Unreal Tournament III is coming out for the 360 on July 3. I'm curious as to who is getting it and who will be playing on Live? There are 3 reasons why UT3 on the PC isn't that great. 1) I don't have the hardware for it, 2) there are bugs all voer the place that still haven't been patched for more than 6 months, and 3) hardly anyone is playing it online, let alone people on Australian / Oceanic servers. So yeh my CE game and key are gathering dust as we speak. I am going to pick it up for the 360 in any case, and am wondering if anyone feels the same way and also what they think the Live community for this game will be like? PS on the mods front, mods can be submitted to Epic to cook for the 360, and they plan on releasing them each month on the Live Game Store. Epic will also only be charging for any DLC they create, while mod community releases will remain free.