I just came out of a fucked up relationship with a "liar" so Im happy to be on my own at the moment. I have to stop going for "local" lasses, i have never known such horrible individuals, how is it possible to concentrate such a large amount of assholes in to one area? All women lie and cheat at some point, i just dont want it to be me where they "try that side" of there life out so to speak. Im trying to sort my money first so im looking after my self more than anything, I could handle a part time relationship but my bullshit detector is that astute now that i am weary of women and the crap they will bring to me. Im too wise now to be suffering "tests" and "games" and im only really interested in my son at the moment and sorting out his mother who is a cow with me. So im looking for an older lass now, but if nature pairs me up with a young lass again, so be it. Im not happy being single but im not un happy because of it you know what I mean? So its fair ground for me, i always attract nut jobs anyway, seriously i think i have dated like 2 women that were "normal" Marriage you say? Its a nice idea but in reality i could only marry one lass, and she ignores me like fuck anyway, so whats the fucking point. I figure the more i get on with my own life and trying to improve it, women will just come along, its a certainty. Check this out: I had my eye on a bar staff lass at my local pub, I did everything right and got her interest - she was taking my coat for me, putting on channels in the pub that i wanted to watch bless her and she was a stunner! So why didnt I up the anti and get dating her? Simples - she had a boyfriend who she is still with now, I worked out she was still at "that stage" where she has to cheat and explore her femininity, Why do I want to take on a lass who has a chap, sure she was HOT, and had an adorable personality, and i think it would of been easy to fall in love with her (all the guys in the pub were hypnotized by her i used to tease her for this) but if i had got with her, would i ever of felt trust? All men and women can cheat its a fact of nature, i just dont like it when a woman cant have a few months OFF without MIGRATING To a new partner, in a nutshell this is a warning about her intelligence, its cut throat, and as soon as you exceed her requirments or dont match up, you are gonna find out the hard way. = head fucked. I like to see a woman be independent and not a "jump from here to there" type of character, and i don't like them to be lazy.