file. Lousy dialup. I'd love to share with you guys; really, I would...
  17. BitTorrent Beautifully and Blissfully saves servers from sucky slashdottings. 'tis a good thing, it is.
  18. Sound Blaster Audigy Gamer (finally, a soundcard with awesome Linux support) LotR: Two Towers 5-disc gift box Aliens Quadrilogy 9-disc gift box The Rio Karma, which is SO mine, can be seen here.
  19. reformatting graphics as PNG? using XHTML 1.0 Strict? Force avatar and sig graphics to be hosted off-site (huge bandwidth saver there, I bet)? I don't think you should change the color scheme too much. I happen to like it. Nice soft grays...
  20. Google for "Rio Karma". Ebay for "Rio Karma". plays OGG and FLAC in addition to MP3, has LiIon rechargeable battery, has ethernet port in the docking station, RCA audio outs for home stereo connection, and a 20 GIG hard drive. looks unique too. Average price is about $270, too. that's a $130 savings over the ipod, and probably just because it lacks the "Apple" name. go figure. And will be MINE in 9 days.
  21. Some iraqi will probably assassinate him, or a court of the New Iraq will sentence him to death. Funny you should mention torture, VIOLENCE... one of the things he's done before is throw dissidents into a large woodchipper... the lucky ones went in head first. Monday I started working with a man at a sawmill. it's relatively safe, the log sits still, and the saw moves horizontally through the log, and after removing some sides, removes near-perfect boards. Now, lately I was reminded that movies like scarface feature rather graphic scenes of torture, and looking at that saw put an image in my head. You mentioning Saddam and Torture in the same post, and that saw... gruesome.
  22. 'bout freakin' time. The FastTrack network is full of the RIAA's junk files, repetitive lousy porn, low-quality MP3s (lucky to get anything higher than 128 kbps), and people who don't share. I just hope the former k-lite users don't start flooding IRC networks and forcing the people who host bots to start using a MinCPS of 15 KB/sec or so (some already do, grrr). FastTrack Network is now officially useless to over 75% of it's users. The RIAA will probably leave it alone now, or either start DoS'ing IRC servers (DALnet, anyone?) or polluting the WinMX network. I just hope that there's too many IRC networks for the **AA to keep up with. I'm gonna fire up xchat, hop on to cyberjunks and addictz, and look for some OGGs to celebrate. Oh, and some ROMS, too.
  23. I hate to look like a Square fanboy but... MAGUS FOREVE!!
  24. A link I followed from the MAMEworld website said that there was a new CHD format, one which removed all the junk data. Said he got his MACE chd from 1 GB to 135 MB (which makes sense, cause from what I saw at arcades, there's no way that game takes up 1 GB of space. I'd be surprised if it took more than 200 MB). Was an renowned developer-type, too. This "junk data" could have something to do with the poor performance on my PC. But I doubt it. I got KI 1 and it runs just as poorly as the sequel. /me needs teh employment!
  25. Glad I could be of help! The following is a true story: ---------------------------------------------------- /me goes to friends workplace to get new slackware CDs. I take my Knoppix CDs. /me notes that friend is big Microsoft fan, for some reason. Doesn't think Linux can cut it. He tells me he's having problems with a hard drive. Won't spin up, and he needs the data off of it. Well, Knoppix can't help there. if it were just a bad sector keeping Windows from loading, Knoppix could read from the drive, and get all the goods needed. Not so in this case. I started Knoppix on the machine anyway. Got the machine on the network, and on the internet. Surfed the web with Mozilla and Konqueror. Showed him Open Office. told him that the new version could write to PDF. This was where I had to field a lot of questions along the lines of "Why do people make this stuff for free?" This his manager/friend/associate walked it. We'll call him "friend2". Friend1: "This is Linux." Friend2: "Oh, I've seen Linux. Nothing too fancy." Friend1: "Everything is running from the CD and RAM. It hasn't been installed. It's on the network and surfing the net." Friend2 nods. Friend1: "And it has this OpenOffice word processor. Writes PDFs." Friend2: "Oh, I've seen lots of programs write PDFs--[interrupted]" Friend1: "For free." Friend2: "Free?! Free is better." /me chuckles from the sidelines --------------------------------------------------- :the preceeding was a true story. Knoppix is probably the most important Linux distro out there right now, because with it, we can safely show people that it is possible to run Linux on the desktop for accomplishing common tasks, and save money while doing it. /me hugs the Knoppix CD. Of course, for a full-blown server, I'd probably go with slackware. It just does what you tell it to, and it's still kept very up-to-date.
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