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Everything posted by BlackKnight

  1. I'm just comparing him- a fairly straightforward reptile-like monster- to True Ogre, who was half bat, half wolf thing... snakes for hands... That was really a 'WTF' character design.
  2. He makes a little more sense than True Ogre at least. Still I agree with the 'WTF' sentiments. Could this be the thing Dragunov was 'resurrecting' in Dark Resurrection? So does this mean no Jinpachi, no Devil Kazuya, no Ogre in T6?
  3. Ghosts or subconscious desires manifesting themselves? However you cut it, I'd go for the second one.
  4. The compatibility list is here. It might vary a bit depending on the region of the games, but not by much. Just in case, here's another link to the update you'll need if your 360 is still offline.
  5. Well then learn to read. It would have been better to reply to this rather than create a new thread, seeing as some people's impressions of the game have already been posted here.
  6. I've got to finish; Quake 4 Prey Halo 2 Need for Speed Most Wanted in that order. Before I can rest in piece. I mean peace.
  7. Its still better than nothing. I'd fall over backwards if either of the 2 high end commercial sticks came out for the Xbox.
  8. Remind me how this isn't a thread about personal opinions?
  9. If you're talking about the DOA4 stick, it is exactly the same size as that stick. Its actually the exact same hardware, inside and out, just with different paint.
  10. Get the US version of VF5 if you can . There is a Hori stick for the 360- it is basically the same as their Fighting Stick 2 for the PS2. So not HRAP / VSHG quality but a pretty decent stick anyway. I've got the PS2 one and love it. There isn't GH1 for the 360, but Welcome to the Jungle is in GH3.
  11. Oh snap! Nice work LSD except... you didn't get any of the same games as me!! Hehe srsly get Gears of War. I went off it for a while, but now having finished it (twice) and played online a bit I really appreciate it. Also if you get VF5, I guess I'll have to starve for a week and then fork over the cash myself. What's the status of 360 backups and region protection? If there isn't any get the US version... I'll do the same. As for XBOX1 games, get Unreal Championship 2 and Halos if you haven't played them.
  12. I'll let the vid do most of the talking... ...wtf game is this?
  13. Yeh it blacklists your console's ID. The BC program is huge- it has specialised XBOX 360 executables for the games running from the HDD. It also copies / caches / converts certain data and runs that from the HDD too... depending on the game. All up the backwards compatibility partition is about 4-6GB. Btw don't listen to exzapel on IRC. Modding an XBOX is hard, requires hardware dismantling and a lot more than just a SATA controller. 10 times as difficult and risky as modding a PSP at least. It can, and will be BANNED as well. Flashed firmware is the first thing MS looks for when they go on their banning sprees.
  14. Jasper has all 65nm processes for all chips. It won't be out till Q4 2008 though so don't count on it. I disagree that the Arcade is the best purchase. The Pro is the best deal overall- without a HDD you are locking yourself out of; -Downloadable Content -XBOX1 BC -Live Demos, Trailers, Bigger Arcade Games... You miss out on a lot of the fun stuff the 360 has if you don't have an HDD. And given the price of the drive on its own, its not exactly feasible to get it later.
  15. If you get an XBOX 360 Arcade, or a Pro with Forza + Viva Pinata, they are guaranteed to have HDMI. It also says on their boxes. They are the latest hardware configs so far. The Elite and Halo editions have HDMI, but might not have the other latest stuff depending on your local inventory.
  16. I've had 1GB of RAM in my comp since I bought it 4 years ago. I've upgraded video cards, put in drives but never bothered getting more RAM. I'll also take whatever advice is given here.
  17. And to think Sigma is just an update of the last gen game... hold your breath for Ninja Gaiden II on the 360 if you like that.
  18. But the thing is, all of those a games are significantly flawed in one way or another. 10/10 reviews are hardly ever justified, let alone by games with disappointing single player campaigns, poor hardware use or pointless sandbox gameplay. I think this article is perfect evidence of how $ and hype make the industry today what it is. Less than half the list are new IPs as well... This is just an age of a superfluous amount of games with big budgets. The 'golden age' of gaming, where games were about fun mechanics and not a lot of flash, is long past.
  19. The materials aren't as cheap as you think and neither is the complicated fabrication process.
  20. Well at least you didn't offer to wait around. That would've been the deathblow right there.
  21. What are the thoughts here on the iPhone? Innovative revolution or iPod craze Mk.2?
  22. I don't have a problem with computers or laptops... just with the images of an eaten apple and that roostery bastich Steve Jobs. EDIT: Censored part bolded for hilarity.
  23. The storyline link between Unreal and Unreal Tournament is almost non-existent however. Hell, the stories between UT games themselves have barely anything to do with eachother apart from some corporation names and some of the same characters. There was a lot of backstory and innuendo suggested at in the first UT, but all those things seem to have been forgotten about. From what I can tell of the story in UT3 from the SP trailer, someone really flocked up.
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