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Everything posted by BlackKnight

  1. GGs LSD. Hope we get as good a connection next time.
  2. Good question. LSD I'll see you on there when it's out. But we're still waiting on SSF2HDR, SS2 and hell NGBC so I don't think it'll be anytime soon.
  3. Guide, start to finish; http://bootleg.sksapps.com/tutorials/fmcb/...tall_guide.html
  4. This isn't about difference in opinion. This is about going off topic. The thread was about the technical discussion in the video. He brought his typical fanboy angst and totally ignored what was said in the first place. Now it is a typical my-machine-is-better-than-yours pissing contest. Bringing your same short-sighted ideas to every thread, including one specifically posted to debunk them, is trolling in my book.
  5. I wish you would get your pig-headed PS3-defending belligerence out of my threads. You don't read the topic- you don't know what the discussion is about, and despite specific evidence to the contrary of what you're saying, you troll in with all this Sony propaganda looking for a fight, and this isn't the first time you've done it. You really annoy me. This was about which machine was better- in the view of someone who actually knows what they're talking about. I posted this to cut through all the myths like 'Cell is 2x more powerful if devs use it properly' and all that crap. Carmack says that even at full capacity there are only a very small number of non-traditional situations where the PS3 will have a performance gain over the 360. What part of that are you so resistant to believing and why can't you keep on topic? In any case, this is becoming just like all the other illogical flame wars topics and it annoys me. The title was meant to promote discussion of the technical information presented in the video. Instead we have the same claptrap rhetoric arguments going on as always. So from now on, get on topic or this gets closed. And finally Gouken- I'm not just defending the 360 because that's what I own. I bought it because it was there were good arguments for owning one, and not the other way around. On the other hand, whether or not the PS3 is or will be a good system, you're proving it was a stupid decision for you to buy one by grasping at straws of irrelevant hardware (you mentioned USB ports, Card Readers and Wifi- whoopteeflockingdoo) and games / features that aren't out yet when you try to talk it up. It seems you're left with a crappy purchase and you're struggling to defend it to yourself. If you want to defend the PS3, address the information in that video because that's what this topic is about. Else take it elsewhere. Actually, as for you other arguments, save them. We've all heard them before.
  6. Heh I don't have Halo. Want to try Gears co-op or something?
  7. Has to do with the tasks the emulator is putting on a PC. None are very efficient. So they're putting a greater total on your CPU than would be put on the PS2 hardware... that's why it's not really comparable to say COD4 runs great, why won't PS2 games. Also emulation is almost entirely run by your CPU, while real games offload a lot of that onto a GPU.
  8. Watch the video you moron. Someone who knows infinitely more than your stupid ass says the 360 hardware wins hands down. Stop trolling this crap into just as asinine a thread as all the others. Can we please get on topic and discuss that? I'm sick of idiots like you not even reading or watching the damn first post but throwing out all the PS3-support rhetoric just cause you think that's what this is about. Bottom line; 360 online wins. 360 library wins. And now we have a professional opinion that the 360 hardware also wins. Card readers and wifi don't have sh!t on that.
  9. GGs to Bambi and LSD today. Seriously, the SC4 netcode is shameful. Having to guess what's coming seconds ahead of time spoils this game. I remember they had similar complaints when T5DR was first released on PSN which they fixed. 2M sales for SC4 deserves at least one patch, doesn't it?
  10. You nailed it. After all, running around in Act 2 of D2 with Poison Nova and Blizzard will produce just as incohesively colourful screens as anything in the D3 gameplay footage so far.
  11. Splatterhouse 2 = the sh!t. New next-gen Splatterhouse = not so much. Tears to my eyes, it brings.
  12. Adding... Oblivion Geometry Wars Evolved 2 Braid
  13. I knew it was going to be crap when it was first announced that it would involve a Chinese mummy. Seriously, stop contaminating franchises with the Asian influence. It's not trendy you morons. Incidentally that is why only morons worked on this film, and why it was crap.
  14. And you are making this into the kind of thread that you said we didn't need more of.
  15. These systems are hardware. Their potential is dictated by that hardware and if it wasn't you wouldn't see PS4's down the track. Firmware updates can't evolve a system, else they wouldn't need new systems- new software would just keep coming out. The hardware is what is being discussed here. Console wars threads talk about the magic superpower of the Cell or Blu-ray- those technically inept myths are being debunked here. Thus it is putting that stupid uninformed debate to rest.
  16. Get the releases that come with scans
  17. The 'pirate sector'? You should really just burn your own games.
  18. Why does everyone play CoD4? Why not UT3?
  19. Read the thread title. The whole point of this was to end that idle speculation and put a 'case closed' sticker on the debate of which system is better. Because that debate is well and truly settled now.
  20. Doesn't matter- you can boot roms from any location. I was just thinking maybe there was a problem booting from the root or something.
  21. Most ignorant of the year award goes to that post. Post-apocalyptic is one of the most rehashed tropes in existence.
  22. How is an option in a game a retarded idea? You abstracted the idea, missed the flocking point, and then called it stupid. Well done, brainiac.
  23. I'm complaining. flock you. The art direction isn't changing but this guy didn't give any better reason for it than 'it's too late'. Screenshot mockups don't properly illustrate the problem that is annoying people.
  24. Which M3DS are you using? Get G6 and M3 Real latest here. http://www.handheldsources.com/M3DS/Download_M3DSR.html Also don't put roms in the root. Put them in NDS folder.
  25. I guess no one cares.
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