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Everything posted by BlackKnight

  1. This ties into what was mentioned in the other thread; PC games, especially console to PC ports, are terribly unoptimised compared to the console versions. Can't blame the devs given the unstandardised nature of PC hardware but still..
  2. Out now on XBL. 613MB. Impressions coming soon. Funny note; PS3 demo delayed until February 1 :S
  3. Thanks for reminding me about that- almost forgot completely. Shame they didn't give us a choice of game or just hand out some MSP (as if they'd do that).
  4. 0h snap. I'll take it. In fact, I love the look of it. XBOX 360, please. Region free too. I'll be sold then.
  5. The Half-life series annoys the hell out of me. I bought The Orange Box and have played Portal and TF2 to death.. but whenever I am about to pick up HL2 it is almost painful to just think about.. I think its fair to say I've given the game enough of a chance.. I just cannot see what is 'so' great about it. I find it one of the most boring shooters I've ever played.
  6. Unless you have a good reason not to, then sure go for it? Seems like the two of you get on pretty well.
  7. It's because they brought more to the table at their time then any successive games have been able to. All the mechanics that have grown stale in shooters and in fighting games were fresh and new when they appeared in DOOM and SF.
  8. Wha... ?? People don't like DOOM? And people don't like Street Fighter??
  9. Best of all time? DOOM. It's just one of those self-evident truths.
  10. Plus, as much as I slander Heath Ledger's skill as an actor, Jim Carrey is even worse. He has all the dramatic finesse of moron with a machine gun.
  11. The Joker was only for The Dark Knight. Harvey Dent is the only villain planned to carry over across these new movies.
  12. He most likely accidentally mixed meds or ODed.. no real reason for him to suicide. He even said in a press conference lately that his daughter is reason enough for him to keep living.
  13. So did most people. And they all started caring again after the 3rd one.
  14. Dell XPS 1530 owns all. That's all I have to add :/
  15. I've never been on the kind of lunatic high I was on the other time with May.. but I think it has to do with things getting duller over time as you say. I'm pissed because we had a good thing going, she changed up on me almost overnight, became inhumanly cold toward me, and from that point we have hardly said 2 words to eachother. I'm angry because all of a sudden she started treating me as though I murdered her parents or something. It's not as though I go around punching walls about this. Whenever it comes up and I think of her it makes me angry. That's why I choose not to think about her and when someone wants to talk about it I tell them I don't want to. The only one I have online atm is VF5 and I'm no good at it :/. Wait until SSF2THDR comes out and watch the pwning begin.
  16. Thanks- I've just got to think about all this.. To clarify though, the rage isn't towards the one I'm having trouble with. The rage is for the old chick from years ago.
  17. I'm laughing at the catch 22 going on here.
  18. I could use a nice opinion right now. I know Fatal knows his stuff but his advice was kinda harsh... what do you reckon I should do?
  19. The man was an actor. He makes movies for us to watch and that's the only reason we care about him. None of us knew him personally. If he wasn't an actor there wouldn't be a thread about him at all- whenever some random ODs in NYC no one bats an eyelid.
  20. The official demo of Devil May Cry 4 will be released on the PlayStation Network and XBOX Live! Game Store tomorrow. Now I have something to look forward to- yay. A week ahead of its old January 31st release date is a pleasant surprise. And in case you don't know who Berial is, he is this guy; Source: Capcom.Unity.
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