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Everything posted by BlackKnight

  1. Has anyone posted pics of the 11yr old jap girl yet?
  2. I don't know what the whole thing was about, but that just came outa nowhere didn't it? :')
  3. I suppose you won't have any problems with headshots given the first person perspectives offered in MGS4. Unless walking around with a gun was just a joke?
  4. The only thing I remember about them is that they all gave the damned impression you would be Snake. And yeh he does age fast.. was that explained as part of the cloning thing because I don't remember. Also those walkers in the vid... look like a bastard cross of MG-REX and MG-RAY.. wtf? The top is all blocky and the bottom is streamlined... looks like an abomination. Hope it's just for the trailer.
  5. I actually like it. And I've been out condemning Nintendo for the last 10 years... I said the Revolution was aglorified emulator... but... this controller has something charismatic about that controller. It and the GB Micro... for some reason are making me like the prospect of Nintendo's new line of things...
  6. I was wondering if the graphical jump from 3 to 4 would be the same as from 1 to 2. Looks like it aye? Snake has lost some of his charm in the transition though. Hopefully Hayter's voice will redeem that much.
  7. I'm struggling to think of the exact market they're appealing too. Wouldn't any afficionado willing to pay that much have the damn thing already?
  8. Rise from your grave! Get ready! Find the miracle ball! Get over here! The memories. Bump.
  9. It looks dodgey. In light of that I'm finding it very hard to work out if this sort of advertising would have worked on me back then. I never had an NES so guess not :S.
  10. I'm from Australian hence / otherwise I don't know what T-phone is. I think hacking phones is gay and all, and I'd be pissed if it happened to me.. but this is Paris Hilton.. cmon who cares.
  11. I also hate iPods. OVerrated. However having 5gb of flash in Minis sounds interesting..
  12. With all this terrorism goin on Muslims already aren't that well liked... this is the last straw but...
  13. Ryuken personally can I advise against that stick. It was my first one I ever got and it blows. The buttons are really hard to press. The sticks are WAY too short, and hardly responsive. QCFs are hard- Doing 2xHCBs for Akuma are impossible. Also the stick itslef doesnt ever feel secure, and its vaunted analogue stick toggle doesnt work. The start button is foolishly placed and if you leave your palm on the surface youre bound to hit it all the time. If youve ever been to an arcade before, or as soon as you touch another stick anywhere youll regret buying this one. Most importantly though the microswitches or watever cheap things this has burnt out after a month, and so no UL, L, DL directs for me. Playing Guile was more than a trifle irritating at this point. Its a shame since it should have had fond memories as my first stick and all, but honestly it is crap. I'd say get a Hori, a real arcade pro maybe- but theyre expensive, and I dont care for jap style sticks myself. Sorry I cant suggest an alternative. I use a modded SF stick atm but thats expensive too :/ If you see one for cheap instore anywhere but get it coz the stock parts werent anywhere near as bad as people say.
  14. Just stepping in for a sec- Leah Dizon is the sh!t. Elazul you beast~ good job dropping her name here. The rest of your girls apart from Aki are a bit tame though fellas~
  15. I've had this feeling since Uru Live died. It's a real shame. I'm an avid Myst fanatic and find this news particularly depressing.
  16. I have mixed feelings towards this. This is oibviously milking SF right.. but I'm trying to think of the of the handful of games I'd actually want on my PSP.. And SFA3 would definately be up there. So I can either get this or wait till an emu for cps2 works on psp2.0. Thats coming so maybe I wont bother with Upper Upper actually :S Also though I hear the Dpad is so horrendous that it isnt as fun to play this type of thing on the PSP anyway.
  17. I tried that at 2 near me and they couldnt be bothered. Guess they dont need too though... the 10 T5 cabs between them are always packed, with the crowd something like 3 ppl per machine.
  18. 15 days till TGS being spent pining over an inevitable disappointment doesnt sound like fun to me.
  19. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3143354 "Sadly, rumored Street Fighter IV was nowhere in sight. (In fact, blink and you could miss Capcom's piecemeal booth this year.)" Stolen from SRK.com
  20. On the other hand IF DR comes to PS2, it likely wont have Devil Within or the ports of Tekken 1-3, so the current one won't be totally obsolete as such. But this would make a much better TTT-esque PS3 launch title than an average budget price VF4Evo-esque release for PS2 weouldnt it?
  21. Hell get rich quick aye... I wonder how much he paid.
  22. Wonder what the price point for something like that, let alone the media it uses. Seems like it wont be cheap enough to be practical for a long time yet.
  23. I, also being a teenager, got into that situation once and took the more agressive angle. Since mine was a cheap 89 Telstar and they had done up XR6s i gave em a bit of a dent and pushed out. Lucky it was on the motorway.. no place to stop and have a fight about it.
  24. I'm always looking for a new toy and a new way to do things, so I'm all up for Vista whenever it arrives. Personally doesn't seem like all that big an upgrade to worry about it.
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