I've got a philosophical question for y'all to mull over while I go and pick up Assassin's Creed. Do you ever think about buying a game, decide it isn't all that great, and choose to not buy it but then immediately flock over to BestBuy (or wherever :/) and snap it up when its on sale? I recently found ludicrous half-RRP and less prices attached to Burnout Paradise and Assassin's Creed, both of which I'd assessed as fun weekends, but not keepers. Right now I'm wondering if, since I figured the game wasn't all that perfect, whether it would still be worth buying, sale or not? Should a game only be as good as its pricetag? Do you actually expect less of a half-price game just because its cheaper, or should the game stand on its own merits? If anyone cares to weigh in on this, can you please try and keep the costs of game development and marketing out of the equation... I want to see what people think in a more instrumental sense.