Ryuken personally can I advise against that stick. It was my first one I ever got and it blows. The buttons are really hard to press. The sticks are WAY too short, and hardly responsive. QCFs are hard- Doing 2xHCBs for Akuma are impossible. Also the stick itslef doesnt ever feel secure, and its vaunted analogue stick toggle doesnt work. The start button is foolishly placed and if you leave your palm on the surface youre bound to hit it all the time. If youve ever been to an arcade before, or as soon as you touch another stick anywhere youll regret buying this one. Most importantly though the microswitches or watever cheap things this has burnt out after a month, and so no UL, L, DL directs for me. Playing Guile was more than a trifle irritating at this point. Its a shame since it should have had fond memories as my first stick and all, but honestly it is crap. I'd say get a Hori, a real arcade pro maybe- but theyre expensive, and I dont care for jap style sticks myself. Sorry I cant suggest an alternative. I use a modded SF stick atm but thats expensive too :/ If you see one for cheap instore anywhere but get it coz the stock parts werent anywhere near as bad as people say.