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  1. ok thats cool then, one more thing is there any other cool programs out for the ds.
  2. which is harder to get to work thanks for all ya help i got win2ds working but finding it really hard to get pointyremote to work, this seems harder to me.
  3. what will be my server ip, i entered all the data manually but it is hanging at waiting part.
  4. im a noob at this just thought someone wud help me, i have actually tried 3 programs and i cant connect with any of them, i have tried win2ds, pointyremote and ds2key, i no i must be missing something, all the people that have got this working there must be 1 out there that can tell me the steps, this is wot i have done. 1.i have set up the connection settings on my ds thats fine 2.opened port 8888 on my router 3.started the server 4.then i load the program and i click auto connect, it does the searching and that and then i get cannotconnect 5.i tried doin the manual connection and i got as far as entering the password but then it hangs at waiting, the manual does not always work.
  6. Im not sure whats wrong, i can go online with games fine but i just cant seem to connect win2ds at all it just keeps saying cannotconnect, if some one cud go through it step by step that wud be great im new to all this and i no this is not difficult but i just cant seem to do it and if i do manage to get to the part where i have to imput a password i input it and then it hangs at waiting, this is annoying now lol. There must be something im doing wrong maybe i have missed something, u experts out there u must no the solution to this, thanks.
  7. im trying to connect win2ds to my pc but all i get is cannotconnect i dont no wot to to have opened port 8888 on my router and i am able to connect to it with games, can anyone help.
  8. im not too sure how to use this i want to use win2ds but do i have to use the wifilib, if so where do i put it.
  9. someone must no how to fix it, or if there is summat im missing, please if u no please tell me.
  10. Hi i have a ds lite, a supercard minisd with a 1gb card and a max media launcher, i have downloaded win2ds 0.5 and i have set the server up on my pc by opening the correct ports on my router, the problem is that when i go to open the nds file on my ds i just get 2 white screens, i just wondered if anyone new y. Thanks.
  11. Hi i have a ds lite, a supercard minisd with a 1gb card and a max media launcher, i have downloaded win2ds 0.5 and i have set it it on my pc by opening the correct ports on my router, the problem is that when i go to open the nds file on my ds i just get 2 white screens, i just wondered if anyone new y. Thanks.
  12. Hi i have a ds lite, a supercard minisd with a 1gb card and a max media launcher, i have downloaded win2ds 0.5 and i have set it it on my pc by opening the correct ports on my router, the problem is that when i go to open the nds file on my ds i just get 2 white screens, i just wondered if anyone new y. Thanks.
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