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  1. Hello there! I've been gone for a while, kinda gave up on burning the CDI's for a few weeks but I decided to give it another shot. And guess what I got some more images to work when burnt with different settings in Discjuggler. I managed to copy the Dolmexica release of Ikaruga just by using some different settings in DJ when creating the image, here's the settings I used it create the .CDI. In the Advanced tab of Create CD and DVD images I checked the following options: Scan gaps/indexes ISRC and UPC CD-TEXT Ignore Read errors PO RAW read Overburn CD/DVD Once DJ finished creating the image I used these settings to burn the .CDI. In the Advanced tab of Burn CD and DVD Images I checked these options to burn the CDI image of Ikaruga: Mode 2 Block: 2048 CD-TEXT PQ Add post-gap to 3rd party images RAW write Overburn CD/DVD Once DJ finished burning the CDI, it WORKS!!! IT WORKS IN MY DREAMCAST!!! I used the same settings to burn other .CDI's such as, Powerstone 2, Gigawing and Radilgy which all works! I also burnt Trizeal wth CloneCD because it was a .ccd and that worked. Now I tried using the same settings to burn other .CDI's like the Pelican MP3 Player, Metal Slug - Super Vehicle 001 II, GunBird 2 and Bangai-O but none of these worked. Could it be because I bunrt them on different drives? I burnt the trizeal and the others on my sisters laptop and the Pelican MP3 Player on this computers drive, and so far all the ones I burnt on my sister's laptop worked and the ones I burnt on this PC hasnt, apart from Under Defeat and the DC Shooter Pack. It really doesn't seem why one drive would differ from the other when using the same settings to burn! Can someone tell me the specific settings they use when burning either .nrg .mdf .cdi .ccd and whatever other formats there is? Do you guys use the same settings when burning the same format images? Thanks very much! EDIT: OMG! I just tried to burn the ones that didnt work after being burnt on the PC on my sister's latop and they work yes they really do work! how WEIRD!
  2. i use discjuggler too for .cdi but none of the ones i have works, they were all .cdi images wat settings did you use to burn the games gfunk?
  3. im 100% sure that my DC plays CD-R games, i have ikaruga and under defeat on burnt disks, under defeat i burnt myself and it works. ikaruga i bought and its a CD-R which works no problem too i have tried almost every single setting i can in alcohol and discjuggler but it still doesnt work im starting to think its the images i've downloaded of the games and not the disks!
  4. i've had enough! in total i now have 20 wasted CD-R's just trying to burn Ikaruga and none works. i have downloaded more than one if this game, .ccd, .cdi. nrg. they are have 2 sessions, like the image i posted on this topic's PG.1 but none of them works! the under defeat image i downloaded works no problem at all and its a CDI, the same as the last ikaruga i tried burning, with the same settings. right now im downloading other DC images and see if they work and if they do im going to conclude that its only Ikaruga that doesnt work! by the way does anyone here live in england that is willing to burn a few ikaruga's for me? i can send you the disk or you can charge me per disk!
  5. i wish i knew that earlier.... so this image, below, should work when burnt on standard settings in alcohol, since that's the only program i have that recognises that image. but i have already tried burning this on RAW mode and it doesnt work, i've burning it on normal settings and let you know all the other ikaruga images i downloaded have 3 tracks! edit: burning it on normal settings didnt work either!
  6. OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! A MIRACLE HAS HAPPENED! i just dowloaded a .cdi of under defeat and burnt the image with discjuggler on these settings MODE: MODE 2 BLOCK: 2048 Offset: 0bytes TOC: CD_DA SPEED: 8X RAW Write Overburn CD/DVD Add post gap to 3rd party images AND IT WORKS! MY FIRST WORKING BURNT GAME! now im gonna try ikaruga!
  7. I have a codebreaker boot dsik to play different region games (I use it for test drive le mans US), is this a boot disk or just a disk to play different region games? i have also burnt utopia 1.3 but my dreamcast doesnt seem to recognise the disk at all, i put it in, the disk starts to spin and makes some strange noises, like the laser is moving up and down continuesly. could it be my dreamcast is a HKT-3030? but then again the Ikaruga i bought works fine so im not totally sure if its the model. im using MAXELL CD-R's, i heard that some brands are better than others while some brands dont work at all, im gonna buy a few VERBATIM CD-R's (the same as the Ikaruga I bought) Madman, shall I send you me msn address so i can send you the .rar of the Ikaruga's I downloaded? or shall i upload it somewhere then send the link to you via a PM? Thanks very much!
  8. thanks for seperating my question, i didnt know about the whole topic bumping but i wont do it anymore i now have a request, if I send you the .rar of Ikaruga (through MSN or i'll upload it somewhere) which contains a selfboot .cdi image of it would anyone be able to test it for me? i mean actually unzip the file and actually burning it to a disc and test it on their dreamcast, and if it does work, would you then be able to tell me exactly which program they did it with and with what settings? thanks very much! i really appreciate it if comeone can do this, i just found out that one of the 2 disks produced a disk error while playing the game
  9. so do i have to start a new topic about this?
  10. hi, im new to this whole burning rips to cds and amking them work on dc's and i need some help (sorry for bring up an old topic) i downloaded 2 dolmexica release of Ikaruga both celf boot, one in .cdi and one in .nrg I have alcohol 120%, newest version nero 5+6 ultra edition discjuggler pro newst version now i have plenty of blank cd-rs to play with but I would like to save as much as possible for future games 1st problem when i burn the game in nero 5+6, using the method suggested in this topic and when i put it into my DC, i can hear the disk spinning but it doesnt load, i have the same problem with discjuggler and alcohol 2nd problem i bought another ikaruga off ebay, i thought it was the real thing but it turns out to be a home burnt dolmexica release too and it does work perfectly, i tried to copy this disk for a backup but nero, alcohol, discjuggler all say that there is a reading error at 48%. so if that guy who burnt it and it works fine how come i cant create a copy of it, i tried creating an image in different formats such as cdi, nrg but none seems to get past 48%. can anyone help me? i have read everysingle reply to this topic but none seems to be a solution. btw i like this forum, since i can actually discuss about copying games without getting banned! i love it!
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