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Posts posted by emsley

  1. Sorry to hear about your friend, maybe he needs a workout buddy. I'm not sure if you're trying to relate him to me -_-.



    He is the eternal negatist!

    If you over think and don't socialise you are missing out on all the best things in life - my friend wont do that unless its strictly under his terms. (lame ass boring bullshit)

    What im doing is giving you a heads up warning that over thinking can lead to been so negatised you miss the obvious joys in life!

    Push boundaries with your joy and lead!!

    Do not let negative thought hold you back!

  2. For fucks sake man...


    :Cant find the right smiley for this:


    i just posted what I knew man, the gil who torched my bedroom, it was in my parents house, she would chill in there watching TV waiting for me to get home from work, We used to smoke a lot of pot and i had a gas canister refill for my lighters...

    A chunk of my carpet was flamed. Haha - bloody kids!

  3. I had one set my bedroom on fire.

    I had one know she was pregnant before she met me and told me the kid was mine.

    I had one that thought it was ok to sleep with my friends and act like it was cool. (she still does this now she has 4 kids and never keeps a guy for longer than a few months or a year) I got a little revenge on facebook when she posted up on a friends status - I said "Oh my god you get about dont you alison!" Hah blam.

    The last one i had although not a psyco was not able to take blame or change her patterns, the minute she knows she has no "guy in her life" she goes in to meltdown mode. CAN NOT COPE WITHOUT A GUY. This one gave birth to my son. Little tart.Little liar. Little tramp. The only thing that keeps her from being a total douche in my eyes is that she is a good mother to my son. I watch her like a hawk. As soon as she fucks up i will level a mountain down her throat.


    I had one burgle my house because i sent her ass packing and she knew my front door was faulty. Scum.


    I had one pretend she fell pregnant to me - Yawn, she was like the third one who tried this i got bored of it at this point, just said "come back when he is born and have a dna test" She wasnt even pregnant.


    Leila wasnt a psyco but she had a coke problem - i couldnt cope with it anymore. Glad I got out. I once power slammed her.


    My first girl - hahaha - gross, 4 kids - total cunt rag, think she fucked half the estate after i split from her. I used to have to hide when she came down the street she would walk up to me and be like "Where the fuck were you!!!!" Id be like "Yeah i dont go out with you anymore." Caught her walking the street with some guy - she then started to hit me. hahaha what a fucking clown.


    I had my chances with a girl whos father was a millionaire but i dint take that chance.


    Right now I have ZERO and I mean ZERO interest in women.

    There is nothing available anyway, plus i know when i need to i can get my "game on" and go hunting.


    Out of them all Leila and zoe were the closest i came to normal - after time though im not sure if leila cheated on me or not though, there was patches when i would totally turn off and not have sex with her. Zoe was just well we were both young, still learning.


    For some reason I still love my "mean evil ex" if you can explain that to me im all ears but she is still the one i miss.

    I cant have her so fuck it what does it matter.

  4. Emsley you need to get into shape too! teach your kid to fight and train!


    He is still a wee baby!

    Im unsure about teaching my little lad violent means - hopefully - and this is a long shot, by the time he grows up we will live in a nicer area and he will be wise enough to avoid douche bags. Besides if your kid isnt a fighter only his or her brains are going to save them, Ill teach him the basics thats of sure. I just dont want to expose my kid to violence at an early age it can turn them in to dicks.

  5. So unlike some(or most) of you all in the 1emu, one nightys NEVER intrigued me. I mean sure when i was young it was more of a religious thing but now that im bit more jaded, im still just not keen on the whole casual sex thing.

    Now guys before you take my "man card" (joke from my friend) Im just saying im more of a guy who loves a women who he can just chill with. Sex is possible i guess depending on if the woman is worth it but Im like 22.

    So far, its been a huge chore fining someone who relates mentally, spirituality or even interests-wise, nothing has added up.

    My status update kinda relates what i mean in a poetic way.

    Bottom line, for someone who doesn't bang the hot chick because she's hot(or drunk enough) It seems i cant find that right formula.

    Im messing with this girl right now, for reasons just to, disengage the reality of it all momentarily but it shows a possible trend of me contradicting my values in the future..ehhh. I dunno. I would have thought this would be something that happens your first or second divorce but i noticed it has been affecting me subconsciously.



    Step 1: Stop over reading/thinking. Its realllllllly bad for you. I mean REALLY bad for!!


    Step 2: If you are not exercising - you should be.


    Step 3: Have total cut offs from the net. Stop taking things so... whats the word ? "exact" nothing is exact.


    My friend is a pc dweller (i am but i have brakes) he is the single most negatised guy i have ever met. He infects you with it, and nothing changes him. Its pathetic. Really pathetic.


    Dont count on a woman for happiness its a huge mistake.

    Count on your self the woman will come later.

    • Like 1
  6. ems can you make a proper yorkshire pudding




    Flour, egg, milk, salt and pepper - Your tins for the mix need to be oiled a little - heat the feckers up as hot as you can get it in the ovan, pour the batter in the pots (or one large pot or square tray) if done right they wont look normal but just large fluffy puds! Some folk use lard, i dont use it. But wont argue it might be a better grease for the tin.


    have taken over all the chippies in my area and the food has went right downhill


    We cant talk about that we might be racist ;)


    It's true, the chips used to look and taste much better than they do today.


    Used to have a real nice chip shop near my school. At lunchtime, we would climb over the school walls, so to avoid the head teacher, who would patrol the school entrance. He later found out what we were doing during our lunch time, and came to the chip shop one time. Good thing we had those concrete pillars on the estate to hide behind! :lol:


    Ha! Same here when we had "middle schools" me and my cousin and a few others would sneak off with our dinner money and get fishcake butties, screw school dinners!


    Plenty of restuarants sell fish and chips here in the states. Though it's just a fried fish with fries.


    My buddy went to florida and had american style F&C he said it wiped the floor with our best..


    I FUCKING LOVE FISH AND CHIPS!!! Its the Vinegar that makes it, Ill eat it on my fries from time to time even at a steak joint


    A hearty eater if ever there was one.


    I would try it, we have it here in canada but they make it more breaded than fish.


    You have to try it to be in the gang.


    I dont care for fish but when ever there is fish and chip available I jump at it , if done proper its so good


    Solid, I thought you might of been one of the "fuck that shit!" crew haha


    Can't beat a nice plate of fish and chips.


    Eye supes - we live in the same area more or less... My local chippy is quality, but the places I would venture to are murgatroyds, That chippy on way to east coast scarbrough and what not, and the one in filey with the fisherman statue out side. Harry ramsdens started to suck.

  8. A lot yanks on here will of heard of fish and chips.

    But I was wondering as english food is pretty much disliked world wide, could you stomach some hearty fresh haddock in batter and chips caked in salt and vinigar, with a choice topping of curry, gravy or mushy peas?



  9. A comprehensive list skythe.


    Lately all I do is hit the weights, walk the dog clean his turds up, try to bring down the government (hey you gotta try) help my mum and dad at home (a lot)

    And think of how to make money for my son. (scary)


    Oh and I drink a little too much!!! (only on an evening though and it aint that much)

  10. Why are people so politically correct these days?

    Everyone knows all this BS will fail and come back to bite us in the ass one day.

    Look at earth! Its forcing things to be correct!

    For instance - its ok to let millions up on millions of immigrants in to our country which the silent majority disagree with but we are not allowed a vote on the EU?

    When I see real freedom in my own country then I'll give a shit, until that day I dont give a fuck.

    If I have to take all this shit shoved in my face every single day.

    Tell you what if this political correctness is so accurate why are men still treated like second class citizens.


    Anyone who cant live on couple of grand a month and whine about it, is an ass-hole, they don't deserve my time or respect.

    End of tale.

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