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Everything posted by emsley

  1. I had a few weeks off but im still sticking at it with stair case push ups and a large pole i use and slot it under my sisters pram, im quite buff at the moment. (im not kidding) I dont think ill ever be as toned as i was when i was younger but im in pretty neat shape.
  2. Is it rape if she agreed to sex but fell asleep on you but you carried on for an hour #blinddrunk

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shoma


      ba zing!

    3. Bambi


      depends if you got any in her hair

    4. ken_cinder


      If you didn't, then you're not doing it right...money shot FTW!

  3. By rights monitoring what you download is a privacy infringement but only when it suits the cocksuckers. If they can do that im 100% sure they can see what you look at and tap down. You all think its not happening but it is. they know. And anytime the fuzz want access to your shit they can. In the UK though they NEED to get a written letter from a judge to inspect your shit. they can look at your stuff BUT they cant shove it in your face just yet as evidence in court. The download stuff is old hat though still fuckign annoying, Ill download what i want ass hats! quit monitoring my shit. I thought you yanks had stopped SOPA/All forms of media censorship for now? Obviously not. I just caught a glimpse of max payne 3 on piratebay for the PC the fucker is 29GIG in size im not touching it with a barge poll. If it had been a smaller file size i would of gone for it. Tell big brother to go fuck it's self.
  4. No more like a generation of stupid, spoiled little emo brats that couldn't possibly think for themselves. Those deemed "Generation Z" who have no appreciation for doing ANYTHING for themselves, you thought Gen Y kids were bad with their online antics and brain damaged-ness? Gen Z kids take it to a whole new level! Problem is, most of us Gen X'ers are the problem, as they're OUR kids! Sooooo basically it sucks to be parent in this era? lol Im only 31 shoma, and the web 5 years back was awesome, compared to the shit hole it has steadily become.
  5. No more like a generation of stupid, spoiled little emo brats that couldn't possibly think for themselves. Those deemed "Generation Z" who have no appreciation for doing ANYTHING for themselves, you thought Gen Y kids were bad with their online antics and brain damaged-ness? Gen Z kids take it to a whole new level! Problem is, most of us Gen X'ers are the problem, as they're OUR kids! Sooooo basically it sucks to be parent in this era? lol Its actually quite frighting Shoma.
  6. It appears only the old school see what these sites in FB/twitter are doing to the smaller sites. A generation of controlled web users?
  7. There was a nakatomi plaza in fight club?
  8. Your a bird though bambi. I hope thats a good thing! Its a terrible thing.. dang...oh well Just kidding.
  9. Your a bird though bambi. I hope thats a good thing! Its a terrible thing..
  10. Well it might be different in countrys other than the UK but a few people i know have called it quits. From small seeds...
  11. Ok I saw chronicle got a really good high quality copy. It's enjoyable and you know as the movie went on, all I could think of was AKIRA! Also also grabbed a copy of John Carter - My HDTV is pretty big and the copy I have is 1.3gig so I expected better quality than what I got, Anything in the background or a scene from distance made my eyes squint - I couldnt see the detail good enough and I ended up falling asleep, seemed like a good movie but make sure you get a HIGH quality copy if you are a downloader. The higher the better. Got me some cheese for tonight in the Journey mysterious island -------- hur/
  12. Thanks for putting up with me while i was intoxicated.
  13. I won't fall for that trick, cracker of a lass.
  14. ill try to pump more happiness in future sweetheart.
  15. Yup, just getting a mountain bike so i can sort my knee out ill be peddling like shit as soon as I can, minimum of 30 miles a week. Then my knee will strengthen, start jogging again and hopefully get back into football.
  16. I dont get that Agozer. Kz2 to me was a pallet of joy. Sure there was a few ropey missions n all that, but overall... I think the the third one was just pampered to that bullshit wand thing they move around, in turn it removed its roots. I cant hit shit in this game, there is no way NO fucking way after playing FPS for 10 years I cant hit a target?? Whatever! I play it, and i got to do shit in sections and chess peace the moves! in Kz2 you just went at it. I hate my character in kz3 want him to die of rabies.
  17. I put my workouts on hold until im settled back in at my dads house. I cant fit the dam bench in here, all i can do is put it in the shed and use it in the summer....
  18. Killzone 2 is superior in everyway. And you can probably pick it up for 5 bucks!
  19. I quit out of my facebook a few days ago because of the mind numbing same old crap you get on there. Wasnt anything personal Just bugged out too many reasons to list why. And its not just 1emu that seems to be lagging behind lately, ever get the feeling you're talking to your self out here? Anyone know any places that are jumping with users? My blog is still pulling in a decent amount of hits but to be honest its still not consistent and it appears that its more random searches that get me hits rather than a steady user base. Emails? From real people dont get me started, i have more chance of an old youtube comment springing up in my mailbox. Or maybe Im just getting too old for this shit, this generation of web users are ignorant. IGNORANT. Reasons why I think the web is dying: 1. Facebook. It's got that shit locked down. Most web users use that - for me - i hate it now. I think now though people are waking up to its use as a place that's had its "pop" in the media circle, to a place where people are now going "Ya know what, Im tired of this place now" We have all had laughs and fun on there, but now its becoming old hat. 2. Instant comments: Asshole posts something - 50 instant comments later its forgotten. 3. Twitter. Good for what you're interested in, other than that - nothing but trouble. 4. Global recession. I dont know how a recession effects input from other folk but it seems to do just that. Between faceshite and shitter taking up probably at least half of network traffic along with top site bullshit, it only leaves the old astute users I figure. You're seriously telling me people have a life during one of the worst recessions ever known to hit globally? Wow man, something up..
  20. I got Killzone 3 pretty cheap, I really liked Killzone 2 apart from the end boss fight and a few cheap sections here and there. I think im about half way through the game and its not as good as KZ2. One of the levels was totally broken - Im driving one of those robot things and I kept getting the shit kicked out of me, to get past this level I had to stand back take out the targets from distance then slowly move in and take out the larger guns one at a time with total fluke shots. And whats with the "sneaking" level - the environments are bland, when action kicks off it appears to be total luck if you make it or get brought back to life by a squad mate. Not impressed so far.
  21. Im not fully sure yet Jit - some of the stuff will be controversial
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