I quit out of my facebook a few days ago because of the mind numbing same old crap you get on there. Wasnt anything personal Just bugged out too many reasons to list why. And its not just 1emu that seems to be lagging behind lately, ever get the feeling you're talking to your self out here? Anyone know any places that are jumping with users? My blog is still pulling in a decent amount of hits but to be honest its still not consistent and it appears that its more random searches that get me hits rather than a steady user base. Emails? From real people dont get me started, i have more chance of an old youtube comment springing up in my mailbox. Or maybe Im just getting too old for this shit, this generation of web users are ignorant. IGNORANT. Reasons why I think the web is dying: 1. Facebook. It's got that shit locked down. Most web users use that - for me - i hate it now. I think now though people are waking up to its use as a place that's had its "pop" in the media circle, to a place where people are now going "Ya know what, Im tired of this place now" We have all had laughs and fun on there, but now its becoming old hat. 2. Instant comments: Asshole posts something - 50 instant comments later its forgotten. 3. Twitter. Good for what you're interested in, other than that - nothing but trouble. 4. Global recession. I dont know how a recession effects input from other folk but it seems to do just that. Between faceshite and shitter taking up probably at least half of network traffic along with top site bullshit, it only leaves the old astute users I figure. You're seriously telling me people have a life during one of the worst recessions ever known to hit globally? Wow man, something up..