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Everything posted by BlackKnight

  1. did you ever play the game that came out in the arcade,i cant remember the name but it was a 1on1 fighter with the golden axe characters!just wondered if it was any good. Golden Axe: The Duel? Yeh I've played it. Its pretty trashy though- its a typical 2d fighter of that time except it didn't have any of your favourite GA characters in it except Death Adder. He's in his GA:TRODA form though and not as cool / menacing as the original.
  2. Golden Axe... wasn't better technically but it was longer and had the duel mode.
  3. Adobe Premiere Pro Avid Xpress / Media Composer Apple Final Cut Pro Sony Vegas Non-Linear In order of my preference.
  4. I had the chance to play Crysis on a fairly beefy PC today. Not making a call on the gameplay, the graphics were very unimpressive- nowhere near what I'd been led to expect. In places it really looked ugly. Never thought I would say that about 'the' Crysis. I didn't expect to be able to max out the game, or for it to look absolutely stellar at lower settings but damn am I underwhelmed.
  5. PlayStation is still an extremely strong brand. You'd have to know a fair bit about what's going on to turn down a PS3 at lower prices... and most people don't. The bulk of people will be expecting the same fun they had with their PS2, and will jump at that as soon as it is semi-affordable. The fact that there are no decent games for it will only come to bite them in the ass later.
  6. Google nullDC. Download it. It is the program that will run the game. Now you need 2 things which are illegal to have; -a disc image of the Shenmue disc. -a rom dump of the Dreamcast BIOS. You will need to download all these things first. We can't tell you where to get the last 2 for legality's sake but once you've got all that stuff then we can talk.
  7. The way I read it, 'Need to Chill' was about who shared personal stuff with the community. Not as in who 'needed to lighten up' or chill out. Sorry- I didn't mean anything negative with that vote.
  8. I think he means in terms of their elaborate online / matchmaking modes. Then again I haven't tried VF5 online so can't say.
  9. is doa4 as good as doa ultimate? Its got a couple more characters than DOA2 Ultimate, less costumes, less stages, but otherwise the fighting system is just the same, except the counters are harder to do. The AI has also gone from piss easy to the b!tch at the default setting.
  10. Like he gave a bad review on purpose? I should hope so. Kane & Lynch isn't part of a series though so no reason for him to have it in for the franchise or anything like that.
  11. As much as I couldn't stand Greg Kasavin, I liked Jeff Gerstmann. If you don't know who he is, he was, until recently, Editor in Chief at Gamespot.com where he had worked for more than 10 years. Now out of the blue he gets fired and the rumour is that its because of the 6/10 scathing he dealt to Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, a game which has had ads plastered all over Gamespot until recently. Here is the conclusion of his review; the video review is far more scathing, calling it an 'ugly, ugly game' and is conveniently missing from the K&L pages at Gamespot. Basically this stinks. Whether or not he got fired over this (what else could it have been?) it sucks that Gerstmann is gone. I've been quick to denounce Gamespot's integrity in the past, but I still think they've sunk to a new low now that he's out. Anyone care enough to want to weigh in on this? Source: Joystiq... and a bunch of other places. Penny Arcade for the comic. Daily Motion for the review link.
  12. This is how I think it works; There is no 3d / z-axis depth to it. It is just a number of animation frames in one direction, and then the same frames reversed in the other. Then it repeats. Which way you see it rotating is based on which motion you see first- if you see the left-to-right animation first, the brain connects the frames and assumes the movement is going in that direction and when it reverses direction your mind rationalises this as a rotation around a central axis. Basically it takes the first direction of motion as happening in the foreground, and the second as happening in the background just so the animation complies with our perception of 3d space. If you see left-to-right first, that means you'll see a counter-clockwise rotation. If you see right-to-left first, you'll think its going clockwise. Might just be rambling, but it would explain why, when you look away or obstruct the motion for a while, you can see the opposite direction when you look back. Incidentally I don't think it has much to do with which side of the brain is more active.
  13. King of Fighters XII is going to be 2d gameplay, 3d cel-shaded graphics. If they're game to do it, maybe that's where Capcom got the confidence from.
  14. Why shouldn't those have been on the list? They're all great games... high level competitive play does not make a game. I actually think using the term 'mainstream' to differentiate between good and bad is actually pretty short-sighted You could make the case that high level play is about exploiting weaknesses in the game engine - those crazy Genei Jin infinite juggle type things - and ultimately make worse games overall for that reason. It also makes those games a lot harder to break into. I'm sure a lot of people are have had a lot more fun playing casual stuff like Killer Instinct and Dead or Alive than the hardcore following that mastered something like KoF98. Not to say there wasn't broken infinite stuff in Killer Instinct either, but it was a lot more accessible to the layman- who's to say which matters more when making a list? I agree about SSB though- as far as the other 9 entries go in defining what a fighting game is, SSB stands out. I'd say its more a senseless party brawl than a disciplined fighting game.
  15. No but either a port of it, or its sequel is coming. The devs just signed up as licensed Xbox devlopers.
  16. There is something of a saturation of FPS games out recently, but there aren't all that many. I do have a problem with clone after clone of whatever the first WW2 shooter was coming out, but there have been some cool ones like STALKER in the last year or so. I usually point out UT as not being from the generic shooter mold but given UT3...
  17. They basically go through every half-decent fighting franchise in history and pick the best game from it. Its not very fair- I think SF2, SF3 and SFA should all have places there, while some crap like SSB shouldn't.
  18. Super Turbo still isn't 3rd Strike. I think 3S is better than any SF2 revision, taken as games on their own. If you're going for historical significance then yeh SF2 is up there. But in terms of how good games they are, its like trying to make a case for Pong being on the greatest games of all time list. Sure it was important... but the today the game itself just sucks.
  19. Here the cheapest is $140AUD which is about MYR420. That's a big hit. Guess that was a nice deal you got Congrats.
  20. Lol so much for waiting till January? Makes me want to sell my body on the corner and splurge on GH3 aswell.
  21. SF2 might have the legacy and may have been one of the first or whatever... but at the end of the day its a stiff, broken, ugly dinosaur of a game. SF3 is at least everything SF2 was, just refined a great deal and a lot more fun to play. Not to mention prettier. Impact aside, SF3 is definitely the better game.
  22. I was so geared up for #1 to be SF2.... and then they switched it out for something a lot of people might have never heard of. I respect that.
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