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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by GodPigeon

  1. Most Wanted is alot better then Carbon. The fact that you need a teammate or that your teammate can win the race for you just sucks and takes out the fun in the game. Carbon Hill is extremely Gay. And Police Chases Just arent very fun in the dark.
  2. GodPigeon

    Girl troubles

    Well thats not as bad as me. Im kind of in "L**E" with my best friend for YEARS!!!! And she once told me i was off Limits............
  3. No, i posted a DL link with the Fight itself. I dont see how its not allowed but if its against the rules then i cant really do much. EDIT: looks like me and Mooney Went at the same time.
  4. This fight was straight BULLSHIT. Oscar shouldve won that. Mayweather had more Hits and a higher percentage but oscar had more Power hits and his had more effect. So Now Mayweather is going to retire because he knows Oscar is coming back at him. Even Mayweather SR. said that Oscar shouldve won that fight.
  5. Media Center Edition 2005 Fix Vista Fix (EAT THAT MICROSOFT) Ask in my forum (Link in Siggeh)
  6. Sometimes 6.0 stops working or something goes wrong and the older one usually works. So its there Just in case
  7. I have a DOS version of Metal Gear Solid Duke Nukem 2 Jazz Jackrabbit Doom 2 Wolfenstien 3d Super Gizmoz and Gadgets Dino Park Tycoon
  8. This movie SUCKED!!!! It was good at the beginning but they made things happen so spontaneously and out of nowhere. he goes on for like 20 mins dancing in the shyt. They repeated Action scenes over and over again. And Venom was Puny.
  9. >>Source This is Just Classic. They even Managed to spell "Ultimate" Wrong. LMFAO
  10. HALO 2!!!!!!!! i hope M$ doesnt shut this down till alot later on when we all have it already =]
  11. I <3 America. I wouldnt mind seing other places, but i wouldnt wanna live elsewhere
  12. That Game is ESA protected. So finding it on a site is out of the question. Limewire is where i got mine.
  13. Dang, i live here and got 55%. Well most of this stuff, im learning THIS YEAR so in time ....
  14. Geez, i didnt mean to trigger your Rage. Just thought it would help, obviously it doesnt according to you. Sorry for trying to Help. No rage, just anyone with any knowledge of how the internet actually works, would realize just how bogus this program is.......and how much it should disappear from the face of the earth. Understood, but You can just tell me. Im noone to tell you how to talk or what to say but was all that necessary just to tell me that the program makes no sense???
  15. Geez, i didnt mean to trigger your Rage. Just thought it would help, obviously it doesnt according to you. Sorry for trying to Help.
  16. Well even though many of You probably have this already, here is Peerguardian. It Blocks IP from RIAA GOV etc. >>Get It Here
  17. I wish i could Help, but i havent used windows 98 since like......1998. I HIGHLY doubt anyone hear has windows 98, especially if u read the System Specs Thread. Why exactly are u being forced to use Windows 98??
  18. GTA: San Andreas/Vice City Devil May Cry Need For Speed Most Wanted Super Smash Bros (Dream Land/Zeldas Castle) Luigis Mansion(Freaky ) FFVIII
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