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Everything posted by BlackKnight

  1. Im up for UT or Q3. Lemme know where. It would be nice if there was someone Aussie to play with though- I'd hate to think what the latency will be like.
  2. It is not confirmed for any platform yet. SF2MJ- please do a search before posting news. We already have a SF4 thread with all this information. I'm merging the topics and moving this to the lounge.
  3. The models are pretty final. You don't see anyone go and remodel characters just for the sake of it. They wouldn't have made these ones up unless they were intending to use them.
  4. Hmm. Im not sold on the visual style but the 2D gameplay... why is the camera angle changing up? Won't that mess with some of the 2D spacing mechanics?
  5. Oliver G- you cannot request that we tell you where to get copyrighted content from. Its against board rules. If I had mod power here I'd close this one too. Consider this a warning, friend.
  6. Oliver G- you cannot request that we tell you where to get copyrighted content from. Its against board rules. If I had mod power here I'd close this.
  7. I just thought if you're in a position to shoot the guy, you could also follow him home. Or to his mule. And rob someone at least.
  8. The best reply would be to follow the guy home, break in and steal something of his.
  9. Late next year I guess. A 360 demo should roll around in not too long. They learned their lesson with RE4. That kind of gameplay will likely remain, just this time with all the bright light mechanics.
  10. Depends on how much you like KOF98 I suppose. The changes don't appear all that extensive.
  11. I take the stance of no guns = no crimes like this. Frustrated kids will have to suck it up and stay at home till they cool off instead of going massacre on the public.
  12. Its 2 years too late for the multiplayer. No one plays now. If you can get it cheap at somewhere like Play-Asia and you're a fan of the series, then maybe pick it up. You're getting Quake 4 and Quake II for the 360 for the price.
  13. Seen the latest NG2 gameplay? Blows this away. Well not really but its looking good.
  14. Its coming out in January. However, it is not the same as KOF94Rebout- no 3d backgrounds, no high res sprites. Just tweaked gameplay with Geese, Krauser and Big. I'm pretty sure?
  15. **Tee hee hee** Methinks I know the secret truth about this earth-shattering question. PS. Also a girl. Pls hit on me. PM for photos, mobile number and MSN / Yahoo! contacts!!
  16. 2D gameplay. XBOX 360 version. I can sleep easy now . Chun Li and Dhalsim though... who cares about them? Guile, Vega, Sagat, Bison. Oh and Urien. Include those and I will be a very happy man. Happier than I am already, having read this. EDIT: Sh!t... did I just imagine the 360 version? There is no confirmation of platforms as yet.
  17. Have some compassion. The guy just got dumped and lost his job. Didn't know Fatal was so heartless.
  18. People should have the right to shoot up a shopping centre if they feel like it. Sheesh get off his case.
  19. Re: Close thread? Hah its still funny that buttsex is the predominant thing in a conversation about women... wonder what that says about the bulk of 1emu members~
  20. Love the part where he hides out in the woods, not worrying about being caught, just cause he wants to 'kill a few more people'.
  21. Its a 2006 photo. I dont think he was taking this business as lightly back then.
  22. Judge Judy doesn't know what World of Warcraft is. That alone disqualifies her from any serious judging.
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