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Everything posted by Gaggy

  1. Duhhh This is Confusing but I can say this "God" maybe something what human created to statsified their own fear and (maybe...) their need of protection (sound confusing it just like when they really fear of something they don't know how to get rid of that thing so they need to comfort themselves (think of thunder for example Let's say ancient people afraid of thunder and when they heard thunder of see it they just scare and they can't do anything about it so they created "Zeus" God of thunder and they choose to belive that "Zeus" is their "God" and will protect them with his thunder)(this is just my theory I don't really try to disrespect the "God" or anything)) Duhh... thx for reading I guess
  2. This Sucks Can't Blame SNK for trying to survive but I Really want them back in 2D
  3. I know There are other nicks my classmate use to call me "Pinky Winky" (I think it's from Teletubby) Never know why
  4. Speaking of KOF I think Newer version Suck (especially when they turn into 3D) I don't know why do they have to make it into 3D anyway 2D are perfectly Fine
  5. You got 1 Reply from Gaggy
  6. And....? Ps. You are talking to a NOOB here
  7. Not understand with MAME Neogeo Bios But that neorage Setting help a lots!! Thanks
  8. Atomisware new arcade system from japan did anyone have played on this system (Metal Slug 6 and new arcade game should be on this system) Can you compared this system to a console or any system I want to know how good is it Thx (I'm dying to play Metal Slug 6 but I can't find any near my place)
  9. Don't mind about the Bios I'm just complaining(?) I just need Lag problem Fix That's all My Spec AMD 64 3000+ 1.81 GHz 512 MB Ram is this enough(I can play The Sim 2 Smoothly so it should be no problem) Ps. The Bios I'm talking about is The new one for Kawak 1.48 (and newer) I Guess
  10. Heres the problem I don't have the updated Neo-Geo bios for kawak so I have to play Samurai Shodown 5 in NeorageX 4.8 but it lag (I not good at explaining so you have to use your imagination) its like I was playing and in a sudden a time skip happen (I use a very long move and in a sudden it finish the move) pretty annoying it's make me miss a good chance need Help with it Here my Comment with Samurai Shodown 5 I don't like that they combine heavy attack in to 2 button (in SS4 third button is heavy attack but SS5 you have to push light and meduim attack together to use heavy attack) and new Character Enja and Suija (both with wristband(?)) why do they have to make a copy version of Kazuki and Kazama I don't really get it The only thing I think as an improvement from SS4 to SS5 is........... They Change Rimururu Cloth that make her a lot more cute (compared with SS4) That it Thank in advance
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