Ok now i got some other stuff going on here. On ePSXe, the game plays Flawlessly, but on bossfights it i get the "ePSXe has encountered a Problem and has to close" message. So in order to get past this part, i switch to psX, but psX gives me Both Graphical and Sound issues. The Sound is all broken up and as for the graphics, here is a Screenshot of how it looks on ePSXe(bottem) and psX(top), in this pic it may not look that bad, but its annoying while you play. here are the Configs for psX And for ePSXe 1.6.0: Video: Pete's OpenGL Driver 1.76 (Settings or on 'Nice') Sound: ePSXe SPU core 1.5.2. (everything is checked on) CD-ROM: ePSXe CDR WNT/W2K core 1.5.2. (Untouched)