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Everything posted by BlackKnight

  1. I don't think it would be a big deal for Sony at this point. By the time HDTV penetration gets to a decent level and people actually start caring about Blu-Ray, people will have already decided on their console of choice and the install bases will be pretty much set.
  2. It's actually a very old rumour based on a quote taken out of context from some MS rep at the time of the HD-DVD player add-on's release. It went like "we're not taking sides... if Blu-Ray wins we may end up making a BD-ROM add-on too." It was flat out denied by Microsoft ages ago.
  3. I would be the only non-reflector Urien player. Why? Coz I am an anti-conformists who likes athletic men in thongs. Plus I can never really do any of the decent reflector juggles in a real match.
  4. This started off talking about one format dominating the other. My PS2 reference was to do with it absolutely dominating the Dreamcast, the Xbox AND the Gamecube. It was almost like there was only 1 real platform last generation and the result was the best library of games ever. I see your point about hardware and competition on that end and Im not really saying there should only be one console made... just that from the consumer's point of view its best that one dominates so badly that there is one place where we can get everything we want. The Xbox bombed, but the competition with Sony is what spurred the creation of the 360, so I get where you're coming from.
  5. You serious? Hugo? If I could get my hands on an AC disc I'd join the fun Anyway on topic... Turok baby! Hell yes, that's what I'm talking about. This game rocks. Turok puts the 'rock' in umm.. Tu-rok. It is awesomeness on a disc.
  6. I'll say it again. We play games. As long as there's competition amongst game developers there will be good games. All 2 formats do is split the audience and market. Which is bad. Case in point- why should I have to buy a PS3 and a 360 to play VF5R and Lost Odyssey? Why I can't I just buy one machine and get all the games I want? Why should I have to shell out for 2 monstrous purchases that do essentially the same thing? 2 gaming formats just sucks.. period. Why was the PS2 the bestselling console ever with the best library of games ever? Think about that one.
  7. Ali G often mistakes 'quid' for 'squid' and says the latter. Its amusing.
  8. Wait till you meet the boss at Grand Staff- that will drive you crazy for a few tries. I also still maintain that the 2 Ice bosses in Disc 3 are extremely unfair / close to impossible.
  9. Its a few weeks old. Basically my understanding of it was that it allowed firmware versions to run on hardware that had disabled them. Example being the Slim PSP is normally unable to support 1.50- the Time Machine fixes that.
  10. Agozer- I run mine in 60hz and as far as I can tell its identical to the NTSC-J disc. No serious speed or graphic issues there. Try that at least before you take it back, if you have a TV that supports it.
  11. He's using a real DS with an R4.
  12. You should be able to get it from the same places you get any other roms.
  13. -Open FBA. -Game > Load Game, click 'Rom Dirs...' button. Locate the folder with the roms. -Click 'Rescan Roms' button. -Tick 'Show NeoGeo' and 'Show Available Only.' -Double-click your game's name on the list.
  14. Put the rom zip (don't extract anything) in a folder along with neogeo.zip. Open your emulator and select the directory with those roms and get it to scan for which games are available. Which emulator are you using?
  15. Key tip. Find your emulator and roms, get them both setup, but don't forget the NeoGeo BIOS rom. It's called 'neogeo.zip' and you need to put that in the same folder as your other roms to get any of them to work.
  16. Well first off 40 pounds isn't cheap, even where I live, but how long of a contract period are you locked into? And did they sign you up at a uni campus? If so, I'd be even more wary...
  17. I think he means the hardcore crowd would have preferred arcade perfect ports rather than ports with things fixed... which makes them not quite the same. Stupid difference to draw attention over.
  18. So what? You buy discs with media content and machines to play them on. They seem pretty similar to me. Untrue. HD-DVD and Blu-Ray vary on basic picture quality, number of sound channels and kinds of audio compression used. Experience being defined solely by the games for it. It's not different to say that the 2 video formats are different experiences because a big action movie studio publishes for one and not the other. One could be the blockbuster platform and the other the drama one. In theory. ? My Casino Royale BD-ROM won't play on my standalone Toshiba HD-DVD player. That really isn't relevant. Just a thought- Might that possibly because of games' high price tags? A single platform gives developers a larger market to work with, rather than one divided into different camps. A larger market means increased overall revenue and the possibility for lower price points at retail. And yet the gaming market is still not even comparable to movies in terms of mainstream adoption. Minor decline on one one and slight growth on the other doesn't do much in bridging sales across the 2. I can't really think of any. You're making the key mistake of confusing competition on the hardware end with the software. Creatively if there is a larger single market to work with, developers are more free to try new ideas. In terms of sales there is a lesser push for more franchise sequels and licensed games because the larger installed base can support the higher level of risk. If anything I think there'd be less milking going on.
  19. Why is it bad to have 2 competing next-gen movie formats but not to have 2 next-gen game formats?
  20. DMC3 blows it away in difficulty.
  21. Both are badass. They're not in yet but you can bet they'll be there in the final version.
  22. Hah don't worry about that. We've been picking random characters and button mashing
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