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Everything posted by rayo5

  1. New mugen game i think around 510 characters, characters from games and anime shows, you guys heard of it?
  2. i think they will last another hundred episodes lol
  3. yea, so you see i downloaded kof 2k1 and when i double clicked on it, at the top of the screen where it says winkawaks and what ever it said kof 2001 and in these brackets it said decrunching gfx i forgot the last word but it froze on that and nothing else came. anyone know why?
  4. that one was fan made, so i dont think its the official one.....is it?
  5. its short but its good, i like alba's fight against kyo.
  6. i like all 3 of them, good job on them
  7. man i got alot inuyasha naruto bleach final fantasy IV advent Children full metal aldhemist Hack Sign Gundam seed Which Hunter Robin there's more but cant think of any at the moment. games kingdom hearts 1&2 soul calibur 2&3 prince of persia 1&2&3 but 1 mostly nd there is many more but cant think of any at the moment
  8. yeah, the japanese one is better
  9. o oops i didnt know that, sry
  10. ooooooooo ok thx alot
  11. i like capcom but snk more, so snk is better
  12. Street Fighter Alpha 2 is one of the best
  13. i think there is with you're rom cause there is sound with mines.
  14. oooo ok, i downloaded alot of kof 99 from this website called ******** for winkawaks but it didnt work on my winkawaks, so could you give me a link to a working kof 99 for winkawaks plz and thx Mod's edit: No rom links. Read the board rules.
  15. ok, i got everything except the dat file with the lines what do you mean the dat file with the lines?
  16. I dont get that. Could you explain more about the region and the default=0 after each section. thx
  17. Is this cheat file for winkawaks? cause if it is which kof 99's cheat file is it? cause there is kof 99 prototype, set1, set 2 and etc. and when you paste it in a word pad what do you name the word pad? kof99cheat.dat?
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