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Everything posted by BlackKnight

  1. Not really... my current potential is about 15,000 but I'm only at 2000 out of that.
  2. Who would have thought cockroaches would nest in a laptop... My internet browsing these days is very limited and deliberate. The only reason I appear here so much is because I refresh all 5 of my frequent sites each time I'm near the comp... which is in my room... and which is always on. 2 forums 1 tracker 2 blogs
  3. Meh at movies. I haven't seen anything halfway decent in far too long.
  4. You can get 4Gb non-SDHC cards. They are rare as hell but WERE actually made for a short period. Failing that, yeh 2Gb would be the limit. The M3DS Real and CycloDS Evo support SDHC but the R4DS does not.
  5. Aging actors reviving their old series from 10+ years ago, and financing it themselves. Ford in the new Jones, Stallone himself in the new Rocky and now this... How doesn't it look like a cash in?
  6. Rambo has always been a mehish franchise to me and this one looks like a cash-in by Stallone. Haven't seen it, but probably won't bother to. @AxL- don't you find the cultural part of a localisation the most thoughtful part? There are in jokes and culturally-specific writing in almost any Japanese game that would be either awkward or completely impossible for a western audience to relate to. They may seem cheesy, but often the original content would have seemed just as trite to a Japanese audience. I'm playing through the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney series atm and I think it's pretty clever how they've substituted in American references and yet kept the overall tone of the humour the same. A straight Jap to English transliteration in this franchise would have been just boring.
  7. The problem is that most of the claims were completely unfounded and no one on the report, apart from the Spike TV guy, seemed to have actually played the game at all.
  8. Anyone got any tentative times in mind for this yet?
  9. I doubt she's as charming. Fatal has this way with words that's just so eloquent... he's managed to charm my pants off on several occasions, that's for sure~
  10. Lost Odyssey is a 4xDVD RPG for the XBOX 360 by Mistwalker, headed up by many Final Fantasy veterans and ex-Square employees. It was released in Japan in December, will be released in English next month, but right now there's an Asian English Language version available that is compatible with NTSC-J and PAL consoles. Seeing as I'd be getting it 2 weeks ahead this way for almost half the price, and with three language options (English, Japanese, Korean) I ordered mine straight away and its in the mail now. Anyone else interested in this game / planning to order this version?
  11. Please don't type in red. You're giving everyone who is using the Default skin a headache And please try to not double post either
  12. You mean the stuff in-game is Spanish? Sounds like you have Spanish ROMs... if that's the case then yes they will load like that on the M3 Real as well. If the emulator menus are just in Spanish then you don't need to worry...
  13. You can't begin a statement with 'but' .
  14. I'd be pretty uncomfortable around guys like you..
  15. emwearz, this is a thread for N64 games. 1080snowboarding, I appreciate your enthusiasm but please stop resurrecting old threads.
  16. Seems like same old to me. If anything, Nero's throws and his swinging about on the arm make this seem more like God of War. It also seemed a tad on the easy side (invincible throw animation FTL), although the boss battle with Berial showed that the camera can still get really tricky and make things pretty difficult. For the wrong reasons. Also did anyone else notice if charging up his weapon does anything at all?
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