Everything is fine, I don't like the present city I am atm. But it's not too bad. Life here is pretty easy for me and I'm enjoying it. Im trying to find a job or some kind of course I can do - two years max to drag my life out of the shit but it is proving very difficult at the moment, its very depressing. I am even considering the navy as a weapons technician, I never ever thought I would join the army/navy but its that bad right now its the only feasible option for me to move forewords at the moment. Im not happy were I'm living, its a street full of no hoper's all getting drunk, stoned and they drag you down with them and I dont want to return home at the moment and im 100% fucking stuck at my sisters who thinks its a great idea to make me her slave. If Im gonna be a slave I may as well get paid, the current climate is that bad that if I take a regular job that I will be living pretty much the exact same life style Im living now, I have never been this low in all my life. One year back I had a few days work a week that always helped, the last time I got a few days work was about two months ago. Absolutely pathetic.