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Everything posted by nezumi
not like that's a bad thing...
As for Mandrake 7.1... I highly reccommend using a newer version, as that one is WAY too old. There may be some instability issues, and definately some open holes that have since then been patched. About installing it... When you get a more up-to-date distribution, slide the CD into your CD-ROM drive, and reboot the PC. Early in the boot process, access the BIOS (could be either by hitting DEL or INS or F10 or F1 or F2, it varies by manufacturer). Look for an option like "Boot Order." Make sure that your CD-ROM drive is listed before the floppy drive or the hard drive. save and exit, and reboot. Oh, you may want to disable legacy USB support while you're there. Install should start up on the next boot. Keep a few things in mind about installing though: You need non-partitioned space on your harddrive if you want to keep windows on there. It sounds like you got a PC from DELL or some other vendor, and the possibility of having non-partitioned space seems pretty low. If keeping windows is a high priority, and I'm assuming it is, you may want to invest in a small hard drive (20GB is more than enough). One alternative is to download Knoppix. I showed it to a friend who was a little anti-Linux, and he was very impressed by it. http://www.knoppix.net. Just grab the ISO and burn it using your favorite software, make sure your PC is set to use the CD-ROM as a boot device, pop the Knoppix disc in the drive, and reboot. It runs everything off the CD and a RAM drive, a completely safe and effective way to try Linux. There's also slackware live... http://www.slackware-live.org/ Now, your post mentions the backup files on another partition... sure you wanna delete that partition? It's probably not gonna free up enough space for a good installation. I'm going to continue as if you went with the 2nd hard-drive option. Pop the secondary drive in as a slave to your original drive (which will be the master). You may have to move your CD/DVD drives to the secondary IDE channel. Pop in the installation CD, and reboot the computer. If you use mandrake or redhat/fedora, keep in mind that you'll be working on HDB, not HDA or one of it's partitions (HDA1, HDA2). If you use Slackware (http://www.slackware.com, I encourage you to try this, as it'll be a good, though unfriendly way to learn linux), you'll get dumped to a prompt, with some instructions or notices. At the prompt, you can type cfdisk /dev/hdb to get into an FDISK program. (hdb notates the second drive on the primary channel, hdc the primary drive on the secondary channel, hdd the secondary drive on the secondary channel). Your primary partition on the drive should be about 2.5 to 3 GB. I recommend making the Swap partition about 512 MB to 1 GB, depending on how much RAM you've got. The less RAM, the more SWAP. You'll probably want to make another 5GB partition on the drive for mounting to the /home directory (more on that later), and maybe other 1GB partitions for /var and /tmp. Once you write the partition table to the new drive, enter the setup process by typing "setup." The first things you'll do is configure your installation media source (you should be able to have this automatically detected) and your partition information. Set the 2.5 GB partition for your root partition, and have it formatted however you prefer. I prefer ext3 and 2048 inodes/cluster (I think that's how it goes...). Do the same for the other partitions (when you format them, you can map them to the appropriate directory, such as mounting the 5GB partition to /home). Formatting your swap partition should be no problem, not too different from the others. After this, you can select how you want to install it. There's options for installing everything, and options for installing select packages. Since you're new, you may want to install it all, just to be safe. It'll do it's thing, and install it all, and when it's done, you'll have more stuff to configure. so much fun! Pay close attention to this, I'm about to explain the boot loader. This will allow you to boot both Linux and Windows from one machine (of course, not at the same time). I recommend writing to the Master boot record, as it's fairly safe to do so, quick, and you don't have to keep up with a boot floppy. You'll tell it that your Linux distribution is on /dev/hdb, and that your windows installation is on /dev/hda, and you may want to specify a 30 or 5-second selection timeout (so that if you don't make a choice, it boots a default in 30 or 5 seconds). You may want to make the Windows the default. Then tell it to write this configuration. You can change the configuration later, but you'll have to re-write it when you do change it. After this, you'll set up your keyboard and mouse choices, network options, network card options, choose a screen font, set your root password, your default window manager, etc. When you finish, you'll get dumped back to a prompt. You can then type "init 6" to reboot, or 3-finger-salute, as the screen says. When you get back into Linux, you'll just have a prompt. You'll probably want something graphical. Linux uses the XFree86 implementation of the X11R6 standard, and you can use lots of different window managers with it. The popular choices are KDE, GNOME and Fluxbox. I reccommend going with KDE, 'cause Keramik's purty. You should have one already set to be your default from when you installed. Type "startx" to get going. if something goes wrong, you probably need to edit the X configuration. if so, type "xf86config" at the prompt, and follow the menus. if you use a Microsoft USB mouse, set your mouse to IMPS2. You may want to look up the technical info on your monitors refresh rates and frequencies using the internet (go go google!), as you'll need these to get X looking its best. If you use a winmodem, head on over to http://www.linuxant.com. They make the linux drivers for Conexant-based Winmodems. If you use a DSL or cable connection, just use your ethernet port, and configure your internet connection for PPPoE. Network settings shouldn't be too hard to handle, there's lots available to read before you get too deep into installing Linux. Read up ahead of time. If you need help with anything, try the various channels on irc.freenode.net. There are channels for supporting just about every Linux distro. if you need a chat client, just type "xchat" at a prompt (using X-windows) or "biatchx" from any prompt. That's bee - eye - tee - see - the letter H - then the letter x, there's no "A" in that word, regardless of what the forum tells you. Oh, don't chat as root. it's not smart. Make a new, non-priveleged user account for chatting. if you need to install or configure something, use the "su root" command from an xterm window. If you need office software, there's KOffice or OpenOffice.org. KWrite and Emacs and VI can be used for editing configuration files. for IM, you have GAIM for chat, there's X-Chat for graphics, the GIMP if you ever need files from your C: drive, you can use the mount command to mount it to a folder. from your root directory, type the follwoing: cd mnt mkdir c cd.. mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/c -t ntfs -o ro cd mnt/c ls the mount command I gave you above mounts your C drive as read-only, and mounts it to the C folder we put into mnt. the -o ro specifies the read only, and the -t ntfs specifies the NTFS filesystem. NTFS writing is very dangerous under linux,, but writing to fat32 is OK. For fat32, use -t vfat and -o rw (if you wish to make it read/write. That's enough from me. For the rest, consult some Guru in IRC, provided he's in the mood the help. This should get you started though. Oh, don't pay too much attention to the HOWTOs, as they are mostly grossly outdated. Have fun. Oh, and do make a Linux boot floppy. It can save teh ass.
I've got two files missing from my Gradius and Gradius 2 roms. I searched for the file using google, and saw "konamigt.zip" pop up. I hopped onto IRC and grabbed it, dismayed that it was just a racing game. It did, however, have the 2 files missing from the gradius roms. my guess is that this is similar to the problem I solved by getting konamigx.zip (allows parodius games to be run, much like neogeo.zip allows lots and lots of awesome awesome SNK games to be run). so what Bios/Rom am I after that allows me to play Gradius and Gradius 2? Off-topic: why is there no sound in Asura Blade? It looks great...
As for the failures to send, it could either be my ISP or your ISP. I'm inclined to believe it was a problem closer to your end though, cause the text from your fserve was going slow. Like, 1 line a second. I eventually stopped, too. The 1-line a second thing prompted me to fire up filezilla and start sync'ing my slackware-current folder. (side note: my dialup connection sucks) (by the way, my nick will probably be set to "cbp" as that;s the setting I have it on on just about every other IRC network I hop onto (cyberjunks, freenode, zerofuzion). As far as "people new to mIRC"... It's not mIRC. It's IRC. I hate to sound so zealous about it, but it really irks me that people assume that just because I'm using an IRC network, I'm connected with mIRC (well, except for the people on freenode. they all use biatchX or X-Chat). It's gotten so bad, that some people now use Fserv's that only work with other people using mIRC. There's nothing open in that, and it's downright awful. Fserv's, DCCs, and XDCCs aren't broken like that under X-Chat. They actually work properly (and they don't hurt they eyes nearly as much, IMO. mIRC's black-on-white was just painful, and I was glad to let it go). These open standards are there so that everyone can have equal access to shared resources, not so that some dude can break the standard and give the people that use his software access to everyone else's, plus some exclusive which are exclusive to his client software. Best thing mIRC has is Invision, but that's a script, and has nothing to do with the program itself. Best Fserv I've seen for X-chat is Obsidian (which is a perl script). Problem with it though, is that it announces via /msg, so I'm going through the script and I'm gonna get it right . The original author of Obsidian started using a different IRC client (one which doesn't have a Mac or Windows port, aimed at *BSD users), and so he stopped updating it. Since he released it under the GPL, I'll do the same with whatever change I make. Might can get some help with it after I get 0.9.3 out.
This is probably not going to be a warmly recieved idea, but you _could_ disable the use of GIFs in avatars (mainly to do away with the animated ones) and set the avatar size a little smaller. I'm pretty sure we'd all understand. Might could also limit Sigs in some way. Perhaps replacing most site graphics with 8-bit PNGs?
http://xchataqua.sourceforge.net/ Great free IRC client for Macintosh users; Based on the IRC engine of the awesome X-chat. http://www.xchat.org/ Great free IRC client for *nix or Windows users. No annoying nag screen with a photo of some foreigner begging you for $20 so you can use a program he wrote which allows you to access an open protocol (and he even breaks the DCC standard, too!). Heck, you don't even have to crack it. No guilt. http://www.biatchx.org/ Another IRC client for *nix systems. Infamous for it's /quit messages. mIRC is not all there is to IRC. Plese let any newcomers know that they _do_ have a choice in the matter, and don't have to put up with annoying software. Sorry, just felt like I was on a mission there for a second.
IRC. I've never liked P2P for much of anything, too much crap, not enough technically inclined people (I mean, why the heck would someoen bother sharing a MP3 at a bitrate lower than 192 kbps, it's just not high quality enough). Problem with IRC now though, is that some morons get the notion that IRC == mIRC, when in fact mIRC != IRC. IRC's a standard, a protocol, not some cheap demoware program with the 16th letter of the alphabet in the front of it that breaks DCC functionality and includes security holes. Sorry, ranting. Anyways, I like IRC. Provided the bot script doesn't use some sort of mIRC-specific non-standard crap.
The necromancer from Diablo II, with the kanji "nezumi" to the side. I just like the Necromancer. Up until recently, he's been the most difficult character to sucessfully play in Diablo II, but if you get it right, he's very powerful. Now, the 1.10 patch has enabled Joe Average Burritozon to make a max-skeleton max-mastery necromancer, who just sits back without using any of the more passive measures to enhance the parties killing potential. And he wonders why his army gets massacred in Hell, hmph. Hopefully the frustration and failure will set in, and they'll leave the necromancy to the seasoned players. I always pick something undead-ish whenever I have the option. I play best with Undead in WC3, Necro in Diablo II, Necromancers in Heroes of M&M 2 and 3 (never played 4, heard it was a dissappointment).
Have you ever seen an admin troll? I know I have... Maybe we should write a song about it? Sung to the tune of the song that goes "When I see an Elephant Fly" from old Disney Dumbo film! As for unoriginally re-hashing a game... Madden (basically a roster update very year), Tekken series (since when has Tekken been original? Since it did the same thing VF did, or since it ripped off Capcom's "tag-match"?), Dead or Alive (Tekken with tits!), Virtua Fighter (making it 3D and giving you a 30-second air-time, because we can!), MACE, War Gods, Soul Edge/Calibur (tell me something, why couldn't Namco make a sequel to Weaponlord instead of this drivel?) So yeah, 3D fighters look better with every new iteration. Whoopie. At least 2D fighters play better with every new game, even though the display hasn't changed in about 10 years. Anyone care to remind Capcom or SNKP that a resolution should go higher than 320x240 nowadays? So far only Sammy gets this right for fighting games. As for this game... Did Lin make the roster? I noticed my man Eiji is still out... At least I still have Iori. -=-=-=-=-=- EDIT-- My bad, I missed couple of posts. Sorry Cinder.
As for game related stuff I'm sick of... I'm sick of playing 2D fighting games that look the same as they did in 1994/1995. Yeah, the artwork itself has improved over time, and some new features are added to combat systems and removed as needed, but these games still run at 320x240 (or something like that). Sammy had the decency make Guilty Gear run at over 640x480. Why can't Capcom and SNK get up and re-do their artwork in a more modern resolution? Maybe SNK doesn't want to stop developing on 10 year old hardware, I dunno... (don't get me wrong, I like Neo Geo games. I just don't see the point in games looking the way they do when it wouldn't be too hard at all to make them look better) And I'm sick of 3D fighting games that turn in to a button-mash-a-thon where your enemy knocks off half of your life bar as soon as he puts you on your back.
best thing in a while I got from WinMX was some stuff from the samsho4 soundtrack. Sounds a lot better than whatever format the music on the arcade box is in. the guitar and flute comes through much more clearly, and the drums are a nice touch that you can't quite make out too well in the arcade game. Got Genjuro's and Kazuki's themes, as well as Galford's. I like Genjuro's best. Looks like for superior game music, gotta import the CDs, or hit E-Bay. Might be worth the $$$. Perhaps there should be a donation pool for purchasing Official game soundtracks we can host on a hub? I need to get on this DC++ stuff...
Ever played the PC CD-ROM version of Super Street Fighter II Turbo? All the music was CD Audio tracks. Cammy's was lots of piano, Ken's was guitar, and Guile's sounded like a mid-to-late-70's porn groove. I don't remember everyone elses too well, but I do know that it sounded a lot better than it did on the SNES. Wonder if I've still got that CD here...
Jedah Bulleta (hilarious) As for Sammy vs. Capcom... I'm honestly hoping that Ryu and Ken get left out. Ryu has been boring ever since Alpha 2, no character development. Maybe they'll give Fei Long some Nunchaku or something... Rolento would work out, too. Felicia, Bishamon, Jedah, Gallon, Morrigan (FINALLY they might update her sprite, after what, 8 years?) would all fit right in to this game. Hayato might make it in to this one, too. And hopefully they'll use the Zero from the Rockman X series. Finally seeing the one in SvC was a let-down. It's gonna suck if they just take Morrigan, and scale her sprite to look the right size. I have a feeling they'll do it. Everyone looking sharp in 640'ish resolution, except for her... damn.
a CHD is a hard-drive image. to play Killer instinct 2, you have to have a CHD file in a certain folder, and kinst2.zip in the roms folder. speaking of CHDs... why the hell is my framerate for Killer Instinct 2 so poor? It's a 2D game, and I can emulate KoF2001 through Kawaks without a problem. I've got 768 Megs of RAM, and 2 Athlon 1800+ CPUs... could it be the GeForce2MX card?
If nothing else, get everything by a company called Infocom. Good stuff. The Lurking Horror is probably the best one I've played. *shudder*
I hear ya, man. I got sick and tired of all the bloat in M$ products a long time ago. The only Microsoft software I use nowadays is windows, and I'm even working on migrating to Linux (damned soundcard). anyways, your MSN woes may be alieviated if you download a small little program called GAIM. It's a free, open-source IM client, with support for many protocols. ICQ/AOL, MSN, YIM, Jabber, IRC, and a couple others, I believe. If your sick and tired of the bloat, instability, and downright dirtiness of Microsofts official MSN client, get GAIM. Note however that support for file transfers through GAIM is limited, if not non-existent (doesn't bother me a bit, if someone needs to send me something, I run a filezilla FTP server). http://gaim.sf.net And why pirate an FTP program, when there's a superior open source one available? http://filezilla.sf.net Tired of Clippy, and other Microsoftish bloat? Try OpenOffice 1.1, which has support for exporting to PDF! http://www.openoffice.org The superior web browser is, hands-down, Mozilla Firebird. Tabs, built-in popup blocking, and oodles more standards support than microsoft could ever hope for. If the background of my avatar looks brownish, it's because your using IE, which lacks 24-bit PNG transparency support, but it's in Mozilla. http://www.mozilla.org Gotta promote my fave linux distro, too. http://www.slackware.com OK, enough linkage for the day. Stick it to the man.
Wait, it's possible to run Guilty Gear on PC? someone enlighten me, please! Is it via emulation or an actual software product? What about GGX2? My fave char would either be Venom or Ky. Subject to change, I haven;t really played much.
Which Arcade machine have u wasted the most $ on?
nezumi replied to Diso's topic in Gossip Café [/offtopic]
I probably sunk between $20 and $25 at Tilt in the Savannah Mall over the past 2 months, all on SvC chaos. Well, no more! Got that ROM to play, now. -
I believe both Lisa and Bart have said that once or twice, so it could be either of them.
I've heard of a jukebox feature in Kawaks that will allow you to play the music in a ROM without actually playing the game (I believe many did this when neogamez was releasing SvC piece-by-piece). Is there a similar feature in MAME for exporting/playing music? Wouldn't mind getting Kazuki's BGM from samsho4 in MP3.
/me loves his GameCube Now, aside from making it a PITA to get the ISO image from the DVD-ROM, is there any additional copy-checking in the GC hardware? Like, suppose I managed to actually find gamecube-sized DVD blanks (although any DVD might work if you have a panasonic), and successfully burned it, would the GC be able to read it without needing a modchip?
Only being fair, as we've got 2 other threads for SF and KoF. Genjuro (bust or slash) Basara (Bust. those mind-trick moves are awesome, and Slash is lacking there.)
Samurai Shodown 5. "Ahhh. I need more blood!" - Genjuro
Iori's cool, his looks compliment his attitude. First KoF game I played though had Eiji Kisaragi as a playable character, and that ninja ROCKED. He hasn't been in a KOF game since then (think he makes a cameo appearance in KoF98 though, in Billy's intro). I'm annoyed by this. They should've put him in SvC so he could show Vega/Balrog how the whole Ninja thing is properly done. I haven't gotten the hang of playing Lin yet to replace him.
Sakura -the Cherry Blossom move is fun. Rolento -Rolling, jumping, throwing knives, and keeps a grenade on his Taunt. Ken -About as boring as Ryu, much better moves though. Shippu Jinrai ken!! And Dan, becaus he's funny. "Do you like to, YAHOO!" "Get into shape with my new video, Seven-minute Saikyo!"