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Everything posted by BlackKnight

  1. I don't know... I can't justify it except to the extremely non-computer savvy... This coming from an avid Myst fan too.
  2. You'd have to put the saves on a USB key, and plug that in. Then, with some PS2 end software like uLaunchELF, you can copy the saves to / from your Memory Card. Alternatively you can use a Network Adapter, an ethernet cable, and a PC to do the same thing using that program.
  3. No, he's just showing how messed up their economy is~ Haha jk- it's the same in Australia. If something is $49AUD I consider it a bargain when that is still more than $39USD.
  4. Its not really an FPS at all. Only one class really gets played from the first person, and thats the Marksman. Even then it is only when he needs to use a sniper or something. The rest is from the same ole 3rd person perspective like other RPGs.
  5. I just got upto speed on the recent developments regarding Hellgate: London, from the developer Flagshit, mostly consisting of the talent behind Diablo II, one of my most beloved games of all time. The World -Heavily instanced, ala Guild Wars. -Ramdomised layouts, spawns and drops ala Diablo. Character -3 classes; Templar, Cabalist and Hunter. -2 subclasses of each; Templar Blademasters and Guardians, Cabalist Summoners and Evokers, Hunter Marksmen and Engineers. Online -Free for basic access. -$10USD / month for 'elite' subscription which includes new content as is available, and far enhanced abilities (more storage space, a lot more character slots etc etc) -'Founder's Key' available for pre-orders; a $150USD lifetime elite subscription. A beta is also available right now for people with pre-order codes. So what do people think of this game so far? My main beef with my WoW is its boring combat- this game seems to be closer to Diablo's hack'n'slash gameplay. I've seen videos of Blademasters using whirlwind to cut through swathes of demons at once, for instance. On the other hand, the free online system seems to be an extremely gimped version of the paid mode, which sucks. Also the graphics and effects don't seem as awe-inspiring as they maybe should be. The Summoner's demons look flockn amazing, while the Evoker's massive thunder cloud chucks pissy bolts that barely look like they'd scratch a demon.
  6. What is a Metal Slug video game console? An AES? A port for the PlayStation or something? We all know how to get the game working on your comp- use an emulator like MAME. However, unless you own a PC version, you have no legal right to play the game on your comp. Basically you're asking for a rom and that's not allowed. Sorry.
  7. Yet again I am at an impasse about next-gen purchasing. Should I get a PS3 or a 360? I'm really leaning toward Microsoft's machine with its arcade. Ikaruga is coming to that too btw. Maybe if I got one I could finally bear shelfing my Dreamcast...
  8. I'm surprised the Wii has only now caught up. Not that I think it deserves its success though, or that it will last.
  9. Same and agreed. Except for the last part... its good when they pay close homage like that so if the games are popular they should make more spin-offs of them, but leave the originals intact. Both would cost roughly the same in terms of dev time.
  10. Internet for the first time. Good times. Doom, Doom 2, Duke... Monster Truck Madness!!!!! Are you ready for Microsoft's Monster Truck Madness?? Great times.
  11. I'm going to say not liking IX is a taste thing, but just on those points; -Better story than FFVIII? Are you mad? That story had conflict, emotion... a complex non-linear drama. IX was just your standard rag-tag bunch of miscreants averting the end of the world with some occasional character development and backstory thrown in randomly. -More interesting character design? They were all a bunch of cliches. Admittedly that was because the game was an intentional throwback to the FF series of old, but still. -Limiting characters to certain roles I thought was a bad idea. It frustrated the hell out of me after the seemingly endless combinations of characters you could use and set up in VII and VIII. Again I know it is a throwback to the old job system but I think it was a little outdated mechanic by the time of IX. -Chocobo games.. I can't argue. I never played any of them, except the whole racing thing in VII. That was cool. -Subquests again I thought were much stronger in VII and VIII. Remember the insane fights against Emerald and Ruby, or Ultima at the bottom of that hellish research facility? Or busting out materia combinations that cast Knights of the Round again and again, or hero-ing up chain Lionhearts for 99,999+ damage each? When it comes to IX I just remember a hippie-coloured ball in the sky and weak trance moves. And wtf was with Necron?? I suppose if I cared about the series before VIII I would have taken more to IX. I just typically hate Japanese RPGs in general, and particularly enjoyed the wayward direction taken in VII and VIII (although I played VIII first). It had an engaging story, likable characters and a stylish battle system revolving around summoned monsters; my favourite part of the series. Compared to that, IX seemed formulaic and flat on every level. I just couldn't get into it - it is also the only FF that I've played to the end, but not bothered getting all the secret stuff afterward. I just wanted to be done with it. This was a long time ago so I can't remember if this is just melodramatic or not, but I think FFIX might have been the game that put me off RPGs altogether for the longest time.
  12. Well, although everyone's gonna come out with teh 1984-style M$ hate, I think this is perfectly alright. Assuming they don't have their trademarked flock ups with legit users having their functionality 'reduced', this is a good move. Almost everyone I know that bothers to use Vista has a pirated install. Its only fair Microsoft makes them pay up - even this is just an elaborate ruse designed to scare a non-savvy few into doing so.
  13. Downey Jr. is cool in that... the rest was pretty ghey.
  14. Haha I ROFLed that it was an Australian retail one that found its way into someone's hands early.
  15. Pandora and its original memory stick don't work. However the service mode itself is still accessible with the battery, as evidenced by M33's latest CFW.
  16. FFIX? What are you guys on? I know it seems like the popular thing to hate on that game but I seriously didn't like it.
  17. Yeh, but I think the fact that people go so out of their way to compile those things to libel the guy says more about them than Mr. Bush.
  18. What resources? You said it was worth getting since it has a USB interface- everyone with a PS2 has that.
  19. A lot . Get them all out now and play them. 1-3 are great... 4 isn't as good but still worth the time and better than most of the chaff out there.
  20. But both models of PS2 have USB ports, and the current exploits let you use them to transfer saves...
  21. Firstly how does it 'deserve' a remake? If it was really that good, then it should be able to prevail through time, not just get passed over because its graphics look first-gen 3d. Or were you one of those that were wowed by the then-mindblowing cutscenes? To all those people that love FFVII, go play it again. Secondly, why would you even want a remake? Again if the game is that great then it can only go downhill. Better graphics won't be all that come with a remake- it'll have a rescored / remixed soundtrack, re-written dialogue, a new 3d engine and probably a different aesthetic. There is no way a multi-million-dollar endeavour like remaking FFVII will stop at a graphical facelift, which is good. The bad part about a reinterpretation is that it will soil your original fond memories, while there wouldn't really be that much point in doing a straight visual upgrade for the hell of it. Also do you really want Cloud and Sephiroth talking? The movie is a different matter btw. Just to put this ramble in some context, remember how Metal Gear Solid, the best game of the PSX's generation, was remade and how we all just choose to pretend it wasn't.
  22. L.S.D has posted a new review of Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops for the PSP. Read the full review and leave your comments here.
  23. Excellent review - you got around to mentioning everything important about this portable Metal Gear. I don't blame you for giving it a 'low' score either and really think 7.9 might be a bit generous. It's everything that Metal Gear should be, and Ac!d isn't, but only on paper. In execution the game fails and I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so .
  24. I still want to play roms on my old non-progressive TV. Until someone figures that out, I say NAY to PSP S&L.
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