I like the wy it says "none intrusive" if you have your screen set at 800 buy 600 [a common one] And you go on PHP forums you have to scroll all the time left and right to see whats going on. I belive the pop up adds were just fine. But like i siad im geraing up to start paying for my service, Then i hope i can get FTP acess iam one of many who cant acess there FTP. Lycos sent everyone crazy and they did infact "Fu@k" my forum up when they put in the tower add, i had to go to The officiol PHP forums and they told me how to fix it with a couple of command line, not easy for a noobie i can assure you, if i had left them and belived lycoses tower add had not messed up my forums i would be stil sat here today with nO Neocream forums... Lycos are bad