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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by emsley

  1. Thanks, two days to inform me, i wont download it now!
  2. Is this worth downloading if im only going to be on single player?
  3. Na, those things help but I never played the FAS... A few reviews and people taking interest in other's life's is all that's really needed.
  4. Maybe a bunch of Jackass's will learn not to drink and drive. :/
  5. http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2011/jun/2...n-jackass-death What a fucker!! Why couldnt it of been Bam?
  6. Duke nukem here: Generic FPS at best - I enjoyed it, still haven't completed it "i am the duke I am A-number 1"
  7. O said fb was stealing the internet.
  8. I do not understand? I feel i know what you are saying.
  9. We just need to keep popping our heads in.
  10. Where are you guy's? Dont let the board die to facebook!
  11. http://neo-cream.blogspot.com/2011/06/hitl...-by-emsley.html
  12. I see a lot of posts about these ones, not too many happy campers. On the other hand though seen one or two posts saying "It the shizzle." I LOVE american super hero movies! But a few I gave a miss are the fantastic 4, and I am number 4, those ones just set of my avoid detector.
  13. Your a hardware tech? How do you spot a faulty motherboard?
  14. I tried this one after a few reviews claimed it to be good - I have since un installed it as it was trying to strut round my PC on start up, I hate that shit.
  15. You get away with spills as long as they are not full cups of tea or whatever you sup. I remember my old man bought a new keyboard, i always drank a pot of tea at his desk for years I did this, guess what happened that day? Yup - it was fucked.
  16. Yeah depends on which side of the fence you are on. Not all countrys want democracy - a system that has started to FAIL over the year's, I mean look at england we all want to vote for another Political power but guess what? Labour and CONS will get in if we do that so you pick the lesser of two evils and vote labour - all democratic countrys are back stabbers anyway, who are we to go over there kick them out of power and say "Hey yall democracy rules just accept it look what its done for us" democracy does fuck all for the poor. I appreciate country's saying "fuck that" but do not appreciate it when they crash planes in to towers, blow up trains and buses etc. Live in a communist militant dictatorship for over 1 year and see how it affects people and how cruel the government can be to it's own people and you'll appreciate democracy much more. Trust me. What have you seen in china?
  17. Put (but I love emsley the most at the end) ! Yay!
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