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Everything posted by BlackKnight

  1. You'd have to do a wave dump in something like Gens. I don't think there's a way to directly rip and then convert the music to something listenable.
  2. 2.5D is really the only practical option left to them. 2D is too resource intensive and frowned upon, and I think guys like Sven are savvy enough to realise 3D is a big no.
  3. What package? That is probably just a subscription to Live Gold. You don't need to pay to get a gamercard / gamertag.
  4. My system is stable. I've been running my current setup for a while now. I solved the intermittent crashes with one config entry; UTEngine.ini bInitializeShadersonDemand = False changed to bInitializeShadersonDemand = True Not my system issue. Just shows UT3 was rushed out the door.
  5. I just got my copy today and... what the hell? This is the buggiest, most troublesome piece of software I've ever used. UT3 seems to crash randomly sometimes 1 min into gameplay, sometimes after 10 mins, sometimes on startup. I've needed to hard reboot at least 10 times in the last hour or so... I've applied the latest patch, set modest settings, got my latest vid and sound card drivers... P4 3.06Ghz 1GB RAM GF 6600GT - Latest beta drivers SB Live Any ideas anyone? This is extremely frustrating to say the least...
  6. You mean a physical card? No you don't get one. This is my 'gamercard'.
  7. Gackt is a loser. Any Japanese man who claims to have wrestled a tribal chief in Madagascar to the ground with his bare hands deserves to be shot. Please don't resurrect 2 year old threads.
  8. Just register via the console the first time you sign into Live.
  9. Azure Dreams Diablo II Granstream Saga Jade Coccoon
  10. I feel I need to add 'I want my THotD4 360 port'. Interesting though- I always had the idea that the Lindbergh was on par with the 360 at least.
  11. I agree with your thoughts on every point. The other thing they aren't thinking of is for every time 'game X' is downloaded, it does not mean the person would have gone out and bought 'title X' if they couldn't pirate it. Each download does not equal one stolen sale.
  12. November 1 2007. PAL Premium console with HDMI. BenQ drive.
  13. Just wondering if anyone has a link to, or would like to write for 1emu, a complete up-to-date guide for flashing a 360 drive with a custom firmware? I mean everything from detecting the drive and hardware models, to dismantling and flashing, to creating backups for use on it. Anyone knowledgeable about all this?
  14. Am I it understand that Live isn't detecting hacked drives, just badly copied games? If that is the case you could just buy what you want to play online and pirate the rest...
  15. Nah they had a student teacher relationship. I mean the old King and old Armor King... who knows what the deal with the new zombie Armor King is.
  16. It doesn't make DVDs. It is a video editing program and my favourite one. Professionally, Avid MediaComposer is the most respected program for video editing. FinalCut Pro is gaining popularity but still can't touch Avid. Premiere Pro comes in a distant last in terms of industry adoption, but if that doesn't bother you then use it. It's by far the most user friendly solution for a Windows environment and as I say unless you're a professional you really won't know or care about the differences between the 3. Just to reiterate, I love Premiere Pro.
  17. Thrown in for flavour no doubt. Ancient Hebrew words make good stock names from demons in games these days, judging by how many there are.
  18. I'd say it could fit on a CD if you don't include all the stock assets and tutorial stuff.
  19. I mean Sigma is just an update of Ninja Gaiden 1. Ninja Gaiden II, a real sequal, is coming to the 360.
  20. Use Adobe Encore DVD CS3. It is pretty straightforward and lets you do most anything you want to. If you want to create really intricate menus, you can make them in Photoshop and export the PSDs with button groups, or if you know your way around AfterEffects you can make some really good motion menus in there. In each case you can just import what you make back into Encore to use in your DVD. Encore itself lets you put together basic custom menus and arrange the DVD timelines however you want even if you don't want to bother with those other apps- its definitely the program I'd recommend.
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