sure i will rub your feet but dont get to fruity Just been reading up on headaches...migranes cluster headaches etc,... Gamecop do you get migranes? or do you have a regular headache? New treatment: Muscles in the nose forehead and NECK!!! Can contribute to a migrane attack, doctors applied a chemical with a needle to the muscles to paralise them, 60 percent of migrane sufferes noticed a major drop, or complete riddence of migrane. For thos that the chemical did not work for, they simplie had sugery and removed the muscles, it helped!!! Migrnae can lead to strokes and blindness [ i just read this crap im scared] And even death! Elivs presly died of a migrane related stroke... Peole who suffer from migranes are eithier "super intellegent" or extra senative to all things around them.... Did you know the weather can play a major part in headaches????? In germny they have constructed a phone centre were you can ring and find out the chances of you been affected buy the climate!!!! Migrane is bad!