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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by emsley

  1. Oh man just to have a yank man. Just one mustang in navy blue and chrome finnish with the v8 purrrring away. Love it i tell ya love it! Has anyone got any sites eithier on v8 or any thing. i will find a pick of a capri and post it up!!
  2. Edit By: GameCop Reason For Edit: Fixed Image Link
  3. http://neocream.tripod.com//sitebuildercon...es/pdvd_000.jpg Testy test
  4. Who here loves old cars, stuff like mustangs and stuff. For me its just the sound of a v6[8] engine turning other. Beutfull sound. Me and my freind are doing up a ford capri, with have succesfully installed a v8 into the belly of the beast.[well he did and his brothers i was just a wrench fetcher] Oh man a rover v8 with an american block base.sweeet Double exzausts at the back put your hand to it and feeeeel the power.
  5. Take in to acount ameicans will sue for fun! And you got a good idea. [tell me if i am thinking stero type and i will shut up!]
  6. How do i quoate someone? And how do i get images up in my posts?
  7. Ill try and get some of paul kidbys stuff from the discworld series
  8. Im having a hard time choseing gba games simplie because there is so many to chose from. If any one would like to list there top ten i iould really appreciate it. Plus i wouldent waste my time getting poop games becvause there is a lot of bad apples on the gba. I just got contra its a remake of the snes one i read there was a complete new version avaiabile for it?[i only played the first levell]
  9. man whens contra advance out?
  10. I think I am going to make a new avatar. My one sucks He he has changed it bit still a swirly swirl.
  11. I heard yoshis island on the GBA has extra levells compared to the snes version? Is this true. Has anyone completed metroid fusion yet? I have played it but not much like an hour or somethin an im up the the third section? What you think of metroid fusion?
  12. Who are they going to play pacman. My vote is jack nicholson. Happyyyyyyyyy pills heres jack!!!
  13. With all the knowledge a young person has availabile to them, books internet, ease of education, give them a internet connection and hour by them selfs thirst word they type in the search is "porn". Unless your an aol user.
  14. Outstanding. Are these pices made for a book or something or is it just art only? The first ones rerally good, makes you think about the power of a woman. The second ones got a cute but a big furry wings, andi htink she is holding a sythe[swish]
  15. oi get yoi toi used to resel. Infact its i c p,s biggist profit area. Doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  16. a@h is a crazy place. The only thing i dont like about it is the quotes. it just becomes a headache they all quaote each other and it spams in to oblivion. Other than that there are good people there and im happy with everything i got at the moment
  17. I hate tv sometimes, in england on sky one a simpsons show lasts 30 mins, When bbc 2 show it it is on start to finnish for 20 mins. This means sky one put 10 minutes of advertiseing in the show, I HATE ADVERTS AND ALWAYS WILL. Understand this. We should not be subject to mindless advertiseing, i want a button on my remote that i press when adverts come on, which will stop the adverts been shown and the tv will only come back on when the show starts again. I once heard a guy say adverts are mentall torture now that i think about it he could of been correct.
  18. Oh man wish i could go to an icp concert, there supossed to be awsome. There supposed to throw faygo all over the crowd.
  19. Not hitmen no please! what is it with me and violent people? Heh!
  20. Theres two emenem dissis towards emenem if you got to. www.insaneclownposse.com you can get it there
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