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Posts posted by emsley

  1. http://www.metro.co.uk/tech/games/876921-p...n-soccer-review


    This review is spot on even though I have not played any of these games yet.

    The last time I played pro evo was 2011 and it was a serious sack of shit. (cheating AI was so bad at times I did not feel like i was playing just waiting for the AI to say "he can score now")


    I was hardcore with pro evo, refused to believe that it was dying a slow death to FIFA but it has.

    I can now officially after 6 years say I am jumping ship from the pro evo wagon to its more tarty cross dressing sister FIFA.

    I would of been playing FIFA 11 last year but I had an old 8800nvidia card and I had the crappy lag bug that I could not fix so I had to miss out on it.

    At the end of the month Im going to see how the bug reports for FIFA12 on the PC are going then Im gonna download it. :P

  2. Deus EX HR IMO Started brightly but faded badly.

    Blink and its over.

    Ill deffo be getting batman arkum city no two ways about it, Ill be sure to check out skyrim too as its elder scrolls if im not mistaken, i used to love harassing and stealing shit in that game, rememeber once I went all the way to the top of a wizards tower and stole his ice staff or whatever. Ha!

  3. added another link for you to try in the first post emsley.


    Thanks man, Ill check it out with a pot of tea and a star bar.


    Any of you guys find the covers of C&VG Magazines?

    The first one I remember buying is the one with Blanka from street fighter 2 on the snes (the first game not turbo)

    It was the most awesome thing I had seen as a kid.

  4. Deus ex. I didnt really get into it. It has that same stale feel as duke nukum.

    Driver sqn francisco. WTF? Sucks dick. Seriously

    Dead island. Fuckin bad ass. Its like fps version of dead rising with good graphics and no frustrating time limits or dragging dumb survivirs across the map. Ive only got a little ways into it cuz i am working like a slave right now.


    My interest in deus ex is failing pretty bad right now, last night i foudn my self navigating to a place i wanted to go and getting stuck in an ally, i just quit out! (zoned out)


    Driver sucks? Ill tll my cousin its not that good then. But he does like straight foreword driving games.


    There you go again with your dead island erection!

    I admit that i want though.

  5. No need to bow mate, but ill bow back.



    I read this today when the stress was up on me.

    I just turn it off now.

    they tried educing her today but it did not work (i haven't even talked to her in like 6 months) she has some kind of liver problem and if the baby goes full term it can be born silent.

    So they have to un plug it from the ovan.

    from now till late Friday////// any time really.

  6. OH Ems! You would lose your balls in 15 minutes if they weren't attached to you... Or are they?!?!?!??! :peopleseybrow:


    That's a shitty question Shoma, I have already had one REAL fight over my ex girl this year, AND I also had to confront TWO dick weeds at my door who had been puppet mastered by me ex at my door, they came round to "sort me out" I answered it with my top off and, put it this way I was still talking when they left my door.

    Oh and two weeks ago she had manipulated ANOTHER two drunk guys to come kicking and banging my door.



    These guys dont like it when i sort them out, they run off to the police, and with my criminal record for violence I would be in serious shit street. 18 hours in a holding cell aint my cup of tea no more.

    Did you know this EX girl is pregnant to me and ready to drop today?

    SHE might be a fucking moron, but im not going to jail so she can feel better about been a dirty slut.


    BE WISE.

  7. Well she called me earlier to make a impromptu meeting for coffee but I was working when she called.

    This was AFTER I invited her somewhere but she couldn't make it.

    So everything looks good, just need to find a frigging good time! lol

    School, work and working with kids on the side kinda kill time for me/^^


    This just happened to me!!! I'm 30 years old and I just got rejected.

    I got her number, we talked on facebook for a while, then I "upped the stakes" I sent a few funny texts to her made her laugh etc (wherever she was laughing or not remains a mystery) then I did not text her for a few days.

    Re opened her, got good feeling, and used my classic line "I'm walking my dog tomorrow in the park, come with me if you like!" (in the past this has worked 7/10 times)


    Reply was luke warm at best, then began the "excuses" I said do you work? She replied "part time" it was like pulling fucking teeth. She had a kid, blah blah, " have to take kid to insert random fucking place" It annoys me as I know im doing them a favour when they have a kid (keep high status but not arrogant) I understand how important their children are to them as mothers, and "who they let it in"


    So i remembered the "desperation rule" and though "fuck you not meeting on Wednesday ok ill try another day" (i dont like to give up on the first knock back)


    So I thought fuck it, im too old and wise for this shit, either show some tits or im going to forget you.

    She was interested in meeting me at the local pub for a few "happy drinks" but then I got the cock block "the guy who is my kids dad goes in there drinking."




    A few weeks later I used facebook as my retribution tool status read " I just got the ultimate cock block Christina Perri - Jar Of Hearts song. FFS. Those shields are strong but I will defy them. I will defy." (yes this really happened)


    Her = small tear.


    They hate it, they see I get a good looking girl at least once a year (i hold out for the nice good looking ones) and when you are with someone then thats when they suddenly appear open to your approaches. Idiots.



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