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Everything posted by BlackKnight

  1. Well you Could use the Pandora's Box to downgrade it but you would need someone to lend you a psp thats has 1.50 firmware or a Custom Firmware cause that how I got the 3.40OE on my 3.52 Official. if you want the program I used just let me know ok. This is old news and you are offering reverse engineered Sony code to another user. It's illegal, don't do it here.
  2. Lol. Hilarious. I find the most amusing part that he didn't pretend to be just one guy, but a team of Russians (of all people) who vote on when they release stuff. What's the status on official firmware releases post 3.52 for the fat PSP?
  3. The latest amazing MGS4 trailer. TGS 07 and in English. You can also get a round up of all the info to date at the Official MGS4 Site.
  4. I agree. I was wanting to be convinced into buying this. Gamepark doesn't seem like its even trying.
  5. I would have enjoyed seeing Bellick flocked around a year or 2 ago- coming out of Season 1 I really hated the guy. Since then though he's been on the verge of suicide, screwed over and framed for murder twice. Now I just feel sorry for him.
  6. 350,000 in Japan. Not as much as Monster Hunter Portable 2, but still respectable.
  7. QTF? I've said it before.. why the hell is this called 'Guilty Gear 2'?
  8. I really wasn't that keen on Encore so I'm hoping he brings out something great to remember him by.
  9. It's a rumour about the new title- he recently went on air to promote Curtis and said he might not even end up making a new album at all. Still, I hope he does.
  10. I'm not a fan of either really but I'm surprised. I mean I knew Kanye had the mainstream appeal but moreso than 50 Cent? Interesting. Still it'll take Eminem releasing a new album before I venture into that territory again (I hope he does btw).
  11. Prison Break Season 3 had its premiere on Monday. Who watches it, and what did you think of the new episode? Personally I was let down. There were so many threads from the second season that seem to have been ignored completely. It seems like everything that happened wasn't part of some grand design but just a cheap way to get all the main characters in gaol again. The new prison, Sona, doesn't seem half as menacing as it was meant to be either. Everything from Michael being back, to having to break someone new out, and even to his brother's continued nonchalance toward to what's going on, seems trite, convenient and a rehash of the first season. I'm unimpressed. It's a shame since this was my favourite show at the moment. Guess I'll have to now wait until Nip / Tuck starts again next month. But that's just me... what'd y'all think of Orientacion?
  12. A leaked TGS line-up from Square-Enix lists Endless Crisis: Final Fantasy VII for the PlayStation 3 as their premiere announcement. Bogus? 50-50... ...considering 2 hidden endings in the recently released Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. The first has been talked about since the game's release- it basically ties the end of Crisis Core to the beginning of FFVII. However the second, viewable after a second run-though, appears to be a re-edit of the footage originally shown of the elusive FFVII remake for the PS3, except with new footage woven in and new narrative attached. Here are some screens; We recently had some FFVII remake chatter, but what do y'all think of these more recent developments? I stand by a straight remix being unnecessary, but if these new details hint at a new spin-off / sequel set during or after the original game, then I'm all down for that. Either way, does the remake now have a name - Endless Crisis: Final Fantasy VII? Source: [1][2][3][4][5]
  13. Thread resurrection & posted rom links. Expect a suspension.
  14. I think this kid was being deliberately antagonistic and got what he deserved. 4 reasons; 1) If he was seriously trying to contribute to the debate, he should have asked his question and waited for an answer, instead of turning the forum into a bombardment of interrogatory accusations. None of the points he raised, except for the first, were relevant or even pertinent, especially if Kerry was about to answer him. 2) Disrespecting (patting off) the guard and using the term 'blow job' in a serious discussion don't show he deserved to be tasered, but do show that he wasn't taking the occasion seriously and deserved to be removed. 3) When security tried to remove him, he cried and screamed like a tantrumming 3-year-old and tried to resist being removed. Essentially he was causing disturbance during an important event and needed to be taken out of there. 4) Even when he was warned that they were going to taser him he didn't shut up and stop interrupting what was going on. The way he behaved suggests to me this punk was not there to contribute anything - just to stir up trouble with his conspiracy theories. If he wanted an answer he would have had one. Instead he chose to act like a typical martyr tool and cause a big commotion. As for why the students clap - they probably know the guy is an attention-seeking whore and were frankly glad that he got owned for it this time. He didn't need to be removed if he had taken the occasion seriously and shown respect for his visitor or peers. If he had the sense to act his age and to willingly step out after acting a male organ, he wouldn't have been arrested or tasered either - none of this would have happened and he wouldn't be the martyr vying for attention (that he probably wanted to be) on all the news the next day. Instead he chose to be an immature ass, and here we all are now.
  15. Good work all round, but no need to make fun of Jackson. The man is a legend!!
  16. Cheers LSD. I finally got a bit of time to breathe atm so I'm gonna give this a decent try. Btw, I didn't notice before but ur mad sig is 14MB :S.
  17. You can do it on eBay... you just have to list it a bit creatively.
  18. People do it on eBay a lot. Whole accounts and gold I mean. It's against their terms though, so just in case the buyer gets banned demand payment up front.
  19. Sorry, we aren't allowed to tell you and you aren't allowed to ask. It's the rules :/.
  20. Diablo II... $65... PS1... ?? Anyway I'm just waiting for Nintendo to stop selling the Wii and to come out and say 'haha the jokes on you millions of dancing, flailing, unco-ordinated morons- here's our real next gen console.'
  21. If one of you could give me the idiot's guide to the combat I'd much appreciate. I get you press square to dodge, triangle to guard, L and R to select and attack and circle to execute... But... how do you select the items that are available to you in battle? And how do you control the roulette thing?
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