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Everything posted by GodPigeon

  1. A parody of GTA sounds considerably more fun, actually. I might look into this game. Yea man, i was iffy about buying Saints Row 2. But i did the ENTIRE game Co-op with a friend, and it is Hella fun. When they were making GTA, they mustve forgot that Key idea in games......FUN. Saints Row didnt, and it magnifies it completely. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/vie...12-Saints-Row-2
  2. Saints Row 2 is So much better then GTA4, and it didnt get anything near a 10/10. GTA got 10/10 only because its a GTA title. And to continue my GoW2 Hate. I present:
  3. I thought it was dead long ago. Ehh I dont miss it
  4. I buy games to have em for a rainy day lol I havent finished most games i own, il get to a part that i get stuck in, leave it there for months, try again and magically get passed that level i couldnt before. Only games that keep me going back are online multiplayer games(Gears of war/Call of Duty)
  5. Get gears of war on PC, we can play anytime =]
  6. Ouch lol Back to PC it is.
  7. I wouldnt say sega is paying them, but more like Sonic is getting free points for being.......sonic lol
  8. Im Usually in a party of 3 or 4. When im in a party of 2, i play wingman. Havent seen you in awhile or maybe i just been missing your post. BUt I agree with you, played online for an hour it was like....um .....ok I got halfway done and traded it. GOW2 to me was just like GOW1, if you didn't like multiplayer chances are you sucked at the game. So it has to be cause i suck? Couldnt POSSIBLY be that the chainsaw walks through shots, that even with my terrible connection they make me host and the entire match is unplayable until the majority of the players leave, and then when you FINALLY find a good match, everyone is playing like crap by ONLY using smoke grenades and chainsaws...............yea it HAS to be cause i suck and NOT AT ALL because the game is broken as flock. I guess thats GOW2 because GOW1 had none of what you just spoke of. I dont have a crappy connection so I rarely get any lag, and smoke grenades and chainsaws? Ever heard of the sniper rifle/shot gun? Headshots do kill, so it has to be you. You could always tag them with a grenade, and if chainsaws avoid bullets then why dont you do that chainsaw combat? I mean isn't that what it was meant for? Yes gears of war 2. And all that stuff is what the other players are doing, not me. I try to avoid use of the lancer at all times. It takes the fun out of the game by getting easy kills that require NO skill at all. And my connection sucks...................for hosting, otherwise i dont get lag either but this DSL connection cannot handle 10 players at the same time. The thing is...I KNOW THIS, so why in the world would i ever host? I wouldnt. and GoW1 gave you that option, GoW2 doesnt. When i play, i play well, but the game is hard to enjoy with it catering to noobs and being buggy as hell. Il stick to GOW1 until they fix all of that.
  9. Im Usually in a party of 3 or 4. When im in a party of 2, i play wingman. Havent seen you in awhile or maybe i just been missing your post. BUt I agree with you, played online for an hour it was like....um .....ok I got halfway done and traded it. GOW2 to me was just like GOW1, if you didn't like multiplayer chances are you sucked at the game. So it has to be cause i suck? Couldnt POSSIBLY be that the chainsaw walks through shots, that even with my terrible connection they make me host and the entire match is unplayable until the majority of the players leave, and then when you FINALLY find a good match, everyone is playing like crap by ONLY using smoke grenades and chainsaws...............yea it HAS to be cause i suck and NOT AT ALL because the game is broken as flock.
  10. Gears of war 2. Worst. Online. Experience. Ever!
  11. IDK guys, when i first picked the game up, COD4 came into mind. The Button Mapping, the running, and the Aiming. If it came down to the weapons, COD3 then, but it does feel a bit like call of duty. Thats all i meant to say.
  12. Far Cry 2 isn't for everyone. The game doesn't really change story wise or gameplay wise (you just get more weapons) so if you're really not liking it now then you may not like it at all. What I've been noticing is that people either really like the game or they don't like it at all. The game feels so unoriginal, another COD4 clone. I played a bit more and im enjoying it, lets see how it goes. It is nothing like CoD4. After a bit more of playing, i take that back. But it is quite similar.
  13. Far Cry 2 isn't for everyone. The game doesn't really change story wise or gameplay wise (you just get more weapons) so if you're really not liking it now then you may not like it at all. What I've been noticing is that people either really like the game or they don't like it at all. The game feels so unoriginal, another COD4 clone. I played a bit more and im enjoying it, lets see how it goes.
  14. I got Far Cry 2 and i dont like it so far, but if you say later on it gets better, il give it a shot. For me, all i play is Gears of War 1 lol, but aside from that Fallout 3 for PC takes the cake for me. I Wouldve said Gears 2 but its too buggy for me to enjoy.
  15. What game is it??
  16. When Agozer does push-ups, hes really pushing the world down!
  17. You Lost me At FF7 not being a good game.....
  18. Looks real to me, but obviously just not Bruce Lee.
  19. I never got to modding my Xbox, but this site is really nice. Bookmarked for when i get to it.
  20. Wha? Do you mind expanding on that?
  21. i HATE the MP on this game sooo much!!! Straight Noobs, weak shotguns, overpowered Lancers and Glitches Galore. Horde mode however is insanely addictive.
  22. Another Question, what Video card do you have?
  23. He was Kidding.....kinda lol
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